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Symbiosis Homework Name ____________________

Research one example for each of the types of symbiosis. Name the organism in the example and paste or draw
a picture for each type.

Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism

Gobies and pistol shrimp Bird making a nest in a tree Mosquitoes and humans
The relationship between The relationship between The relationship between
gobies and pistol shrimp is birds and trees is mosquitoes and humans is
mutualism because both commensalism because parasitism because one of
species benefit. For whilst the bird benefits the the species benefits, whilst
example, whilst the pistol tree is unaffected. For the other is harmed. For
shrimp builds a burrow for example, the bird uses the example, as the female
them both the goby offers tree as a protective and mosquitoes takes blood
the shrimp protection hidden place form meals for egg production,
from predators. predators to build a nest for the human is losing blood.
their eggs, whilst the tree is In addition, some
unaffected. mosquitoes can be vectors
and leave viruses and
parasites that spread and
make you sick.

Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism

Bacteria and Human Tree frogs on trees & plants Tapeworms and humans
The relationship between the relationship between The relationship between
bacteria and humans is tree frogs and trees and tapeworms and humans is
mutualism because me plants is commensalism parasitic because whilst one
both benefit. For example, because whilst one species species benefits the other is
whilst the bacteria is benefits the other is harmed. For example, when
the human host consumes
provided an environment unaffected. For example, undercooked cow meat, they
to thrive with sources of the tree frogs use plants can develop a tapeworm
nutrients, the human and trees as a hiding place infection that results in
receives metabolites for protection against digestive problems including
which cannot be obtained predators. abdominal pain, loss of
otherwise. appetite, weight loss, and
stomach issues.

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