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Nomer lauresto dumlao
• A research problem is (1) any significant, perplexing and challenging
situation, real or artificial, the solution of which requires reflective
thinking; (2) a perplexing situation after it has been translated into a
question or series of questions that may help determine the direction
of subsequent inquiry.(the foregoing definitions are according to
Dewey.(Good, p.414)
Elements of a research problem
1. Aim or purpose of the problem for investigation. This answers the
question “why” why is there an investigation, inquiry or study?
Elements of a research problem
2. The subject matter or topic to be investigated
- This answers the question “what?” what is to e investigated or
Elements of a research problem
3. The place or locale where the research is to be conducted.
This answers the question “where?” where is the study to be
Elements of a research problem
• 4. the period of time of the study during which the data are to be
gathered. This answer the question “when?” when is the study to be
carried out?
Elements of a research problem
5. Population or universe from whom the data are to be collected. This
answers the question “who” or “from who?” –who are the
respondents? From whom are the data to be gathered?
• Summarizing, the elements of a research problem are ; the aim or
purpose, subject matter or topic, place or locale, period of time, and
population or universe. They respectively answer questions stating
with why, what, where, when, and who or from whom.
Example of a research problem
• To determine the status of teaching science in the high schools of
province A during the school year 1989 – 1990.

Aim or purpose: to determine the status of

Subject matter or topic: the teaching of science
Place or locale: in the high schools of province a
Period of time: during the school year 1989 – 1990
Population: the respondents are implied to be either the teachers or
the pupils or both
-I formulating the title of research inquiry, the aim is usually omitted
Guidelines in the selection of a research
problem or topic
• There are certain guidelines or criteria in the selection of a research
problem to make it more interesting and the research work more
enjoyable to the researcher as well as to endure the completion of
the study.
1. The research problem or topic must be chosen by the researcher
himself- this is to avoid blaming others of offering excuses for any
obstacle encountered
Guidelines in the selection of a research
problem or topic
2. It must be within the interest of the researcher. – this is to make sure
that the researcher will focus his full attention on the research work.
Guidelines in the selection of a research
problem or topic
3. It must be within the specialization of the researcher. – this will in
some way make the work easier for him because he is working on
familiar grounds. Besides, this may improve his specialization, skill, and
competence in his profession.
Guidelines in the selection of a research
problem or topic
• 4. it must be within the competence of the researcher to tackle. – the
researcher must know the method of research and other research
procedures applicable to his problem and he must know how to apply
them. He must have a workable under standing of his study.
Guidelines in the selection of a research
problem or topic
5. It must be within the ability of the researcher to finance, otherwise
he must be able to find funding for his research
Guidelines in the selection of a research
problem or topic
6. It is researchable and manageable, that is,
a. data are available and accessible
- the researcher must be sure that the participants in his
investigation possess the needed data and that they are within his
research. So , one must not choose a problem in which the locations of
the data are too far away.
b. the data must meet the standards of accuracy, objectivity, and
- this is important. The data gathered must e accurate,
objective and not biased, and can be verified if there arises a need,
otherwise, the results of the study will not be valid and generalizations

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