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What is a breast self-exam?

• A breast self-exam is a step-by-step method you can

use to examine your breasts. By looking at and
feeling your breasts regularly, you can better notice
changes in your breasts or detect when something
feels different.

• Most healthcare providers agree that while

mammograms are the best screening tool to detect
breast abnormalities, a breast exam you can do at
home is the best way for you to be familiar with your
own breasts.
Should I do a breast self-exam?

• Monthly breast self-exams can help you detect changes that

may be signs of infection, breast disease or breast cancer. The
goal of doing a breast self-exam is recognizing what’s normal
for you. Knowing how your breasts typically look and feel can
help you notice a change (if one were to occur).
• Self-exams are important for your breast health. But they
should never replace breast exams from your provider and
screening tests like mammograms. You should still see your
primary care provider and/or gynecologist regularly for breast
cancer screenings.
• Talk to your healthcare provider about performing self-breast
exams. They can tell you what they recommend based on
your health history and show you how to perform one
How often should I do a breast self-exam?

• Most healthcare associations recommend

performing a breast self-exam monthly. Despite it
not being a reliable way to detect breast cancer, it’s
still the most helpful thing you can do at home for
your breast health.
• Research shows that many people with breast
cancer say that finding a lump at home was how
they first knew something was different. Knowing
what’s normal for your breasts allows you to alert a
provider as soon as you notice changes.
Is there a time of the month I should do breast self-exams?

• People who are still menstruating (having a regular

period) should perform a breast self-exam after
their period ends. People who have reached
menopause and people who have very
irregular periods can pick a day each month.
Choose a day that’s consistent and easy to
remember, like the first day of the month, the last
day of the month or your favorite number. Keep a
journal of your findings or make a note in your
smartphone of what you see and feel.
How do I do a self-breast exam?

• There are a few different ways to perform a breast exam at


• 1. Looking in a mirror: Take off your shirt and bra and stand in
front of a mirror. Put your arms down by your sides. Look for
any changes in breast shape, breast swelling, dimpling in your
skin or changes in the position of your nipples. Next, raise
your arms high over your head and look for the same things.
Finally, put your hands on your hips and press firmly to make
your chest muscles flex. Look for the same changes again. Be
sure to look at both breasts.
How do I do a self-breast exam?
• 2. Manual breast self-exam while standing: Remove
your shirt and bra. Use your right hand to examine
your left breast, then vice versa. With the pads of
your three middle fingers, press on every part of one
breast. Use light pressure, then medium, then firm.
Feel for any lumps, thick spots or other changes. A
circular pattern may help you make sure you hit
every spot. Then, press the tissue nearest your
armpit. Be sure to check under your areola (area
around your nipple) and then squeeze your nipple to
check for discharge. Repeat the steps on the other
side. Many people perform a standing self-exam
while in the shower.
How do I do a self-breast exam?
• 3. Manual breast self-exam while lying down: When you lie
down, your breast tissue spreads more evenly. This makes it a
good position to feel for changes, especially if your breasts are
large. Lie down and put a pillow under your right shoulder.
Place your right arm behind your head. Using your left hand,
apply the same technique as option 2, using the pads of your
middle fingers to press all parts of your breast tissue and
under your armpit. Finally, swap the pillow to the other side,
and check your other breast and armpit. Be sure to check
under your areola and then squeeze your nipple to check for
• NOTE : Keep in mind that your breast tissue extends to your
armpit, collarbone and top of your abdomen. Your breast
tissue isn’t just your breast cleavage and nipples.
How long does a breast exam take?

• A breast self-exam takes only a few minutes

and can easily be built into your daily
schedule. You can do a breast exam when
• Dressing for the day or undressing at night.
• Lying in bed in the morning or at bedtime.
• Taking a shower.
What are the problems with doing a breast self-exam?

• A self-exam is beneficial in helping you become aware of the

normal look and feel of your breasts. But there can be issues
with breast self-exams. Some of the risks of self-exams include:
• Belief that a self-exam replaces a clinical breast exam (breast
exam from your provider) or mammograms. A breast self-exam
is an at-home tool to help you become familiar with your body.
Some people falsely believe that because they perform self-
breast exams, they don’t need to see a healthcare provider.
• Anxiety that comes from thinking you have a lump or
abnormality. Most lumps aren’t cancerous, but thinking you
have a cancerous lump may give you unnecessary anxiety or

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