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Ancient Rome

By Ayman
•Ancient Rome was founded was founded 2776 years ago by Romulus and Remus,
How did Ancient Roman twin sons of mars, the god of war. The twins were abandoned in their cradle on the
timber river, where they were found by a wolf. The river played a significant role for
civilization develop? the romans. As per the timeline Rome becomes a republic in 509bce after this day
Rome had completely changed because it was now civilized.
How was Roman •Roman society was structured in a way where Roman's had various groups of people,
who all had different roles. For example, patriations were a "small, elite group of
wealthy landowners" according to the Oxford year 7 Humanities textbook. Slaves were
society treated cruelly and had no rights, there family and themselves would be sold to
people. Slaves also made up 30-40% of Roman population. Roman daily life was
structured? therefore dependent on the group you belonged to as it affected how you lived, ate,
work, and how your treated.
What was daily life
like for Patricians
and Plebeians?
•Life for a plebeian in ancient Rome was
hard work because they were considered
lower-class. However, life for patricians
was great. Plebeians and patricians had
different experiences in ancient Rome
because the both are like opposites. For
example, the image of insula, a typical
plebeian residence shows whereas the
image of patricians enjoying a banquet
features them sitting on a bed laughing,
and enjoying their delicious meal unlike
the plebeians who work so hard just for
some plain soup and a piece of rough
What was daily
life like for Slaves
and Gladiators?
•Life for a slave in ancient Rome was very tough and
hard because they were treated so poorly. If they made a
sound, they would get whipped even if they cough or
sneeze. Additionally, life as a gladiator was hard as well,
for many Gladiators death was the only way out of
slavery, and their deaths were considered public
entertainment. The life of a slave in ancient Rome
involved being whipped, not fed a lot, and lots of
working. A gladiator on the other hand would typically
fight most of their lives on the battlefield and would
have a low life expectancy. The Roman writer Seneca
wrote that "unhappy slaves may not move their lips for
so much as a word. Any murmur is checked by a rod,
not even involuntary sounds such as a cough, choke, and
sneeze are exempted from the lash. If a word breaks the
silence the penalty is severe. Hungry and mute, they
stand though the whole night." These quotations show
that daily life in ancient Rome for slaves and gladiators
would have been harsh and unfair.
How did Roman Religion effect daily life?
•Roman religion was primarily a
polytheistic civilization. Romans would
worship many gods and goddess. The main
gods were in Roman culture was Jupiter,
Juno and Minerva. As seen in the image of
the house shrine, Roman beliefs caused
them to adopt certain daily behaviors such
as preforming daily rituals to keep
protection from evil spirits. For some
rituals you must sacrifice animals like
sheep, pig, or ox. These practices show
how much religion was part of daily life in
ancient Rome.

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