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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Sulaimani Polytechnic University

Computer Science Institute
IT Department
Academic Year 2024-2025
Graduation Project

Online Restaurant
Management system
Prepared by: Superviser by :Daban A.Abdullah
Bryar Jameel

This is a small scale project for Online restaurant system. The basic idea is
that customer’s can buy products using online.
Also on the agenda is designing an online restaurant site to manage the
items in the shop and also help customers purchase them online without
having to visit the shop physically. Our online restaurant will use the
internet as the only method for selling goods to its consumers. restaurant
will be highly personalized and the shop will provide lower prices than
most competitors.
It is an online store that enables website owners to sell their product
It is a web restaurant cart that web enables the day-day sales functions. It
includes product and customer management parts. This website will be
useful to anyone who wants to purchase items using internet.
chapter one……………………………………………………………………………..…….….5
1.1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………..……...…5
1.2 History …………………………………………………………………………………………6
Chapter two………………………………………………………………………..……………..7
2.1 HTML(Hypertext markup languages)………………………………………..…..8
2.2 CSS(Cascading Style Sheets)……………………………………………………….…9
2.3 JavaScript……………………………………………………………………………………..10
2.4 PHP(Personal Home Page)………………………………………………………….…11
2.5 Bootstrap………………………………………………………………………………………12
Chapter three…………………………………………………………………………………….…13
3.1 Advantages of Online restaurant ……………………………………………………..13
3.2 Disadvantages of Online restaurant …………………………………………........19
chapter four…………………………………………………………………………………………20
4.1 title and logo of our website and Screenshot of Website ………..…....21
Chapter five…………………………………………………………………………………………33
5.1 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………....33
5.2 future work……………………………………………………………………………………34
References ………………………………….…………………………………………………......35 3
Chapter one
An introduction about this project with the aims of it will be talked about:

1.1 Introduction

The aim of this project is on the online restaurant it is developed using HTML5,
JAVA script, CSS, PHP , bootstrap. This website is very useful where the buyer can
directly buy the products from home via internet on mobile or system.

It reduces lots of work load for the customer as well as the owner. The
transaction takes place face to face when the item is delivered. Online restaurant
such as EBAY, copart and Amazon. By this online restaurant the product is directly
delivered to the customer’s home. Online restaurant is the process where
customers go through to purchase products or Services over the Internet.

1.2 History
In 1991 the internet became commercialized and here came the birth of
e- commerce.
Amazon started selling books online and Pierre Omidyar founded ebay.
Both companies are now the must go places of online restaurant for
almost everything throughout the world.

Chapter two
we shall learn more about web development and programming
languages, one of the most important things that you will need to
consider is having expertise in programming languages.
And they are the most common languages and how they are used:


Hypertext markup language (HTML) is the major markup language used to

display Web pages on the Internet. In other words, Web pages are composed
of HTML, which is used to display text, images or other resources through a
Web browser.

All HTML is plain text, meaning it is not compiled and may be read by
humans. The file extension for an HTML file is .htm or .html.

2.2.CSS (cascading style sheet)
CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is rather a markup language. When paired with
HTML, CSS allow a developer to decide and define how a web page or a website
will eventually look or how it will appear to the visitors of the web platform. Some
of the elements which CSS has an impact on include font size, font style, the overall
layout, the colors and other design elements. This is a markup language that can be
applied to several types of documents including Plain XML documents, SVG
documents as well as XUL documents. For most websites across the world, CSS is
the platform to opt for if they need help to create visually attractive webpages and
finds use not just in the creation of web applications but also mobile apps.
The language’s syntax is pretty similar to that of HTML and XHTML, which work well
in synchronization and combination of one another. The Style sheets included in
CSS consist of a selector and a declarator. The simple syntax of the language uses
several English language words to define the styling properties.

JavaScript is one of the most popular and dynamic programming languages used for
creating and developing websites.
This language is capable of achieving several things including controlling the
browser, editing content on a document that has been displayed, allowing client-
side scripts to communicate with users and also asynchronous communication.
It was developed by Netscape and borrows a lot of its syntax from C language.
JavaScript is used very widely and effectively in creating desktop applications as
well as for developing games.


The term ‘PHP’ is used to define PHP Hypertext Processor language that is a free server-
side scripting language that has been designed for not just web development but also as a
general-purpose programming platform. This is a widely used language that was created in
the year 2004 and now powers over 200 million websites worldwide. Some popular
examples of websites powered by this platform include Facebook, Word Press, and
PHP is an interpreted script language which means that it is usually processed by an
interpreter. For this reason, the language is most suitable for server-side programming that
have server tasks being repeatedly performed when the website development process is
• The following are some more points that shall help you understand the language better:
• PHP is an open source language and fast prototyping language.
• This language is compatible with UNIX based OS as well as Windows OS.
• Some industries where PHP is mostly used include startup businesses, advertising apps,
and small software organizations as well as media agencies.
• The language can be embedded in HTML directly. 10

Bootstrap is a free and open source front end development framework for the
creation of websites and web apps. The Bootstrap framework is built on HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript (JS) to facilitate the development of responsive, mobile-first sites
and apps.

chapter three:
3.1.Advantages of online restaurant

3.1.1. Convenience of online restaurant

1. Convenience
Customers can order food online from anywhere at any time.
For the best customer experience, it’s essential to offer as many ordering options as possible. Some
customers may prefer to order online, while others may want to call or visit the restaurant in
The following table depicts the factors which motivate the online shoppers to buy products online.
Top 6 reasons given by shoppers in buying through internet
1. Saves time and efforts.
2. Same Day Delivery.
3. Easy Shopping
4. Crowd Avoidance.
• 3.1.2. 1. Makes the ordering process easier
• Traditionally, people had to make calls to place orders or drive to the restaurants
for a take-out, then wait for the food to be prepared and delivered. Sometimes,
placing an order on the phone means that there could be mistakes in order

3.1.3. Online restaurant saves time
Customers do not have to stand in queues in cash counters to pay for the
products that have been purchased by them. They can shop from their home or
work place and do not have to spend time traveling. The customers can also look
for the products that are required by them by entering the key words or using
search engines. Companies display the whole range of products offered by
them to attract customers with different tastes and needs. This enables the
buyers to choose from a variety of models after comparing the finish, features
and price of the products on display, Sometimes, price comparisons are also
available online.
3.1.4. Staffing cost is reduced:
Customers can place an order from their mobile so that instead of an employee
answering phone calls all the time. Once the restaurant receives the order, they
prepare the food, and employees can spend their time in profitable ways

3.1.5. Less room for error

One of the advantages of online food ordering for customers is that it ensures
prices are accurate and there’s less room for error when it’s time to settle the bill.

3.1.6. Online restaurant saves money

To attract customers to shop online, e-tailers and marketers offer discounts to the
customers. Due to elimination of maintenance, real-estate cost, the retailers are
able to sell the products with attractive discounts through online.

3.2 Disadvantages of Online restaurant
3.2.1. Delay in delivery
Long duration and lack of proper inventory management result in delays in shipment.
Though the duration of selecting, buying and paying for an online product may not take
more than 15 minutes; the delivery of the product to customer’ s doorstep takes about
1-3 weeks. This frustrates the customer and prevents them from shopping online
3.2.2. Lack of significant discounts in online restaurant
Physical stores offer discounts to customers and attract them so this makes it difficult for e-
tailers to compete with the offline platforms.
3.2.3. Lack of touch and feel of merchandise in online restaurant
Lack of touch-feel-try creates concerns over the quality of the product on offer. Online
restaurant is not quite suitable for clothes as the customers cannot try them on.
• 3.2.4. Limited menu:
• Another disadvantage for food ordering systems is menu choices. Most food
ordering systems have a limited number of meals. The menu changes every few
weeks or months, but if you stick to the system for more than a few months the 15
menu items will come back again and again.
3.2.5. Food may get cold:
Due to the long ordering distances, your food may also be cold once it is finally
delivered to your home.You need to reheat it or eat it cold.

3.2.6. Lack of close examination in online restaurant

A customer has to buy a product without seeing actually how it looks like.
Customers may click and buy some product that is not really required by them. The
electronic images of a product are sometimes misleading. The color, appearance in
real may not match with the electronic images.
People like to visit physical stores and prefer to have close examination of good,
though it consumes time. The electronic images vary from physical appearance
when people buy goods based on electronic images.

Chapter four

In this chapter we will be talking about design web pages and how it
works and how to connect a database.
view Structure of Database and Relation, tables, Manger admin, user
section and so as to make a design we will use this procedure.

4.1.This is the title and logo of our website

figure 4.1.1: logo

4.2.Structure of Database and Relation

figure 4.2.1: structure database 19

4.3.Tables and Collations

figure 4.3.1:Tables and Collations

4.4.Manger admin section

figure 4.4.1:manger admin
4.5.User admin section

figure 4.5.1:user admin section 22

4.6.Reset product

figure 4.6.1: form 23

4.7.Reset password Form

figure 4.7.1: reset password 24

4.8.Index Page

figure 4.8.1:index page

4.9.Kurdish food Section

figure 4.11.1: men product section food section

figure 4.12.1:women product section

Chapter five
This chapter concludes the work done in this project and a future work in this direction

5.1 Conclusion

Today more people use online restaurant as faster and more comfortable .

And not limited by variety system of restaurant .

There is a lot of website and tools to help consumer with online purchasing

Moreover different product price comparison services help customers

To compere the prices of identical goods offered by different sellers .

5.2 Future Works
In recent years, the web has become part and parcel of everyday activities. we lean to do
every transaction online like restaurant , online banking, purchasing online, reading the
daily news, and social media activities etc.,

If it is decided to work on this project without a day، of course، we will put some damage
and profit in our database and we will increase the bill section in the admin part

Day to day website usage is growing plentifully due to this high usage of websites, the
demand for web development is at high glimpse now. Here are the abundant different
New technology and additions that we expect this year for the best web development.



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