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Course: Ethical & Legal Issues in

Business Analytics

Presenter: Muhammad Salman Khan


Presented to: Dr. Komal Nadeem

Topic: Enron Financial Debacle-An

Ethical & Legal Dilemma
Enron: The Financial Debacle
An Ethical and Legal Dilemma

Introduction to Enron
Overview The Fall of Enron

Background Consequences

Founded in 1985, Enron was an energy, In October 2001, accounting fraud and Enron’s bankruptcy filing was the
commodities, and services company unethical business practices were largest corporate bankruptcy in US
headquartered in Houston, Texas. In its revealed, notably the company's history, spurring multiple legal battles
early days, Enron’s business model fraudulent attempts to keep debt off its and causing economic losses in the
centered on wholesaling electricity and balance sheet and the executives' billions of dollars.
natural gas along with providing risk practice of selling their stock at the
management services for energy expense of the company and the public
companies. investors.
Ethical Issues In Use of Business Analytics

The unethical and illegal
behavior of its leadership

Enron used complex and
deceptive accounting

Violated Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the
team has resulted in practices to hide its losses Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
multiple legal proceedings and debts, inflated its 2002, the Foreign Corrupt
for those involved, as well profits and stock price, Practices Act, and the
as extensive losses for its and evaded taxes and Generally Accepted
shareholders and regulations. violated the Accounting Principles
employees. trust and fiduciary duty of
its shareholders.
Enron Financial Debacle
An Ethical and Legal Dilemma

Accounting Practices
Enron engaged in unethical accounting practices to hide growing debt from
investors and falsely inflate profits.

Enron used special purpose entities to shift losses off their balance sheet and
disguise them as investments.

Economic Decisions
Manipulated the market by trading energy contracts, hiding losses, and trading
complex derivatives that violated state regulations.

Legal Problems
Activities led to bankruptcy and civil litigation.
Enron Financial Debacle
An Ethical and Legal Dilemma

Jeffrey Skilling Andrew Fastow Lay & Skilling

✓ Former CEO of Enron. ✓ Enron’s CFO. ✓ Both Lay and Skilling are accused of
fraud for selling millions of dollars
✓ withheld information about the ✓ created a complex network of off-
in stock options before it was
company’s debt from investors and balance sheet partnerships while revealed that Enron was
omitted facts that could reflect deceiving investors and regulators as misreporting its finances.
poorly on Enron's financial status. to the true nature of Enron’s
finances. ✓ Other executives and board
members were aware of the illegal
activity but failed to notify
shareholders or the authorities.
Enron Financial Debacle
An Ethical and Legal Dilemma

SEC Investigation Findings Conflict of Interest Information Concealment

✓ The Securities and ✓ Enron created special ✓ Conflict of interest between ✓ Executives concealed
Exchange Commission purpose entities (SPEs) that Enron's executives and material information and
(SEC) launched an allowed them to hide employees. manipulated earnings
investigation into Enron's billions of dollars in debt reports to inflate stock
financial records. from investors and analysts. ✓ who profited from stock prices and overestimated its
sales while the company assets while failing to
✓ The SEC's key findings was failing. disclose material liabilities.
Enron Financial Debacle

The Enron Financial Debacle created an ethical and The media widely reported on the scandal,
legal dilemma, leading to widespread public intensifying public outrage.

Governments around the world responded directly,

The public reaction to the scandal was significant,
holding Mr. Skilling and Mr. Lay accountable for demanding justice for those responsible.
their actions.

” ”
The Impact of Enron Debacle
How the financial debacle created an ethical and legal dilemma for the accounting industry.

Lacked Social
The Enron Collapse Increased Regulations The Aftermath

Enron lacked accountability Ethical principles and frameworks, Enron’s scandal prompted legal Enron’s executives, directors,
and transparency in its such as the stakeholder theory, the reforms and initiatives, such as the auditors, lawyers, bankers, and
governance, culture, and utilitarianism, the deontology, and creation of the Public Company analysts were held liable for their
operations, and fostered a the virtue ethics, could have Accounting Oversight Board roles in Enron’s scandal, and faced
helped Enron to align its business criminal charges, civil lawsuits,
climate of greed, arrogance,
analytics with its social fines, and sanctions.
and corruption among its
responsibility, moral values, and
leaders and employees professional standards
• Enron’s scandal exposed the ethical and legal risks and challenges of business analytics, and revealed the need for more
integrity, honesty, and accountability in the business world.
• Business analytics should be used to enhance the performance, efficiency, and innovation of businesses, not to manipulate,
deceive, or harm the stakeholders and the society.
• Business analytics should be guided by ethical principles and frameworks, and comply with legal laws and regulations, to
ensure the accuracy, reliability, and validity of the data and the analysis.
• Business analytics should be subject to internal and external audits, reviews, and controls, to prevent and detect any errors,
frauds, or irregularities.
• Business analytics should be transparent and accessible, and communicate the results and the methods clearly and honestly,
to build trust and confidence among the stakeholders and the public.

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