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Creating Value

Presented By
Tushkar Bhatia


• Introduction
• What is Creating Value?
• Focusing on What Really Matters
• The Role of Innovation in Value Creation
• Building Capability for Creating Value
• Case Study 1: Company X's Transformative Approach
• Case Study 2: Individual Success Story
• Innovating for Value Creation
• Strategic Focus for Value Creation
• Measuring and Evaluating Value Creation
• Application in the Workplace
• Conclusion and Call to Action
200120111007 CPDP (310002)
• Creating Value: Building Capability for Making a Valuable

• Welcome and attention grabber:

– Begin with a thought-provoking quote or a compelling statistic that
emphasizes the importance of creating value in the workplace.

• Overview of the presentation structure and objectives: Provide

a brief outline of the presentation, mentioning the key topics
that will be covered and the learning objectives for the

200120111007 CPDP (310002)

What is Creating Value?
• To create value, highlighting that it goes beyond merely
working hard or being efficient.
• Importance of creating value for the company and customers:
Emphasize the positive impact that creating value has on the
overall success and growth of a company, as well as the
benefits it brings to customers.
• Examples of successful companies that have created value:
Share examples of well-known companies that have
effectively created value through innovation, customer focus,
or strategic decision-making.

200120111007 CPDP (310002)

Focusing on
What Really Matters
• Significance of focusing on the right things in business:
Discuss the importance of prioritization and aligning efforts
with the core objectives of the company.
• Techniques for identifying critical factors and priorities:
Introduce methods such as market research, customer
feedback, and data analysis to determine what truly matters in
terms of creating value.
• Examples of companies that failed due to a lack of focus:
Share cautionary tales of companies that lost sight of their
core priorities and suffered negative consequences as a result.

200120111007 CPDP (310002)

The Role of Innovation in
Value Creation
• Exploring the link between innovation and creating value:
Explain how innovation drives value creation by bringing new
and improved products, services, or processes to the market.
• Different types of innovation (product, process, business
model, etc.): Describe various forms of innovation and how
they contribute to creating value within different areas of a
company's operations.
• Strategies for fostering innovation within an organization:
Provide strategies such as encouraging idea generation,
creating a culture of experimentation, and promoting
knowledge sharing to foster innovation and value creation.

200120111007 CPDP (310002)

Building Capability for
Creating Value
• Developing a growth mindset and problem-solving approach:
Explain the importance of adopting a growth mindset and
being open to learning and adapting in order to contribute to
value creation.
• Enhancing skills and knowledge relevant to value creation:
Highlight the significance of continuously improving skills
and staying updated with industry trends to stay relevant and
drive value.
• Promoting collaboration and cross-functional teamwork:
Emphasize the power of collaboration and the value that
comes from diverse perspectives, encouraging individuals to
work together to create innovative solutions.
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Innovating for
Value Creation
• Highlighting the importance of continuous innovation:
Reinforce the idea that innovation is an ongoing process and a
key driver of value creation.
• Leveraging emerging technologies and trends: Discuss the
significance of staying informed about technological
advancements and industry trends, and how they can be
harnessed to create new value propositions.
• Encouraging a culture of experimentation and risk-taking:
Emphasize the importance of fostering an environment where
individuals are encouraged to explore new ideas, take
calculated risks, and learn from failures in order to drive
innovation and value creation.
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Strategic Focus for
Value Creation
• Aligning company goals with customer needs and preferences:
Highlight the importance of understanding customer
expectations and aligning organizational goals to meet those
needs effectively.
• Identifying market opportunities and competitive advantages:
Discuss the significance of conducting market analysis to
identify untapped opportunities and leverage competitive
advantages that can drive value creation.
• Balancing short-term results with long-term value creation:
Emphasize the need to strike a balance between short-term
goals and long-term value creation, ensuring sustainable
growth and competitiveness.
200120111007 CPDP (310002)
Measuring and Evaluating
Value Creation
• Key performance indicators (KPIs) for tracking value creation:
Introduce relevant KPIs that can be used to measure the
impact and effectiveness of value creation efforts.
• Methods for measuring the impact of value creation efforts:
Discuss various approaches, such as customer satisfaction
surveys, financial analysis, and market share analysis, to
evaluate the outcomes of value creation initiatives.
• Continuous improvement and adaptation based on feedback
and data: Highlight the importance of using feedback and data
to iterate and improve value creation strategies, fostering a
culture of continuous improvement.

200120111007 CPDP (310002)

Application in the
• Practical tips for individuals to contribute to value creation: Provide
actionable suggestions for employees to actively participate in
creating value within their roles, such as taking ownership of
projects, seeking opportunities for innovation, and actively engaging
with customers.
• Embracing ownership and accountability for results: Stress the
importance of taking responsibility for outcomes and actively
seeking ways to contribute to the overall value creation efforts of the
• Seeking feedback and continuously improving performance:
Encourage individuals to seek feedback from peers, managers, and
customers to identify areas for improvement and to enhance their
ability to create value.

200120111007 CPDP (310002)

Conclusion and
Call to Action
• Summary of key points covered in the presentation: Recap the
main concepts discussed throughout the presentation,
highlighting the importance of creating value and building
capability for making a valuable difference.
• Encouragement to apply the principles of creating value in the
workplace: Inspire the audience to apply the knowledge
gained from the presentation in their everyday work and
decision-making processes.
• Closing remarks and call to action: Conclude with a
motivating statement, urging individuals to take action and
actively contribute to creating value in their respective roles
and organizations.
200120111007 CPDP (310002)
Thank You!!

200120111007 CPDP (310002)

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