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Han was always known as the diligent and hardworking

student at his school. He dedicated hours to studying and

always strived for perfection in everything he did. But behind
his perfect facade, Han was struggling with the immense
pressure put on him by his parents. They constantly pushed
him to excel in his studies, to be the best in everything he did.
This pressure weighed heavily on Han, affecting his mental
health and causing him to see things that others couldn't.

One fateful day, Han had a heated argument with his father
about his grades. His father's harsh words cut deep, and in a fit
of anger and desperation, Han stormed out of the house. He
didn't know where to go, so he aimlessly wandered the streets,
lost in his thoughts and drowning in his sorrow. The rain began
to pour down, soaking Han to the bone as he sat on a random
street corner, crying endlessly.

Just when he thought he couldn't bear the weight of his

troubles any longer, a kind voice interrupted his thoughts. Han
looked up to see a girl standing before him, holding out an
umbrella to shield him from the rain. She had a gentle smile on
her face, her eyes filled with compassion and understanding.

"What's wrong?" she asked softly. "Why are you out here in
the rain, crying?"
Han was taken aback by her kindness and genuine concern. He
hesitated at first, unsure if he could trust her with his innermost
thoughts. But something about her made him feel safe and
cared for. So, he poured out his heart to her, telling her about
the overwhelming pressure he felt from his parents and how it
was affecting his mental well-being.

The girl listened intently, offering words of comfort and

reassurance. She didn't judge him or scold him for his
vulnerability; instead, she simply listened and empathized with
his pain. And for the first time in a long time, Han felt a
glimmer of hope and relief wash over him.

From that day on, Han and the girl, whose name was Ivy, began
to spend more time together. They would meet up after school,
taking long walks in the park or sitting by the riverside, lost in
deep conversations about life, love, and everything in between.
Ivy had a way of making Han feel at ease, of helping him see
the world in a different light.

"It's been so long since I've felt this way," Han confessed to Ivy
one day. "Thank you for being there for me, for showing me
that there is more to life than just grades and expectations."

Ivy smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with affection. "You

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Han
and Ivy's bond grew stronger and deeper. They shared their
hopes, dreams, fears, and insecurities with each other, building
a connection that transcended the boundaries of friendship. Han
found solace in Ivy's presence, in her unwavering support and
understanding. And Ivy, in turn, found a kindred spirit in Han,
someone who saw the world through the same eyes of wonder
and curiosity.

Han told me everything about Ivy oh how pretty she is,kind and
loving he was talking about her non-stop. I was happy for him
but also as his friend, I had always been secretly worried about
him. Han was a fiercely independent person who hated when
people kept bothering him about his mental health. But when
he was with Ivy i think my worry just lessen

One day, while passing by his studio, I noticed him working on

a large canvas. The painting depicted a stunningly beautiful
girl, with flowing hair and eyes that seemed to sparkle with life.
I had never seen a girl quite like her before, and I couldn't help
but wonder who she was.

As weeks went by, I couldn't shake the image of the girl from
my mind. I found myself growing more and more curious about
her, wondering if she was just a figment of Han's imagination or
if she had some deeper significance.
I couldn't believe it. The girl that Han had fallen in love with,
the girl who had captured his heart and inspired his art, was
nothing more than a tragic illusion. My heart ached for him,
knowing that he had invested so much of himself in someone
who had never truly existed.

As the days went by, I noticed that Han's mental state seemed to
be deteriorating. He became more withdrawn, more lost in his
own thoughts. I knew that I had to do something to help him,
but I didn't know where to start.

One rainy evening, as I was walking home from school, I saw

Han running frantically down the street, as if he were chasing
someone. I could see the desperation in his eyes, the fear and
confusion that seemed to consume him. And then, in a split
second, it happened.

I watched in horror as a truck came barreling down the road, its

headlights blinding in the darkness. Han didn't even see it
coming. He ran straight into its path, and before I could even
scream, he was struck with a sickening thud.

Luke stood in front of Han's grave, tears streaming down his

face as he shouted out in anguish. "Why did you have to leave
me so soon, Han? Why did you have to go without a goodbye?"

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over
With a trembling voice, Luke confessed his true feelings to the
only man he had ever loved. "I loved you, Han. I loved you
more than I ever thought possible. Every moment we spent
together was like a dream, and I never wanted it to end."

As he spoke, a gentle breeze rustled through the trees, carrying

with it the sweet scent of jasmine. Luke closed his eyes and
imagined Han's warm smile, his laughter filling the air with joy.

"I know you can't hear me, but I needed to say these words out
loud. I needed to tell you that you were the one I wanted to
spend my life with. I wanted to hold you close and never let
you go."

As the last rays of sunlight faded into darkness, Luke felt a

sense of peace wash over him. He knew that even though Han
was gone, their love would live on forever in his heart.

And as he stood up to leave, a single star twinkled in the night

sky, a sign that their love was still shining brightly, guiding him
through the darkness. Luke smiled through his tears, knowing
that Han was watching over him, his love never-ending.

And then, just like that, I was jolted awake from the nightmare.
It had been five years since Han's tragic accident, five years
since I had lost my dear friend to the cruelty of fate. I had never
been able to shake the memory of that rainy evening, the image5
In the years that followed, I often found myself gazing at the
painting that Han had left behind, the portrait of the girl who
had never existed. It was a haunting reminder of the fragility of
life, the power of love and delusion, and the pain of losing
someone dear to the ravages of mental illness

. I realized then that Han's love for the girl in his painting had
been real, in its own twisted way. She may have been just a
figment of his imagination, but her impact on his life had been
profound and undeniable. And though I missed him dearly, I
took solace in the knowledge that he was finally at peace, free
from the demons that had haunted him for so long.

As I sat in front of the painting, lost in memories and emotions,

I felt a surge of inspiration wash over me. I picked up a brush
and began to paint, pouring my heart and soul onto the canvas,
just as Han had done so many years ago. And in that moment, I
felt closer to him than ever before, connected by the invisible
thread of art and love that bound us together, even in death.

I am now a well known psychologist treating someone who had

the same mental condition to Han. I don’t want to people suffer
alone like Han did. And now i am still currently single. I
haven’t found the one in my life. And just focus on myself
improving myself proving Han i can do it.

The End

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