Ankush Major Proect 04

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TOPIC= Design aspect of flexible pavement

 We are design a flexible pavements By
considering various factors such as traffic
loads, climate conditions, and construction
techniques, we can design and construct
flexible pavements that ensure long-lasting
performance. Moreover, sustainable practices
like recycling and energy efficiency contribute
to the environmental benefits of this
pavement type.
 The key characteristics of flexible pavement ability is
distribute the applied loads and stress over the wide area by
layer to layers.
 Its better for traffic loads and also suitable for ranging from
highway to urban streets.
 The design of flexible pavement is based on the principle of
the load of magnitude and transmit downwards from surface.
 Flexible road is a cost effective construction it have a more
efficient construction method.
 Example like WBM(water bond meccadom) stablized soil
roads with or without asphalt.
• Road Designed with the help of four layer some
layer are natural provided and other layer are
also naturally but be have a create with the
help of other materials layers are like as sub
grade, sub base, base , surface layers the road
design according to vehicle can move and
volume of traffic can carry and distribution of
traffic that the pavement will carry. This
includes considering factors such has vehicle
types axle load and traffic patterns .
• In about sub grade assess the strength of soil
beneath the pavement like bearing capacity
moisture content grain size distribution the
design of pavement in consider the local
climate condition including temperature
variation , precipitation and drainage pattern
chose appropriate material for the pavement
layers based on factored as traffic volume sub
grade strength and environmental condition .
• Pavement will design according to determine thickness
and compaction of each pavement layered based on the
traffic loading and soil condition .the pavement structure
typically consist of multiple layers including sub base,
and base and surface layer use pavement performs .
Calculating pavement method of pavement thickness.
With the help of calculation of required thickness of
each layers of ensure odequte strength, durability and
resistance to distance such as rutting, cracking and
fatigue . Design top layers of pavement with the help of
high quality materials healing of flexible pavement.
• In the project there is a study of material used in
different layers of flexible pavement. There are
some new material which are used by civil
engineer now a days. Material of highway should
be according to the specification.Each property of
material should be accurate.Material for every
layer of highway should be according to the need
of strength of load bearing capacity.The flexibilty of
this type of road depend on the distribution of
forces from the surface through the layers.
• SUBGRADE (soil)
• SUBGRADE:- The subgrade provides a foundation for supporting the
pavement structure. Subgrade is lower material of flexible pavement

• Surface Course: Beyond the Topmost Layer. The surface course, also
referred to as the wearing course, stands as the frontline warrior, directly
engaging with the relentless forces imposed by vehicular traffic.

• Base Course: Sustaining Structural Integrity. The base course assumes a

pivotal role in sustaining the structural integrity of the flexible pavement.
It acts as the intermediary layer, efficiently distributing the loads from the
upper strata to the underlying subbase and subgrade layers.

• Subbase Course: Unveiling the Load Distribution Dynamics. Positioned

beneath the base cours

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