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Introduction to Chemistry Definition, History, Branches and Scientists

Module 1: Foundations Prepared by: Ms. Rochelle Rafon

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Picture 1

Picture 2
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Picture 3 Company

Picture 4 Company

Picture 5 Company

Picture 6 Company

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Picture 7

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Assignment # 1: Definition of Chemistry and History Each pair must look for at least 3 different definitions of the words Chemistry and History. Books and online references may be used. Assignment is to be submitted on a short bond paper computerized and with references. Each pair must also bring writing materials. References are as follows, but other sources may be used. Tutor Chemistry

Activity Sheet # 2- Define it! Company


Define it!

a. Definition of Chemistry *assign

b. Definition

of History *assign

c. Class concept

d. Groups Definition based on the Activity *pictures

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Class Discussion
Is chemistry considered to be the central science? Why? Why not?

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The definition of CHEMISTRY?

Assignment # 2 Company LOGO Individual

Research on the History of Chemistry. Books and online references can be consulted. All references must be properly cited. Assignment must be computerized and submitted in one long bond paper only. The following are suggested online sources: History of Chemistry History of Chemistry Chemistry Timeline- Chronology of Major Events

Time(line) after Time

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Groups name

5 Highlights

5 Discoveries

5 Scientists

As a group, suggest a name that would best describe the events assigned in your period.

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ALCHEMY ( 300 BC- 1650 AD)


MODERN CHEMISTRY (1790 to 1999)

Company LOGO Inhabitants of

Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia Crafts: production of metals, pottery, brewing, baking, production of dyes Development was based on everyday experiences No reference to chemical principles

21st CENTURY CHEMISTR Y (2000- present)

Greeks wanted to understand nature 1st theory Substances are composed of 4 elements Earth, Air, Fire Water 2nd theory Matter ATOMS by Leucippus and Democritus TRANSMUTATIO N- transformation of one element into another PLATO transmutation is achieved by changing the shape of the atoms ARISTOTLE elements and substances are made up of PRIMARY MATTER. Transformation is achieved when the form (shape, color etc.) is altered

Combination of ideas from the ancient Greeks and Egyptians Laboratory Apparatus (crucible) Laboratory Methods (crystallization, distillation and sublimation) Philosophers Stone (changes metals into gold) Elixir of Life (was believed to cure diseases; promote immortality of humans) IATROCHEMIST RY- branch of alchemy concerned with medicine ROBERT BOYLEbelieved that metals can be changed into gold but this theory should be based on EXPERIMENTAL evidence.

Work of Georg Ernst Stahl Was later found to be erroneous Phlogiston a substance present in all flammable objects; is released when the object is burned Calx- powdery residue after burning of a substance

Antoine Lavoisier marks the beginning of modern chemistry. Relied on the results of quantitative experimentation to explain certain phenomena Law of Conservation of Mass Mass Before reaction = Mass After Reaction Wrote and Published Elementary Treatise on Chemistry the language of chemistry today

Scientific Traits Company


objectivity curiosity skepticism patience

Acceptance of failure humility

Critical thinking

Assignment # 4 Company

1. Start reviewing for Quiz 1.

Coverage: Definition and History of Chemistry Scientific Attitudes Branches of Chemistry Chemistry as the Central Science

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Review the 5 branches of Chemistry for Day 6 Group Activity.

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Save the chemist. Save the world.

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Read and understand the following problem situation. Using your assignments, determine the branch of chemistry that is stated in the situation.

What was your basis in choosing your answer? What is the relationship of your dilemma with the branch of chemistry?

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Dilemma 1: After months of being separated from his family, Hero D returns home and builds a house for them. He has a fascination for solid objects. Once he finished building the door to his sons room but unfortunately got locked in. He tries opening the knob by using other metals only to realize that he is tangible enough to pass through a solid door. Determine the branch of chemistry. What was your basis in choosing your answer? What is the relationship of your dilemma with the branch of chemistry?

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Dilemma 2: Hero S is a respected science professor who works on the genes of living organisms. His love for genetics came about because of his fathers work on the Human Genome Project. His latest discovery that some humans have an incredibly unique chemical organization based on their genes proves to be the best work of his time. Determine the branch of chemistry. What was your basis in choosing your answer? What is the relationship of your dilemma with the branch of chemistry?

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Dilemma 3: Hero C loves her family dearly and often helps her mom out in preparing lunch every Sunday. Unfortunately while making a sumptuous salad, her fingers get cut in the food processor. Within minutes, her shock turned to amazement when she saw that her body can selfheal. Determine the branch of chemistry. What was your basis in choosing your answer? What is the relationship of your dilemma with the branch of chemistry?

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Dilemma 4: Although belonging to a well-off family. Hero P exerts all energy in taking care of a rich old, dying man. Oftentimes, his work tires him out and causes him to doze off and eventually dream. It is in his dreams that he realizes that he is destined to do greater things. Determine the branch of chemistry. What was your basis in choosing your answer? What is the relationship of your dilemma with the branch of chemistry?

Company LOGO

Dilemma 5: Hero M is a certified techie for his young age. Since both of his parents are often away, he is usually left to tend to his own needs. One time, while he was about to heat his food, he discovers that the microwave isnt working. He put his hand on the microwave and found out that 85% of the wirings were faulty. Surprisingly, the microwave started to work when he let go of his hand. Determine the branch of chemistry. What was your basis in choosing your answer? What is the relationship of your dilemma with the branch of chemistry?

Which hero Company are you?


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Which hero are you?

Branches of Chemistry
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1. Organic Chemistry
* concerned with elements containing carbon (all living organisms contain at least some amount of carbon in their body) * pharmaceutical, petrochemical and textile industries

Branches of Chemistry
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2. Inorganic Chemistry
* concerned with elements not containing carbon (minerals of the earths crust and non-living matter) * nuclear science and energy, geochemistry

Branches of Chemistry
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3. Physical Chemistry
* behavior of chemical substances * deals with the relations between physical properties of substances and their chemical formations along with their changes

Branches of Chemistry
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4. Biochemistry
* concerned with the composition and changes in the formation of living species * also called physiological chemistry or biological chemistry * study the property of molecules, metabolism, vitamins etc.

Branches of Chemistry
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5. Analytical Chemistry
*deals with the composition of substances * e.g. nicotine content of cigarettes and sugar content of carbonated drinks

Pair Activity Company LOGO Concept Map ( 20 minutes, due TODAY)

Construct a concept map that will cover the following topics. a. Definition of Chemistry b. Milestones in the 6 historical periods in Chemistry c. Branches of Chemistry and their practical applications At least 5 words/concepts for the 3 topics must be used.

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Congratulations Chemist!
You have just accomplished Module 1 :- )

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