Women Writing Presentation by Mudassar Shah

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Blue Room By

Nafisa Rizvi
Presented By Muhammad Mudassar


The Arrival of Unexpected

Guests 1
A Generous
Welcome 2 Adapting to New
Surroundings 3
 Zaib, Mehr and Laila were reading the  To smooth the transition, the Jalal
Quran aloud. boys, Kamaluddin and Jamaluddin,
 In the distance, they heard some
 Qasim Ali Khan, known were enrolled in the same school as
commotion. for his unwavering the host family's children.
hospitality, readily
 Mehr and Laila couldn't hold back  Ayaz and Jehangir were entrusted
their curiosity and decided to take a
welcomed the Jalal with the task of guiding them through
look. family into his home. the unfamiliar environment and
helping them integrate into the
 Unknown relatives, an uncle and aunt household.
in distress, had arrived at Shahi
 Jalal, the father of the two boys who arrived at Shahi Manzil, hailed from a
small town 70 miles from Dera Murshid.
 His education consisted solely of Quranic studies at the local madrassah.
 Father believed that religious instruction was the only necessary and
morally acceptable form of learning.

Jalal's Rise to Religious Leadership

 Despite his limited knowledge and education, Jalal was impressive
 When the mosque's cleric passed away, Jalal took his place.
 He relished the power and authority that came with this position.
 On the friday sermon Jalal shows his biased
traditional views on women.

 He firmly believes that a woman's primary

purpose is to fulfill her domestic duties.

One kid rose at this point in the sermon and

raising his voice spoke,
“ My mother works in a garment factory to support
the four of us as our father has abandoned us,
She is not a harlot nor a heretic!‘

'I can see what the absence of a father has done

to you. Your mother has obviously not cared to
teach you how to behave amongst elders and that
too in the sanctity of a mosque.
 Next Friday, Jalal saw the young boy at the
mosque again.

 Jalal was surprised and wondered if the boy was

making fun of him or trying to provoke him.

 Despite his thoughts, Jalal chose to ignore the


 He continued with his prayers without letting the

boy's presence bother him.
Jalal's relationship with Salar Jalal's Real Motive & Hidden Intention.

 Jalal's Religious Guidance for Salar  Jalal was a selfish man and had never done any

 Jalal invited Salar to attend weekly religious deed without the promise of return.
lessons.  Jalal was a self-serving individual who sought
 Salar initially lacked interest but felt compelled personal gain from every action.
to learn about his religion due to a lack of prior
religious guidance.  Jalal's interest in Salar was not
 Salar's mother encouraged him and was platonic but lustful.
pleased with Jalal's mentorship, believing it  Jalal had always been attracted to
would keep Salar away from negative good-looking boys and had engaged in
influences. sexual encounters with them.•
 Salar's mother saw Jalal's attention as an Jalal's desire for Salar
opportunity for Salar to integrate
surpassed his previous infatuations.
into the community.

Death of Salar
 Salar exits Jalal's house, casting a final
Hypocrisy and Abuse of
glance at the room that held his
Power: shattered innocence.
 Jalal's actions expose the hypocrisy of  He wanders the streets for hours, lost
those who use their positions of power in a desolate world tainted by betrayal.
and influence to exploit others.  Seeking an escape from his
unbearable pain, Salar purchases a
 His abuse of authority and his

bottle of rat poison.
manipulation of Salar's vulnerability
demonstrate the destructive nature of
unchecked power.
03  In the depths of a dark alley, he
consumes the poison, its searing agony
marking his final moments..
Unveiling the Truth: Jalal's Involvement and Qasim's Unknowing

Investigation 1 Jalal's Hasty
Crafting a Pitiful
Story 3
 In the presence of Qasim, Jalal fabricated
 Jalal's involvement in Salar's death a pitiful story, claiming eviction from his
 The police swiftly connect Salar's
raised suspicions among the police. house due to an inability to pay rent
death to the cleric.
 Anticipating their arrival, Jalal
 Qasim, without hesitation, believed Jalal's
swiftly packed his belongings and
 Witnesses saw Salar leaving fabricated story.
fled the city.
Jalal's house, and physical signs
 Seeking refuge, he sought out the  Welcoming Jalal into his home, Qasim
of forced entry on the boy's body
haveli of Khan Bahadur Ali, a offered him food and shelter
serve as evidence of rape.
distant relative of his wife. without question.

Hafsah H
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, b el i eved J ture, b
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 Q icated story.

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e s i r e to s e
fille ns wo come y t he d
Unsfuthl at her so t i n st ead be  Ja l a l
a s d r i ve n b r k.
hope teps bu Jalal w having to wo
 Hafsah ather's foots ng men. withou
rf u
in thei nd honest yo h a t w ou l d b
ta fe t
uprigh ha t a l i
Ah! W
Jalal manifest plot Disclose the Culprit
Hired the Peru to create the Qasim promise them, he will
destruction within Haveli resolve the matter and find the
People. culprit.

Foiled Plans and Rising Zaib Confronts Jalal with Grave

“Baba, this man has the smell of a
Jalal experiences a moment of fear,
grave digger. He reeks of dead bodies
confident that he had left no trace.
rotting in damp earth.”

Peeru Caught in the Web of

Uncovering Jalal's Ally Suspicion
Look, the man has no friends here,' said Peeru, sensing the probing eyes of the
Majeed logically. 'He must have children, becomes aware of the
acquired the services of one of our staff investigations.
Silent Killer in the Shadows
 Peeru didn't have a chance to scream before he felt rough
hands cover his mouth from behind and hold him.

'I have a knife in my hand so don't try and run away”

 Disthat you have to return to Shahi Manzil immediately.‘

 Disobey the orders.

 Jalal hit the man on the head and tore off his clothes as the
man fell to the floor.

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