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Lesson Planning in Mathematics

MATH C1 – Teaching Mathematics in the Primary Grades

1. What is my instructional purpose or goal?
2. What national standards must be addressed?
3. Who are the learners?
4. What prerequisite knowledge is needed?
5. How will I cover the content?
6. What management decisions must I make?
7. What techniques or processes do I use?
8. How will I share responsibilities with others?
9. What instructional resources do I have?
10. What special learner considerations must I take into account?
11. How can I ensure instructional equity?
12. How will I assess learning?
General Guidelines in Planning Mathematics Lesson
1. Start lessons with a problem followed by the development of required concepts
and procedures.
2. Embed mathematics in real – world situations. Integrate mathematics with other
subject areas such as science and social studies.
3. Structure lessons so students can talk and write about mathematics. Learn to
enjoy listening to children’s ideas and theories.
4. Vary lesson components to maintain student interest, more frequently with
younger children.
5. Make sure students reflect on their manipulations of concrete models and
coordinate what they observe with what they already know.
General Guidelines in Planning Mathematics Lesson
6. Use instructional materials that make it easier for students to communicate what
they know and don’t know.
7. Encourage group work, mental arithmetic, and use of calculators and computers.
General Guidelines in Planning Mathematics Lesson
I. Learning Objectives
a) C

c) P

II. Subject Matter

a) Topic

b) Textbook/Reference

c) Materials (IM/VA)
General Guidelines in Planning Mathematics Lesson
III. Learning Activities (Procedures)
a) Preparatory Activity

b) Developmental Activities

c) Generalization

d) Application

IV. Assessment (Evaluation)

V. Assignment

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