Exception Handling

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Exception Handling

Class 12th

Different types of exceptions in Python


Error Vs Exception

Topics Program without and with Exception


Built-in exceptions in python

Handling multiple exceptions

Finally Block
Python: Exception

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Errors are problems in a program due to which will stop the program from
Errors in a program can be categorized into following types:
1. Compile Time Error: Errors that occur during the compilation of the
2. Run Time Error: Errors that occur while the program is running.
Some of the example of run time error are:
•Division by Zero
•Using of undefined variable
•Trying to access a non existing file

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3. Logical Error: Errors in the program’s logic, which do not produce
errors but lead to incorrect results. Some of the example of logical error
•Giving wrong operator precedence
•using wrong variable name for calculation
4. Syntax Errors: Mistakes in writing code that prevent the program from
running. Some of the example of syntax error are:
•Incorrect Indentation
•Misspelled a keyword
•leaving out a symbol such as colon (:), parentheses [{()}] or comma (,).
5. Semantics Errors: Logic errors that produce unintended results.
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• An exception is a type of error that occurs during
program execution.
• Python generates an exception whenever an error is
• Exceptions can be handled to prevent the program from

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Error vs. Exception
• Error: Any mistake or issue in the code.
• Exception: An unexpected situation or error during program execution.

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Exception Handling
• Exception handling is the process of dealing with run-time errors.
• It involves using `try…except` blocks to catch and handle exceptions.

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Different types of exceptions in python
1. `SyntaxError`: Raised when there is a syntax error in your code.
2. `IndentationError`: Raised when there is an indentation error in your code,
such as mismatched indentation levels.
3. `NameError`: Raised when a local or global name is not found.
4. `TypeError`: Raised when an operation or function is applied to an object
of inappropriate type.
5. `ValueError`: Raised when an operation or function receives an argument
of the correct type but an inappropriate value.
6. `KeyError`: Raised when a dictionary is accessed with a key that doesn’t
7. `IndexError`: Raised when trying to access an element at an invalid index
in a sequence (e.g., list, tuple).
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Different types of exceptions in python
8. `FileNotFoundError`: Raised when trying to open or manipulate a file that does not
9. `IOError`: Raised for I/O-related errors, such as when reading or writing to a file
10. `ZeroDivisionError`: Raised when attempting to divide by zero.
11. `AttributeError`: Raised when an attribute reference or assignment fails.
12. `ImportError`: Raised when an import statement fails to find the module.
13. `KeyboardInterrupt`: Raised when the user interrupts the program (e.g., by
pressing Ctrl+C).

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Different types of exceptions in python
14. `EOFError`: Raised when an input operation reaches the end of the file.
15. `ArithmeticError`: A base class for numeric errors, including `ZeroDivisionError`
and `OverflowError`.
16. `FileExistsError`: Raised when trying to create a file or directory that already
17. `PermissionError`: Raised when trying to perform an operation without the
necessary permissions.

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Program without
Exception Handling

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Program with Exception

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Handling Multiple

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Handling Exceptions with
else block

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The `finally` Block

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The `finally` Block
In programming, there may be some situation in which the current method ends up while handling some
exceptions. But the method may require some additional steps before its termination, like closing a file
or a network and so on.

So, in order to handle these situations, Python provides a keyword finally, which is always executed
after try and except blocks. The finally block always executes after normal termination of try block or
after try block terminates due to some exception.

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Raising Exceptions
The raise statement allows the programmer to force a specific exception to
occur. The sole argument in raise indicates the exception to be raised.

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Advantages of Exception Handling
•Improved program reliability: By handling exceptions properly, you can
prevent your program from crashing or producing incorrect results due to
unexpected errors or input.
•Simplified error handling: Exception handling allows you to separate error
handling code from the main program logic, making it easier to read and
maintain your code.
•Cleaner code: With exception handling, you can avoid using complex
conditional statements to check for errors, leading to cleaner and more readable
•Easier debugging: When an exception is raised, the Python interpreter prints a
traceback that shows the exact location where the exception occurred, making it
easier to debug your code.

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Disadvantages of Exception Handling
•Performance overhead: Exception handling can be slower than using
conditional statements to check for errors, as the interpreter has to
perform additional work to catch and handle the exception.
•Increased code complexity: Exception handling can make your code
more complex, especially if you have to handle multiple types of
exceptions or implement complex error handling logic.
•Possible security risks: Improperly handled exceptions can potentially
reveal sensitive information or create security vulnerabilities in your
code, so it’s important to handle exceptions carefully and avoid
exposing too much information about your program.

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thank you
Ramneek Kour
Computer Science

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