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Spinning Disk Confocal y

Microscopio Super
Dragonfly 200
Staining- DNA (blue), LaminB1 (Green, nuclear envelope) and GM130 (Red, cis-golgi) Sample type- Mouse Colonic Epithelial Organoid.
Courtesy of Ronan Mellin, Dr. Luke Boulter, MRC Human Genetics Unit.
Image of synaptome mapping in the hippocampus is comprised of 364 fields captured using a 100x objective, four wavelengths for each tile. Courtesy of Drs. Fei
Zhu & Mèlissa Cizeron, Grant Laboratory, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Bacteria on Biofilm. Biofilm naturally has a high background, making imaging the bacteria on it challenging. This is evident from the widefield image. Using the confocal
dramatically improves visualisation of the bacteria by eliminating the background from the biofilm.
Super Resolución Zeiss
Microscopio Super Resolución
• CONFOCAL resolución máx. xy: 250-300 nm, z: 500nm.
• AIRYSCAN resolución máx. xy: 140 nm, z: 350nm. (Fast AIRYSCAN)
• SR-SIM (Super resolución por iluminación estructurada) resolución máx. xy:100 nm, z: 250nm.
• SMLM (Microscopía de detección de molécula única) resolución máx. xy: 20-30 nm, z: 100nm.
Zeiss LSM 880 - Confocal Zeiss LSM 880 – Fast AiryScan

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