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Present Simple

Teacher Carlos Ojeda
No olvides agregar la
letra “s” al verbo si
Ejemplo: hablamos de terceras
personas (he, she, it)
Goofy drives a car

En el modo negativo no
Goofy doesn’t drive a car hay que agregar la letra
“s” al verbo, y debemos
usar el verbo auxiliar do,
ya sea en su forma don’t
ó doesn’t.
When can we use the PRESENT SIMPLE?

Situaciones Permanentes Rutinas Diarias

Sentimientos y Preferencias Datos Generales

Transform these sentences into their
negative and interrogative forms
1. She says the truth.
2. They cook together.
3. Francisca and Claudia play volleyball.
4. Marcos reads a book.
5. She runs in the stadium everyday.
6. We buy chocolate.
7. I sleep 8 hours.
8. My sister eats broccoli.
9. Cats drink milk.
10. My brother studies English.
Find the right order and make
1. work – She – doesn’t _______________________
2. They – cook – don’t _______________________
3. don’t – study – I _______________________
4. We – books - read _______________________
Choose the right answer
Write sentences in the affirmative and
interrogative form

Play (jugar)

Run (correr)
Write sentences in the affirmative and
interrogative form

Teach (enseñar)

Buy (comprar)
ADD don’t / doesn’t
• They __________ speak English.
• She ___________ wear winter clothes.
• He ____________ work in Quillota.
• You ___________ drink wine.
• Mark and Chris __________ play rugby.
• Cows______________ eat grass.
These sentences have mistakes, find them
and re-write the sentences in their right

• This chocolate cost $2,500

• We fixes computers.
• I opens the door.
• The bus from Talca arrive at 5 pm.
• You draws very well.
• They doesn’t study everyday.
• These boys doesn’t play golf.

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