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Voluntary welfare measures

Welfare work by employers

Educational facilities:
Education plays a very important part in motivating and enabling the working population for changes necessary for accelerated progress and for their mental and physical development (a) for adult worker education (b) for children worker. It has the joint responsibility of the governments and employers to set up primary schools, secondary schools, high schools and colleges in predominantly industrial areas. some well to do employers like TISCO have provided educational facilities to the children of their employees in the form of provision of schools, reading rooms, libraries and financial assistance. in the different units of bharat heavy electricals , there are a total of about 75 educational institutions with the stdent community of over 50,000 and teaching work force of about 1400 education is imparted to the children of the employees in english and in local languages.

Medical facilities
Employers of private and public sector have been

providing medical facilities for their workers and their families, even before the introduction of ESI scheme. They include the following facilities : first aid centres, ambulance rooms and even regular hospitals either in factory premises or inside the township, private sector companies like TISCO, TELCO, Philips, Hindustan lever, godrej, L&T have extended medical amenities to their employees.

MOBILITY and accessibility is made possible by

modern transportation. recently road and rail transport have acquired considerable significance because of their role in socio economic development of the country. The provision of transport facilities given to workers so that they can reach the workplace punctually and comfortably. Most employers have, however recognised the workers need for transport services and therefore responded favourably by providing company owned/leased vehicles to workers in major industrial centres especially in the private sector.

Housing is the primary need of a workers family

in civilized life. Good houses means possibility of home life, happiness and health; bad houses spell squalor, diseases, immorality, crime, etc. Under the industrial housing scheme 1952, the central government offers loans to industrial workers for constructing houses at concessional rates. tata iron and steel company(TISCO) had built about 20,000 residential quarters. It has about 40000 employees in jamshedpur The departments are a)architecture and town planning b) dairy and poultry c) education d) estate (housing) e) health f) land g)market h)parks and gardens i)water and sewage workers.

Recreational facilities
Recreation is commonly taken to be the opposite of

work. Though there is no statutory stipulation in this area, progressive employers both in the public and private sector consciously offered facilitation for recreation sports and cultural activites.paintings, carvings,music, dance, drama,games and sports are different forms of recreation.For example companies like NIIT and TISCO have appointed a chief fun officer to take care of parties and functions held on every Friday. (in addition to holiday packages, dating allowances, anniversary/ birthday gifts, games and competitions on weekends and, eating sessions). The affiliate textile mills of Bombay millowners association have set up sports clubs, cultural clubs, reading rooms and extended other recreational facilities like film shows,

Other facilities
Canteen, restroom and lunchroom: canteens

established inside factories generally offer food at subsidies rate. Washing facilities, medical aid , leave travel concessions : most factories have first-aid facilities to take care of minor injuries. Consumer cooperative stores: the Indian labour conference in 1963 recommended the setting up of consumer cooperative stores in all industrial establishment including plantations and mines employing 300 or more workers.

Welfare work by workers organisations

Textile labour association (majoor mahajan) Mahatma gandhi established the textile labour association (TLA) in
1916 and considered it to be his laboratory to make experimented in the sensitive labour field through truth , non- voilence and welfare 1941 gandhiji wrote the ahmedabad labour union is a model for all india to copy.its basis is non- violence, purity and simplicity. It has never had a set- back in its career. It ha its hospitals, schools for the children, classes for adults, its own printing press and khadi depot and its own residential. Gandhiji formulated a constructive programme and called upon all organisations including trade unions to adopt and implement the same.the programmes included activities to promote communalunity, removal of untouchablity, prohibition, education, health and hygiene, upliftment of women etc,he called upon the trade unions to take up adult literacy work. -------(strike)

The following are the services offered by the association: 1. pre-natal and material care through maternity home and dispaensary at kanpur 2. Creche for children of working mothers at dairapur 3. Pre-nursery schools in hired buildings 4. Girls hostel for backward communities 5. Supply of free clothing to orphan in labour localities 6. Educational help to each medical and engineering student coming from workers family.

Mill mazdoor union:

it was established in 1947 as an organisation for

textile workers. It is affiliated to hind mazdoor sabha. It is some of its welfare activities are listed below: the union runs credit co-operatives societies for the members belonging to small factorieswhich have no such facilities. It grants scholarships to members children studying in 8th 9th and 10th standards on the basis of merit. It also issues books to the needy students. It has a holiday home at khandala for its members.

Rashtriya mill mazdoor sangh (RMMS):

it was founded by late G.D. ambedkar and was

registered on august 26 ,1941 under the trade unions act 1926 in the name of Rashtriya kamgar sangh. It changed its name to rashtriya mill mazdoor sangh in september 1947 . The following are some of the welfare activities undertaken by the union: 1) It has a workers education centre at khandala with an investment of Rs 5 lakhs. 2) it provides merit cum need based scholarships and textbooks for needy students. 3) It has a reference library and a research cell 4) Sewing and tailoring classes for family members. 5) in its auditorium dramas are staged and films are screened. 6) It has holiday home at khandala known as smriti

Mill mazdoor union:

The mill mazdoor union, Indore, has established

welfare centre's to provide cultural, recreational and other amenities to its members. It organises music, dance, and social-get has a balmandir where educational facilities and games are offered to children of the employees. similarly in the kanyamandir (girls section), slementary education, tailoring, knitting, training in hygiene and care of children are organised. in mahila mandir, it has made necessary arrangements to provide educational amenities and craft training to women employees. Night clases, a library, a reading room and facilities for indoor and outdoor games are also provided for the benefit of workers.

Transport and dock workers union

It was established in 1932 by P.D mello, a clerk in

bombay port trust. In 1958 it became a federation of dock and transport workers under the able guidance of Dmello. Its total membership is about 35000 out of 70000 port and dock workers.its welfare actiivities consist of housing, free medical treatment for family and dependants, schooling for children, and so on.the union has a holiday home at khandala. It grants scholarships to some of the needy students Free education from Dmello trust


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