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Introduction to the

Double Question Essay

The double question essay is a unique academic writing format that challenges
students to explore a topic from multiple angles. This presentation will guide you
through the key components of crafting an effective double question essay.
What is a Double Question Essay?

1 Two Guiding 2 In-Depth Exploration 3 Critical Thinking

The format encourages
A double question essay is By addressing both critical thinking as students
structured around two questions, the essay allows analyze the relationships
distinct research questions for a comprehensive and and tensions between the
that provide nuanced examination of two questions.
complementary the subject matter.
perspectives on the topic.
Structure of a Double Question Essay
Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion

Clearly state the two guiding Dedicate sections to exploring Synthesize the findings from
questions and provide an each question in depth, drawing both questions, highlighting the
overview of how the essay will on relevant research and connections and implications.
address them. evidence.
Crafting Effective Research Questions
Specific and Focused Complement Each Other
The questions should be clear, concise, and The two questions should provide different but
address a specific aspect of the topic. related perspectives on the subject matter.

Inspire In-Depth Exploration Contribute to Scholarship

The questions should be complex enough to The questions should aim to fill a gap in the
warrant a comprehensive investigation. existing knowledge or offer new insights.
Conducting In-Depth Research
Gather Sources 1
Identify and collect a diverse range of
reliable sources, including academic
publications, reports, and expert 2 Analyze Critically
interviews. Carefully evaluate the credibility,
relevance, and quality of each source to
ensure a robust foundation for your essay.
Synthesize Findings 3
Identify patterns, connections, and
contradictions in the research to develop a
comprehensive understanding of the topic.
Analyzing and Synthesizing Findings

Identify Themes
Carefully examine the research to uncover the key themes and patterns that emerge
from the two guiding questions.

Evaluate Relationships
Analyze the connections and tensions between the findings related to each question.

Draw Conclusions
Synthesize the insights to form a cohesive and well-supported argument that addresses
both research questions.
Organizing and Structuring the Essay
Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion

Clearly state the two guiding Dedicate sections to exploring Synthesize the findings from
questions and provide an each question in depth, drawing both questions, highlighting the
overview of the essay's structure on relevant research and connections and implications.
and approach. evidence.
Conclusion and Takeaways

Thoughtful Questions In-Depth Research Insightful Synthesis

Crafting well-designed research Thorough and critical examination Identifying connections and
questions is the foundation of a of diverse sources is key to a drawing conclusions that address
successful double question essay. comprehensive analysis. both questions is the ultimate
1) Fossil fuels are essential for producing electricity, powering industry and fueling transportation.
However, one day we will reach a point when all the world’s fossil fuels have been depleted.
How can we conserve these resources? What are some alternatives to fossil fuels?

2) Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their
children to do whatever they want.Is this a good way to raise children?
What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?

3) The arts, including art, music and theatre are considered to be important in society.
Do you think the arts still have a place amongst our modern lifestyles?
Should the arts be included in the school curriculum?

4) Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones.

Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

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