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Multi-grade classroom simply means that there is more
than one grade in the room, working independently or
together, with each student working towards their
individual curriculum goals for their grade level. They are
learning simultaneously, both together and apart.
Single-grade: A classroom situation in which students
of one grade level participate in all of their classes in
the same classroom under the direction of one teacher.
B. Strategies of Multi-grade Teaching

Whole Class Teaching

Whole class teaching is a typical and convenient method of
teaching in a multigrade class since the teacher displays to
the students as a group. This technique of teaching saves the
teacher's time and effort because he or she just has to
compose one lesson plan with the average category of skills
as a criterion.
The teacher has more
interaction with all of the
students with this form of
teaching, It is easier to
prepare materials, it is
easier to monitor student
progress and behavior. and
it increases student
involvement in working with
the entire class in
particularly created
activities (Konstantinos,
Concept of Differentiated Instruction
The concept of differentiated instruction, on the
other hand, can be used to the whole-class teaching
technique. Similar activities are provided for the
entire class, but evaluation is multi-leveled or
differentiated due to the varying expectations of the
learner groups.
Every day, the multigrade teacher interacts
with the students and notices that each child
is similar to but distinct from the others. Each
child has a diverse set of interests and
distinct styles of thinking, acting, and
Frequent and adaptable grouping is seen as an important
component of good mixed grade teaching (Taole, 2017) it is
anticipated that if students are categorized based on more
or less the same skills or a mix of talents, they will interact
more with students with various abilities, making more
progress and learning more quickly. It is considered that
the interaction and cooperation of learners with varying
intellectual levels, social behaviors, experience, and
balance might have educational benefits worth highlighting
(Gouws, 2007)
is t h o u g h t to b e a
Mixed ability grouping e a c h e r s . It
u lti g ra d e t
useful strategy for m g ra d e
o n s f o r m u lti
can provide soluti h le v e ls o f
n s u r in g h ig
teachers while also e . T h is is
d e e d u c a ti o n
quality in multigra o n ito r t h e
a c h e r t o m
strategy allows the te e x tr a ti m e
n t s a n d g iv e
actions of all stude u ir e it.
th o se w h o r e q
and attention to

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