HCI Week 1

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Human Computer

Week 1
Miss. Fatima Yousaf
“Human-Computer Interaction is a discipline concerned with
the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive
computing systems for human use and with the study of major
phenomena surrounding them.”
Components of HCI
As its name implies, HCI consists of three parts: the user, the
computer itself, and the ways they work together.
1. User
By "user", we may mean an individual user, a group of users
working together. An appreciation of the way people's
sensory systems (sight, hearing, touch) relay information is
vital. Also, different users form different conceptions or
mental models about their interactions and have different
ways of learning and keeping knowledge and. In addition,
cultural and national differences play a part.
2. Computer
When we talk about the computer, we're referring to any
technology ranging from desktop computers, to large scale
computer systems. For example, if we were discussing the
design of a Website, then the Website itself would be
referred to as "the computer". Devices such as mobile
phones or VCRs can also be considered to be “computers”.
3. Interaction
There are obvious differences between humans and
machines. In spite of these, HCI attempts to ensure that
they both get on with each other and interact successfully.
In order to achieve a usable system, you need to apply
what you know about humans and computers and consult
with likely users throughout the design process. In real
systems, the schedule and the budget are important, and it
is vital to find a balance between what would be ideal for
the users and what is feasible.
Role of HCI
Role of HCI
 The study of human-computer interaction aims to create a
conversation between people and machines that seems
natural and intuitive. A superior user experience that
doesn't necessitate a lot of physical or mental effort is
what designers and product developers strive to achieve.
Humans use digital devices to do various jobs, and effective
human-computer interfaces are essential. Lack of
consideration for human-computer interaction can result in
poorly designed user interfaces that have an adverse effect
on product usability and raise the likelihood of product

 Designers can gain invaluable knowledge about ergonomics,

usability, user behaviors, emotional responses, user goals,
and user personas by researching human-computer
interaction. The ultimate goal of HCI is to reduce the
amount of effort a user expends when using technology. It
aspires to make interactions between people and
Role of HCI
 HCI is crucial in designing intuitive interfaces that people
with different abilities and expertise usually access. Most
importantly, human-computer interaction is helpful for
communities lacking knowledge and formal training on
interacting with specific computing systems.
 With efficient HCI designs, users need not consider the
intricacies and complexities of using the computing system.
User-friendly interfaces ensure that user interactions are
clear, precise, and natural.
 The principal objective of HCI is to develop functional
systems that are usable, safe, and efficient for end-users. The
developer community can achieve this goal by fulfilling the
following criteria:
1. Have sound knowledge of how users use computing
2. Design methods, techniques, and tools that allow users
to access systems based on their needs
3. Adjust, test, refine, validate, and ensure that users
achieve effective communication or interaction with
Role of HCI
Role of HCI in Different Fields:
1. HCI in daily lives
Today, technology has penetrated our routine lives and has
impacted our daily activities. To experience HCI technology,
one need not own or use a smartphone or computer. When
people use an ATM, food dispensing machine, or snack
vending machine, they inevitably come in contact with HCI.
This is because HCI plays a vital role in designing the
interfaces of such systems that make them usable and
2. Industry
Industries that use computing technology for day-to-day
activities tend to consider HCI a necessary business-driving
force. Efficiently designed systems ensure that employees
are comfortable using the systems for their everyday work.
With HCI, systems are easy to handle, even for untrained
HCI is critical for designing safety systems such as those
used in air traffic control (ATC) or power plants. The aim of
Role of HCI
3. Accessible to disabled
The primary objective of HCI is to design systems that make
them accessible, usable, efficient, and safe for anyone and
everyone. This implies that people with a wide range of
capabilities, expertise, and knowledge can easily use HCI-
designed systems. It also encompasses people with
disabilities. HCI tends to rely on user-centered techniques
and methods to make systems usable for people with
4. An integral part of software success
HCI is an integral part of software development companies
that develop software for end-users. Such companies use
HCI techniques to develop software products to make them
usable. Since the product is finally consumed by the end-
user, following HCI methods is crucial as the product’s sales
depend on its usability.
Role of HCI
5. Useful for untrained communities
Today, user manuals for general computer systems are a
rarity. Very few advanced and complex computing systems
provide user manuals. In general, users expect the systems
to be user-friendly and enable them to access the system
within a few minutes of interacting with it. Here, HCI is an
effective tool that designers can use to design easy-to-use
interfaces. HCI principles also ensure that the systems have
obvious interfaces and do not require special training to be
used. Hence, HCI makes computing systems suitable for an
untrained community.
Principles of HCI
Researchers and designers in the field of human-computer
interaction have established numerous concepts. These
regulations range from general norms and design guidelines to
abstract design principles. Let's look at the most crucial HCI
1. Design for familiarity and learnability
2. Make the elements readable and approachable.
3. Tolerance for errors
4. Flexibility
Future Scope of HCI
The most recent prototypes being created by businesses
around the globe employing HCI theories include the following:
5. Dexta haptic gloves
6. Pre-touch sensing
7. PaperID
Human VS Computer
Human Strength:
 Humans have common sense; multiple neurons and the
brain has the ability of self-processing.
 They can also think out of the box but sometimes take
time to recollection.
 Human Brain receives inputs through senses such as
hearing, sight and also detects patterns,
abnormalities, and trends in visualization data. At the
same time, they can recognize facial expression, voice,
and action.
 Similar to computers human brain is also a single store
where you can save unlimited information but takes
time to recollect.
 Humans are still superior to computers in many ways
as they can perform tasks, make decisions, and solve
problems based on intelligence and life experiences.
Human VS Computer
Computer Strength:
 In computer to process, anything it requires electricity.
 Computers require input and process at a faster speed.
 The computer supports a variety of input devices such as a
keyboard, mouse, joystick, a microphone for voice input and
recognition, biometrics and scanners, etc. All these inputs
help the human to communicate with computers. Until you
incorporate an input command to your Computer you will not
receive the output.
 Computer output device includes sound, display on the
screen, printouts when connected to external devices.
 Generally, the computers will not sleep like humans so they
can analyze, calculate and perform the task even round the
clock without tiredness.
 Whereas the computers are not affected or influenced by
emotions, feelings, wants, needs, etc.
Human VS Computer
In humans for impulse transmissions and response
related via an electrochemical process of their neural
networks, so they require some nutrition. But when
comes to computers they totally rely on the electricity
rather than organic compounds. In this way, the
relationship between human and computers represents
the combination of organic thinking and machine
calculating where one cannot exist without other. By
improving the synaptic connections in the nervous
system, humans can improve their memory. But if you
want to increase the computer’s memory then you need
to add chips, and or a physical memory drives such as a
hard disk drive.
Summary of today’s lecture
 Today we discussed about what is HCI.
 We also discussed the components of HCI.
 We continued our discussion on Role of HCI.
 We have seen Role of HCI in different fields
and future scope of HCI.
 And lastly, we discussed about Human VS
The End

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