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-By Rushda, Pranav, Aarin,

Vidhyasri, Kushal and Dhruv
What are Allergies?
• . Our bodies are capable of being triggered by something that can be completely harmless to other humans.
• . Allergies happen when our immune system mistakes a harmless substance that we consume, inhale or rub
against and infer that it is a dangerous pathogen.
• .When an allergy occurs, our body releases to fight that harmless substance, thus causing reactions
• .Reactions may include swelling of body parts, itching, sneezing, wheezing,etc.
• . In biological terms, allergies are caused by Basophil cells that increase due to allergies
• . Basophil cells are kind of granulocyte cells that can swallow other organisms to become bigger in size
Food allergies

• Tingling or itching in the mouth
• Hives, itching or eczema
• Swelling of the lips, face, tongue
and throat or other parts of the
• Wheezing, nasal congestion or
trouble breathing
• Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea
or vomiting
• Dizziness, lightheadedness or
Food allergies

•In children, food allergies are commonly

triggered by proteins in:
• Peanuts
• Tree nuts
• Eggs
• Cow's milk
• Wheat
• Soy

•In adults, the majority of food allergies are triggered

by certain proteins in:

• Shellfish, such as shrimp, lobster and crab

• Peanuts
• Tree nuts, such as walnuts and pecans
Pollen Allergy

• What it is :
• If you’ve been told you have a pollen
allergy, then you’ve had an allergic
reaction to the fine powder that comes
from the stamen of flowering plants.
• Symptoms :
• Pollen allergies can trigger allergic
reactions, which affect the sinus and
respiratory tract of those with this
allergy. Symptoms can include watery
eyes, runny nose, rhinitis, sore throat,
coughing, increased mucous, headaches
and asthma .
Pollen Allergy
• Preventation:
• Staying indoors on dry, windy days.
• Having others take care of any gardening or Types of Pollen
yard work during peak seasons. allergies in Bangalore
• Wearing a dust mask when pollen counts are
• Closing doors and windows when pollen counts
are high.
• Medication :
• Antihistamines, such as cetirizine (Zyrtec) or
diphenhydramine (Benadryl) Types of pollen :
Poaceae members (rice and wild rice)
• Decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine
Peltophorum Pterocarpum ( copper pod
(Sudafed) or oxymetazoline (Afrin nasal spray)
tree )
• Medications that combine an antihistamine and Hysterophorus ( a type of flowering
a decongestant, such as Actifed (triprolidine and plant)
pseudoephedrine) and Claritin-D (loratadine and
pseudoephedrine) Artocarpus Heterophyllus (jackfruit)
•coughing and wheezing
•red, itchy eyes Animal
•runny, itchy, stuffy nose
•sneezing dander
Some people with dog allergies also have skin
reactions. For instance, their skin might break
out where a dog licks them. Others with more
severe allergies might develop hives on their
face or chest. People with asthma as well as pet
allergies can have especially serious symptoms.
Animal • Minimize Contact. You probably should bar
pets from bedrooms where people with
dander allergies or asthma sleep.
• Keeping pets off carpets, upholstered
ABOUT IT furniture, and beds can reduce exposure to
• Pet allergies are actually quite common dander.
amongst pet owners. Everything from skin • Clean, Clean, Clean. Dusting as often as
flakes, urine to saliva — can trigger an possible will keep dander (as well as dust
allergic reaction. When these proteins are mites and other allergens) far away.
inhaled, it can cause a reaction. Pet fur may • Close Registers. If you have forced-air
also have to be avoided as it can carry pollen, heating and air-conditioning, closing air
mold, dust and other outdoor and indoor registers may reduce the amount of dander
allergens. The reactions can impact the
respiratory tract as well as the skin.
Dust Mites
What it is:
Dust mite allergy is an allergic reaction to tiny
bugs that commonly live in house dust. Dust Symptoms:
mites eat skin cells shed by people, and they  Sneezing
thrive in warm, humid environments. In most  Runny nose
homes, such items as bedding and carpeting  Itchy, red or watery eyes
 Cough
provide an ideal environment for dust mites.  Swollen, blue-colored skin under
the eyes
 Many people with dust mite
allergy also experience signs of
asthma, such as wheezing and
difficulty breathing.
Dust Mites Measures:
How they spread: 1. Use allergen-proof bed
covers. These covers, made of
ust mite allergy is an allergic reaction to tiny tightly woven fabric, prevent
dust mites from colonizing or
bugs that commonly live in house dust. Dust escaping from the mattress or
pillows. Encase box springs in
mites eat skin cells shed by people, and they allergen-proof covers.

thrive in warm, humid environments. In most 2. Wash bedding weekly. Wash all
sheets, blankets, pillowcases
homes, such items as bedding and carpeting and bedcovers in hot water to
provide an ideal environment for dust mites. kill dust mites and remove
3. Keep humidity low. Maintain a
relative humidity below 50
percent in your home.
4. Choose bedding wisely. Avoid
bedcovers that trap dust.
5. Remove dust. This prevents
dust from becoming airborne
Mold fever
• Nasal: runny nose, post-nasal drip, or
• Eyes: itchiness, puffy eyes, or watery eyes.
• Common: coughing, shortness of breath,
or throat irritation.
Mold fever

Small precautions everyone can take if they have mold fever:

• Think Before You Go- Mold are mostly found in stores like greenhouses, farms,
flower shops, construction sites, and antique shops. Before you go in, take your
allergy medication or bring a dust mask.
• Keep It Clean- Mold thrives in warm, damp bathrooms and humid kitchens. A
clean surface isn't a breeding ground, but those with a little soap scum or grease
are. An exhaust fan or open window in the bathroom will help cut down on
humidity. In the kitchen, keep an eye out for mold in refrigerator drip pans, door
seals, and garbage pails.
• Filter Your Air- An air-conditioning unit with a HEPA(high-efficiency particulate
air)filter attachment will trap outdoor mold spores and keep them out of your
house. It’s also important to keep AC drip pans and drain lines clean so that mold
can’t grow in them. Make sure your dryer vents are clear as well.

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