Amorsolo Luna

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Philippine History
At the end of the lesson the students
are able to;

1. identify the different paintings of

Amorsolo and Luna.
2. Write and differentiate the themes
of the two painters.
3. Appreciate the works of the two
famous painters.
O Do you believe that Filipinos can do great
things as much as what foreigners can
The Two Famous Filipino Artists
and Their Artworks
O 1.

Juan Luna
(1857- 1899)
Who is Juan Luna?
O A renowned painter, sculptor,
and political activist of the
Philippine Revolution.
O Became one of the first
recognized Philippine Artists.
O Creator of the world- class
famous painting, Spoliarium.
About Luna's Paintings

Art styles: Realism and

-painted literary and
historical scenes, some depicts
the inner political or with an
underscore of political
commentary and socio-
cultural views.
-his used of vivid and moving
colors has an invaluable
contribution to Philippine and
world arts.
Famous Artworks of Juan Luna
O a.

The Death of Cleopatra (1881)

The Death of
Cleopatra is the first
major award of
Luna,earned second
class medal at Spain
National Fine Arts
b. Spoliarium (1884)
Spoliarium is a genial craftsmanship of
Luna that can be found at the National
Museum in the Philippine. This is the largest
painting in the Philippines with a size of 4.22 x
7.675 meters. This had won the first class
medal during the prestigious Exposition of
Fine Arts in Madrid, Spain. Depicting bloody
carcasses of slave gladiators being dragged
away from the arena where they had
entertained their Roman masters with their
Symbolism- is the technique
used by Luna.
Heavy strong brush strokes-
expressed his anger over the
abuses and cruelties.
Diagonal lines- clearly shown
in the arms of men pulling the
wounded gladiator toward the
other room.
Vertical lines- evidenced by
the straight body of an
oppressor suggest strength
and sustainability.
What can be cited in Juan Luna's
O It was more than a painting ,it is a book,
poem at the same time.
O It had showed that Luna was more than just a
painter , he was a legendary thinker.
O It was not just a mere mechanism of genius.
O The said artwork was able to reflect the other
unique personalities of Juan Luna- a prolific
artist with so much ambitions in life.
c. The Blood Compact (1886)
d. The Battle of Lepanto (1887)
Battle of Lepanto is
one of the huge epic
canvasses painted by
Luna. This painting
features Don Juan of
Austria while at the bow
of a ship on October 7,
1571. Provides
significance to the
Spanish victory against
the Turks.
e. Parisian Life (1892)
Parisian Life, its literal
meaning is " Inside A Cafè", also
an oil painting on canvas. Created
when Luna stayed at Paris, France
from October 1884 to February
1893. This really portrayed a
glimpse of Luna's own life in the
capital of France while being
accompanied his two close
friends - Jose Rizal and Ariston
Baustista Lin. This is currently
exhibited at the National Museum
of Fine Arts.
f. Tampuhan
Tampuhan is an 1895
classic oil canvas,
depicts a Filipino man
and Filipino woman
having a lover's quarrel.
g. La Bulaquena (1895)
La Bulaquena, literally the
woman from Bulacan. A serene
portrait of a Filipino woman
wearing a Maria Clara gown. Is
said to be one of the women being
courted by Luna when he lost his
Displayed at the National
Museum of Fine Arts.
h .M iH ijoA n d res-PotaifA n d res,on ofLu n a.
i. Ensueños de Amor (1890)
Ensueños de Amor,
literally "daydreams of
love", is a dreamy oil on
wood painting. Depicting
Luna's wife, Maria de la
Paz Pardo de Tavera while
sound asleep.
What did Luna Prove?
O He had proved that Filipinos or indios
were capable of being intellectually
competitive , as other foreigner could
also be.
O Also that he is a shining example of
how one's talent and love of art and
country can empower one to overcome
limitations and challenges in creating
enduring beauty and continuing art's
social relevance.

Fernando Amorsolo
(1892- 1972)
Who is Fernando Amorsolo?
O First National Artist of the
Philippines for Visual Art
(Painting) on April 28, 1972
with an official title " Grand Old
Man of the Philippine Art"
O Also a portraitist and excellent
sketch artist and peerless master
of light and color.
O Regarded also as the Father of
Realism because of his realistic
About Amorsolo's Works
Art Styles: Impressionism, Luminism and
Realism with subjects inspired by Philippine
genre including Traditional Filipino customs,
culture, fietas, and occupations.
O When World War II broke out, Amorsolo
continued to paint in his home in Manila,
but this time it already portrayed the
human suffering and wartime scenes along
with self portraits and the Japanese
occupation soldiers.
O Due to the popularity of his works, he
cataloged them and develop a technique to
paint them quicker to meet the demand.
Famous Artworks of Amorsolo
a. Planting of Rice with Mayon Volcano (1949)
Planting Rice with Mayon Volcano shows a pastoral
scene where happy Filipino villagers in their bright clothes and
straw hats work together amid a green and sunlit landscape of
plenty. Behind them, releasing a peaceful plume of steam, rises
the beautifully symmetrical cone of Mayon stratovolcano. It is
the ash erupted by the volcano over its highly-active history that
has made the surrounding landscape fertile, and the tranquil
cone appears here to be a beneficial spirit of the earth standing
guardian over the villagers and their crops. Mayon’s eruptions
can be very destructive (as in the violent eruption of 1947, not
long before this picture was painted, when pyroclastic flows and
lahars brought widespread destruction and fatalities) but here
the relationship between the volcano and the surrounding
landscape is depicted as a positive, fruitful and harmonious one.
Mayon is a celebrated symbol of the Philippines, and its presence
in Amorsolo’s painting emphasizes his wish to represent the
b. The Making of the Philippine Flag
The Making of the Philippine Flag. It is
believed that Amorsolo made this to show to the
citizen of the Philippines of how the Philippine
Flag was made and to remind them that we need
to take care and give importance as it symbolizes
the following;
1. White triangle- stands for equality and
2. Blue field- for peace, truth, and justice.
3. Red field- for patriotism and valor.
4. Eight rays of the sun- stand for the first eight
provinces that the colonizers have put under
martial law.
5. 3 stars- symbolize Luzon, Visayas and
c. Palay Maiden (1920)
Palay Maiden is an oil painting on canvas. Palay is Tagalog for
grain, which is symbolic of the Philippines’ most staple crop. Maiden
bears significance to Amorsolo’s preference for beauty. Throughout
his pieces showing women, Amorsolo does not conform to a Western
standard of beauty; rather, he portrayed them to have:

[A] rounded face, not of the oval type often presented to us in

newspapers and magazine illustrations. The eyes should be
exceptionally lively, not the dreamy, sleepy type that characterizes
the Mongolian. The nose should be of the blunt form but firm and
strongly marked. … So the ideal Filipina beauty should not
necessarily be white complexioned, nor of the dark brown color of
the typical Malayan, but of the clear skin or fresh colored type
which we often witness when we met a blushing girl.
d. Princess Urduja
Princess Urduja is a figure
from Philippine legend, a
warrior princess who is
said to have ruled the
kingdom of Tawalisi in
the province of
Pangasinan. Also
considered a popular
heroine and Philippine
f. A Basket of Mangoes (1949)
A Basket of
The beautiful lady
represented remind us
how beautiful life
really is and her smile,
gave us the positive
situation because
Filipino`s always smile
whether they have
good or bad problem.
g. Afternoon Meal of the Rice
Workers (1939)
Afternoon Meal of the
Rice Workers (A.K.A
Noonday Meal of the
Rice Workers), is one of
the major works of
Amorsolo in which the
farmers is the main
subject. Who are about
to eat their meal after
they could have done
their work.
What characteristic does the two painters have
both showed?

O They both showed that they are a nationalistic

persons. In such ways that Amorsolo portrays and
commemorate the different traditions, culture and
customs of the Philippines and that Luna proved to
the world that no barriers can prevent the
Filipino's artistic prowess.
Significance to the Present

O For the present/ future generation, both able to

trace the rich heritage of ideas handed down by
our forefathers.
O Then, we can understand ourselves and take pride
in being a Filipino by continuously bringing the
nation's experience and talent in the global arena.
He who does not know how to look back at where
from, will never get to his destination .

-Jose P. Rizal
To foretell the destiny of a nation, it is necessary to
open the book that tells of his past.

-Jose P. Rizal
A. Afternoon Meal of the Rice Workers
B. Princes Urduja
C. Palay maiden
What is the name of this
La Bulaquena

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