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English 5: Quarter 4


Mrs. Shirley J. Mendoza

There is just one class we enjoy so much
Our mind thinks hard and
we read a lot
Though the subject is hard
And the lessons are long
We enjoy our English class.
Oh, it’s English class after all! 3X
We enjoy our English class.
1.What is the poem/song about?
2.What did the old woman swallow?
3.Is it really possible that an old woman could
swallow all those animals?
4.What could possibly happen if an ordinary
woman would swallow any of those animals?
Why do you say so?
5.What kind of old woman was she? Think of
words that would suitably describe her.
A conclusion is a statement a reader makes
after reading a passage in the story.
To draw a conclusion, one can use the story
clues (what you read in the text) and your
experience (what you already know) to figure
out things that were not fully explained in a
story. The selection or story does not really
say the answers to the questions, but you can
conclude the answers from what you read.
For us to remember, we can use the addition
Story clues
+ What I know
Were you able to answer the questions? If
yes, then, you just gave a conclusion. Let us
analyze using the examples.
• If it wouldn’t rain for several days, plants will
die. (Based on the given clue, on the first part
of the sentence, one can conclude that if it
didn’t rain for several days, plants will die.)
Given conclusion
• If you will not study diligently, you will get
low grades. (Based on the given clue, on the
first part of the sentence, one can conclude
that if you will not study diligently, you will get
Given conclusion low grades.)
A. If you see an empty plate of cookies and
then you see a toddler with crumbs on his
face, you can give a conclusion that he ate the
cookies even though you did not see him do
In the text, first you have to read the passage
because that’s where the clues are. Next, you
have to search for clues like the crumbs on
the toddler’s face or what you can directly see
or in the case of a text, what the author
directly tells you.
Lastly, using logic, reasoning and prior
knowledge, you can already give or draw a
A. Lyle was excited as she looked outside her
window. Dark clouds had blocked out the sun.
A strong wind was blowing through the trees.
She heard thunder off in the distance.
Now, let’s look at the clues or what the author
directly told us.
There were clouds there was a strong wind
Lyle heard thunder
-Now, what is about to happen when there
are dark clouds, a strong wind and a thunder?
Answer: A storm or heavy rain is about to
happen. -We know that, from prior
knowledge even though the passage did not
mention the storm or even rain.
Read the sentences carefully.
Determine the sentence that supports
the conclusion and copy this in the
Proper column. The first one is done
for you.
1. Edna can’t eat.She can’t even smile.
Father will scold her. She has failing marks.
2. Jack was very happy.
His friends congratulated him.
His teacher praised him for getting 100%
in the test.
Jack will be at the top of the class again.
3. Kim was sad. She stayed on his bed for
three days. She had a fever. She couldn’t
play, eat or even go to school.
4. Darriane studied hard. She prepared her
homework. She recited in class.
She participated in class activities.
Darriane wanted to get high grades.
5. Kathleen is a nervous type of girl.
Kathleen’s face turns rosy when called to
recite. She slowly stands up.

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