First Exam Nazareno

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Elements of

Short Story

Is a brief fictional prose narrative

that is a shorter than a novel and
that usually deals with only a few
Importance of Short Story

Short story are often used to teach

students about literary devices such as
characterization, symbolims, and
foreshadowing, and they can be used to
introduce students to a wide range of
authors and writing style.

Plot is the cause-and-effect

sequence of main events in a story.
The story events are numbered
Basic Elements of Plot

Exposition-is the introduction of

the story , including the primary
characters' names, settings, mood ,
and time.
Rising Action
In literature refers to all the events
that happen in a story on the way
to the climax. The rising action
pushes the plot along, building
tension to keep us invested in the
story as it moves forward.
Is the point in the narrative where the
tension, excitement, or stakes reach the
highest level. It is often the conclusion of a
story's main conflict and set up for either a
successful resolution or an unsatisfying
Falling Action

Is the period of time in a short

story that follows the climax and
leads to the resolution.
Is the conclusion of the story by
the resolving of conflicts between
Is any person, animal, or figure represent in a
literary work. Characters are essential to a good
story, and it is the main characters that have tue
greatest effect on the plot are the most affected by
the events of the story.
Types of Charactes
The leading character or one of the major characters in
a drama, movie , novel, or other fictional text.

One that contends or opposes another

Supporting Characters
Is a character in a narrative that is not the focus of
the primary storyline, but is important to the plot,
protagonist, and appears or is mentioned in the story
enough to be more than just a minor character or a
cameo appearance.

Is defined as the time, place , and

duration (the time that passes from
the beginningto the end) of the
story an author chooses to write
Elements of Setting
Anchors your story in place, and
starting from this anchor you
weave the chain of events that
'Place' in fiction is not only about
setting; it can also inform and be
reflected in character, plot, theme,
atmosphere, voice, language.
Atmosphere is another wors for
mood; it's the feeling a writer
wants their readers to experience,
like suspense or foreboring,
longing or joy.
The theme of a story is the underlying
message or concept that the author is
trying to convey to the reader. The
theme of a story is generally an opinion
the writer wants to convey through
their storytelling.

The term point of view , or POV

for shorthand, refers to who is
telling a story, or who is narrating
it. The narration of a story or novel
can be told in three main ways:
first person, second person, and
third person.
Types of Point of View
First Person

Is a point of view where the story

is told by one character. The
character is sharing events or
information about him or herself.
You can recognize first person
narrative by the use of I and we.
Second Person

In second person point of view, the

reader is part of the story. The
narrator describes the reader's
action, thoughts , and background
using "you". It's all about how you
look at it.
Third Person

The narrator exists outside the

events of the story, and relates the
action of the characters by
reffering to their names or by the
third-person pronouns he, she, or
Is the struggle that the protagonist goes through in a
story. All the protagonist have something to
overcome, whether its' s a battle against another
character or an attempt to escape the unfairness of
their situation in life.
.While “tone” is the writer’s attitude, “mood” is the
feeling the reader gets from the writing. Tone often
describes the writing overall, but the mood of a
piece of writing can change throughout it.
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