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Ethical Principles in

Machine Learning
and Artificial
As artificial intelligence and machine learning become increasingly prevalent, it
is crucial to establish ethical principles to guide their development and
deployment. This presentation will explore key ethical considerations in the field
of AI, laying the foundation for responsible innovation.
Name PRN

Soham Godkar 22210591

Shrey Ingole 22210780

Pranav Waklekar 22211273

Shailesh Yerawad 22210222

Transparency and Accountability
1 Explainable AI 2 Audit Trails
AI systems should be designed to Robust mechanisms for tracking and
provide clear explanations for their documenting the development,
decision-making processes, fostering deployment, and outcomes of AI
trust and understanding. systems are crucial for accountability.

3 Oversight and Governance

Effective governance frameworks and independent oversight are needed to ensure AI systems
are aligned with ethical principles.
Privacy and Data Protection
Data Minimization Consent and Control
AI systems should only collect and use the Individuals should have the right to understand
minimum amount of personal data necessary to how their data is being used and the ability to
achieve their intended purpose. control its collection and processing.

Secure Storage Ethical Data Sharing

Stringent data security measures must be in place Any sharing or exchange of data should be done
to protect sensitive information from unauthorized in a transparent and responsible manner, with
access or misuse. appropriate safeguards in place.
Case: Deepfakes and the Threat to Democracy (2023)

Issue: The rise of highly realistic AI-generated videos, known as

deepfakes, has raised concerns about their potential to spread
misinformation and manipulate public opinion. Malicious actors could
create deepfakes of politicians saying things they never did, eroding
trust in elections and democratic processes.

The deepfake issue spotlights the need for:

Ethical Principle Violated: Transparency and Accountability Developing methods to detect and identify deepfakes.
Educating the public on how to critically evaluate online content.
Why is this an ethical concern? Deepfakes blur the lines between real Establishing regulations around the creation and distribution of
and fabricated content. Unlike traditional photoshops, deepfakes can be deepfakes.
incredibly convincing, making it difficult for the public to discern truth This case study highlights a new challenge in the AI ethics
from fiction. This lack of transparency can be exploited to manipulate landscape. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring transparency
people's beliefs and actions. and accountability in the development and use of powerful AI
Case Study: Kerala's First Deepfake
In July 2022, Kerala witnessed its first reported deepfake fraud case. A 73-year-old man,
Radhakrishnan, fell victim to a sophisticated deepfake scam that resulted in the loss of Rs.

The Scam
The victim, a 73-year-old man named Radhakrishnan, received a WhatsApp call from
someone who appeared to be his former colleague, Venu Kumar. The caller, using deepfake
technology, perfectly mimicked Venu Kumar's voice and appearance. The caller asked
Radhakrishnan for a loan of ₹40,000, claiming that he was in urgent need of money.
Believing that the caller was indeed his former colleague, Radhakrishnan transferred the
money without hesitation.

The Investigation
After realizing that he had been scammed, Radhakrishnan filed a police complaint. The
police investigation revealed that the deepfake call was made by a fraudster using
sophisticated AI software. The fraudster had obtained personal information about
Radhakrishnan, including his friendship with Venu Kumar, through social media.
Human Oversight and Control
Human-Centered Design Responsible Automation Human-AI Collaboration

AI systems should be designed The deployment of AI should be AI should be used to augment and
with the user in mind, prioritizing carefully considered, ensuring that empower human capabilities,
human agency and maintaining automation does not replace fostering a symbiotic relationship
appropriate levels of human essential human decision-making between humans and machines.
oversight and control. and problem-solving capabilities.
Societal Impact and Sustainability
Inclusive Innovation
AI development should prioritize addressing societal challenges and ensuring that the
benefits of AI are widely distributed.

Environmental Responsibility
The energy consumption and environmental impact of AI systems must be carefully
considered and mitigated.

Long-Term Thinking
AI development should consider the long-term implications and potential unintended
consequences of the technology on individuals, communities, and society as a whole.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
Fairness and Non-Discrimination Algorithmic bias must be addressed to ensure equal
opportunity and inclusive design.

Transparency and Accountability Explainable AI, audit trails, and effective

governance frameworks are crucial.

Privacy and Data Protection Data minimization, consent, secure storage, and
ethical data sharing are essential.

Robustness and Reliability Rigorous testing, fault tolerance, and continuous

monitoring are required.

Human Oversight and Control AI should be designed to augment and empower

human capabilities.

Societal Impact and Sustainability AI development must consider inclusive innovation

and long-term environmental responsibility.

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