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Themes of Me

Kyleigh Alaine Miller

April 8, 2024
Professor Trista Glover
The information given within this presentation will show the
process of selecting multiple works completed by myself. I will

Introduction display the process of analyzing and coding them into

separate themes. Throughout the presentation, you will be
able to see how these themes presented themselves through
out my career lifetime. At the end, I will share my revised
vision and mission statement.
Please enjoy and hopefully you will find inspiration from this
My Data Sources
The following slides will list the sources that I will cite for my 10 themes. These sources have been
picked to display examples of how my themes are tied into my life and work personality.
 Three Questions Yellowdig : This discussion requires a deeper
look into how you see yourself, and what kind of unique
capabilities and perspectives you have to offer.
 Identities Exercise Yellowdig: This exercise gave the chance to
break down my life into different sectors, and dive into why each
sector was important.
 Values and Dreams Yellowdig: These exercises displayed the
Data Sources most important themes in my life, and how they tie into one
 Kuder Career Interests: This tool allowed me to find my strengths
in a work environment as well as some ideal career fields.
 Kuder Skills Confidence: This assessment allowed me to home in
on my strengths and learn the best fields that I can use them in
 Super’s Work Values Inventory: This tool gives perspective on
what is most desirable to you in your work organization.
 Career Anchors Assessment: This assessment shows what
aspects of a career are most important to you and your happiness
within your job.
 Holland Personality Traits: This assessments allows you to see
what traits of your personality directly affect your work ethic and
Data Sources skills
cont.  OGL 365 I/E/A Assignment: This assessment shows whether
you’re an introvert, extrovert or ambivert. It also gives ways that it
can tie into your work skills and habits.
 OGL 365 CWB Assignment: This assessment shows you the
“Counterproductive Workplace Behavior” you could or are
showing within your career. It also explains how these behaviors
can affect your work life.
 OGL 365 Onboarding Assessment: This assessment went over
different onboarding scenarios and if the styles appeal to you or
not. It also covers how you would prefer to have onboarding done.
 OGL 360 Leadership Representation Photo: This photo was part
of a project that had us use items around our home to display
what leadership means to us. It gives insight into why these
objects appealed to us and how we firstly identify our leadership
Data Sources style.

cont.  OGL 360 Module 4 Coaching Prep: This coaching preparation

helped me to see that I have strong work ethic by diving into my
assumptions of myself.
 OGL 360 Social Map: The assignment had us develop a map of
the important and influential people in our lives. I listed several
family members and only a few work life members. This showed
that family was a prominent source of inspiration for myself in
leadership aspects.
 OGL 360 What Matters Most Worksheet: This worksheet showed
that my family was my focus in my life. While aspirations for work
development was there, my family and personal life too

Data Sources  OGL 482 Book Project: This book project required us to read an
inspiring book. The book I chose helped to confirm my drive for
cont. developing my work skills and habits further.
 OGL 482 Self Assessment: This self assessment report brought
together several different assessments that are also listed above.
Putting them all together, it gives a clear theme of what is
important to me when it comes to my work life.
My 10 Themes
These themes are chosen after examining my past and current works and finding
reoccurring themes. While crafting the 10 themes, I decide on what are the most
important and largest in quantity.
 Theme Statement: My family comes before anything, including my
profession. To be at my best, I need to know that I am providing the best
for my family.
 Supporting Data:
 Family is a reoccurring theme when thinking of all the different things I
desire in life. (Values and Dreams Yellowdig)
 When given several different opportunities to list identities I use within my
Theme 1: life, the theme of family came through over half of the time. (Identities
Exercise Yellowdig)
Family  Most of my top influential people in my life (including for professional
inspiration) are members of my family. (OGL 360 Social Map)
 Listing out plainly on paper, what matters most to me, my children came to
mind immediately. I had the longest list of reasons why for them. (OGL 360
What Matters Most Worksheet)
 My specific personality type automatically makes me more prone to feeling
sentimental and empathic, so my family becomes a weak spot for me. (OGL
365 I/E/A Assignment )
 Contradictory Evidence:
 Even though my family is highly important to me, I still thrive to develop my
career to a high standard. There will have to be times where I must decide on
my family or my career. (Values and Dreams Yellowdig)

Theme 1:  Reflection:
 Finding a balance between family life and work life is a tale as old as time. It
Family cont. seems it’s one or the other. While there are many organizations that are
working to improve that, there is still a stigma of putting your family first.
This is something I believe I can work to achieve, and hopefully spread this
mindset onto others. I believe you can have the best of both worlds.
 Theme Statement: My satisfaction that I feel everyday after completing
my work is important to me. I want to feel fulfilled, supported and like I
am making a difference with my work.
 Supporting Data:
 Many values that I hold important to me are values that I would expect
coworkers in my job to display. By doing this, my level of job satisfaction

Theme 2: would stay higher. (Values and Dreams Yellowdig)

 When observing what kind of careers would be a good opportunity for me, I
Job realized that there are different careers out there that could give me more
satisfaction with the work. This made me realize how much satisfaction
Satisfaction meant to my work life. (Kuder Career Interests)
 Finding out how many counterproductive workplace behaviors I was doing
currently showed me how low my job satisfaction is right now. That was
upsetting for me to see and made me want to search for a new job. (OGL
365 CWB Assignment)
 While examining past onboarding experiences, it occurred to me how
important it was to make sure new hires feel supported and recognized in
their efforts. (OGL 365 Onboarding Assessment)
 Contradictory Evidence:
 I don’t believe there is any contradictory evidence for this. I say this mainly
because my passion for finding a workplace that will provide the satisfaction
in every important department is crucial. It’s not something that my other
Theme 2: themes outweigh. If anything, they all work together to bring the ideal
outcome of feeling satisfied with one’s job.
Job  Reflection:

 Job satisfaction is something that every strives for when looking for work. No
one wants to work in a place that they don’t like, or that the work doesn’t
recognize their efforts. While I understand that the perfect job is not a reality,
cont. there are certain organizations that would appease one’s checklists more
than others. Therefore, I believe it’s all about finding the one organization
that best fits your needs and desires.
 Theme Statement: My desire to develop my professional skills and traits
is highly important to me. My growth, future and inspirations all combine
into my development.
 Supporting Data:
 I think often of how I want to move up from just a floor supervisor to a store
Theme 3: supervisor. (Values and Dreams Yellowdig)
 Seeing how my counterproductive workplace behaviors were too high, I felt
Development the strong urge to fix them. By doing this, I would be developing myself into
a stronger leader. (OGL 365 CWB Assignment)
 Bringing together all my self assessments, my drive for progression is
apparent when you look it. (OGL 482 Self Assessment)
 After reading an inspirational book, I noted that my drive for going further
and not giving up was a reoccurring feeling. (OGL 482 Book Project)
 Contradictory Evidence:
 While I have the drive to continue my development in leadership, my
introverted personality makes it hard. I do my best to overcome my shyness,
Theme 3: but sometimes it is hard to put on the extroverted personality. I am actively
working on that though, and hope that I will be able to break out of the shell

Development easier. (OGL 365 I/E/A Assignment )

 Reflection:
cont.  Development is an important aspect in leadership. In my opinion, leadership
is a never-ending improvement. You must be able and willing to continue
your journey and be ready to evolve at the right moment.
 Theme Statement: Organization is important to me in my workspace. It
makes it easier to find objects when you need it most, resulting in more
production. Having the creativity to bring the organization to the space is
a talent of mine.

Theme 4:  Supporting Data:

 I highly identify that being organized is something that I contribute to my
Organization/ workplaces. (Three Questions Yellowdig)
 Some of my ideal career paths were those that pertained to creative skills or
Creativity skills that required a great deal of organization such as special effects artists.
(Kuder Career Interests)
 When asked to take a still life of objects that represent our leadership, I
chose my planner because I wanted it to show that I am structured and
organized at work. (OGL 360 Leadership Representation Photo)
 Contradictory Evidence:
 I can be very organized and creative when it comes to random work tasks.
However, if my drive for the company goes down due to poor working
Theme 4: environments, my organization skills decline. I no longer have interest in
putting effort into something that isn’t used or needed. (OGL 365 CWB

Organization/ Assignment)

Creativity  Reflection:
 Having consistent organizing skills can be hard to maintain, especially if all
cont. your other coworkers don’t appreciate it or expect you to uphold those
standards by yourself. However, I believe it’s important to keep this theme
because I need a space to be clutter free to work effectively.
 Theme Statement: My strong work ethic is very important to me. It can
be seen by many and is something that I am most proud of.
 Supporting Data:
 Even though I’m an introvert, I still strive to do my work well and at a fast
pace. This works to my advantage sometimes because I don’t talk much
Theme 5: during work. I stay quiet and focused, and I’m okay with silently chipping
away at my tasks. (OGL 365 I/E/A Assignment)
Work Ethic  While exploring my counterproductive workplace behaviors, I scored highest
on production. This may seem like the opposite of good work ethic.
However, the things that I scored higher on was because of outside factors
that I couldn’t control. For example, ignoring that something needed done
because there were other more important tasks I focused on. (OGL 365 CWB
 Contradictory Evidence:
 Family ranks high on my list of important things in my life. If I feel that my
family life is being harmed by my work life, my work ethic will more than

Theme 5: likely decline. . (Values and Dreams Yellowdig)

Work Ethic  Reflection:

 Work ethic comes naturally for me. I have always been a hard worker without
cont. anyone having to ask me. However, it seems that I will quickly lose my
passion if I feel that my rights or feelings are being disrespected repeatedly,
especially if it comes to my family.
 Theme Statement: I’m naturally an empathetic person and use this
regularly in my leadership.

Theme 6:  Supporting Data:

 Many of my personality traits show that I am a sociable person when it
Empathy comes to listening and understanding. (Holland Personality Traits)
 Being an introvert generally comes with being empathetic. We are naturally
more reserved, and it can sometimes be easier for us to observe situations
from an outside perspective because of this. (OGL 365 I/E/A Assignment)
 Contradictory Evidence:
 My empathy is very strong and it’s hard to find any evidence against this. I
would say possibly my results from the CWB assessment could be
contradictory. I say this because some of the selections I made would directly
affect others. If I felt empathetic towards their situation, it would be hard to

Theme 6: behave that way.

 Reflection:
Empathy cont.  Empathy is something that many want, but not all can have. It’s an important
part of leadership to me because I want to always be able to look at things
from a different perspective. However, it’s important to not let it overshadow
your other skills as a leader, or else you could make too many emotionally
based decisions.
 Theme Statement: Finding, developing and maintaining a great
workplace culture is very important to me. It bring me back into to
workday and day, making the work more enjoyable.
 Supporting Data:
 Out of several different options, a positive workplace culture was the most
important to me. I found this reassuring of assumptions I had made of
Theme 7: myself finding it important. (Super’s Work Values Inventory)
 While finding different household objects to represent my leadership style, I
Culture chose a band aid. I chose that because I wanted to represent a feeling of
being able to come to each other for help. This support a healthy workplace
culture. (OGL 360 Leadership Representation Photo)
 When remembering onboarding processes, I remember thinking about how
great the workplace culture seemed. It made me excited to start working
there, and excited to come back to work time after time again. (OGL 365
Onboarding Assessment)
 Contradictory Evidence:
 Workplace culture that is healthy is hard to obtain. When you find it, it’s hard
to keep. Usually, it declines due to CWB like gossiping. However, it can
happen due to production withholding, which I have been guilty of doing.

Theme 7: (OGL 365 CWB Assignment)

 Reflection:
Culture cont.  As a reflection, I believe it’s important to remember each time that I feel like
giving up on trying so hard, that it affects the culture of the store. Even if it
feels like one person, or one task not being done as expected, the whole
store’s culture can decline in a landslide.
 Theme Statement: Communication is highly needed in my workplace for
myself to feel at my strongest capabilities. If there is not enough
communication, then the entire workforce within the organization can
 Supporting Data:
 When thinking about what I can bring to the table, I listed communication.
Theme 8: This made me realize how important communication was to me, and how
eager I am to show my abilities to others for it. (Three Questions Yellowdig )
Communication  As mentioned above, some of my strongest skills even after an assessment
showed that communication is something I am great at. (Kuder Skills
 Several other assessments also showed that communication between an
organization and its employees is highly important to me. Without it, I
wouldn’t feel the satisfaction I need to continue great work. (Super’s Work
Values Inventory) (Career Anchors Assessment) (Holland Personality
 Contradictory Evidence:
 The only contradictory evidence I can thinking of is perhaps my introverted
nature causing a delay in communication. This could happen if I was feeling
shy about speaking up about something. That doesn’t happen very often, but
Theme 8: sometimes it can. (OGL 365 I/E/A Assignment)

Communication  Reflection:

 My introverted personality is something that I have to watch out for, but
overall, communication is something an organization can’t lack on. This goes
for the management and the workers. It’s important to keep a line of
communication continuous.
 Theme Statement: Feeling apart of an organization is important to have
the drive to do excellent work. I strive to find acceptance at my job, and if
I feel that the organization isn’t accepting of new people, I will search for
another job because they do not share my values.
 Supporting Data:
 Having an accepting work environment is important, especially for new
Theme 9: hires. Many people seek this out as they find new jobs. (Super’s Work Values
Acceptance  I actively contribute to an accepting environment, as I welcome new hires
and show them around to help them becoming better acquainted. (Kuder
Skills Confidence)
 When examining my personality traits, I found that I am deeply empathetic
which allows me to be more accepting of other’s pasts. (OGL 365 I/E/A
 Contradictory Evidence:
 I strongly feel that I do not have contradictory evidence of this. I strive hard
to find and provide an accepting environment. Even if I’m not at my best
Theme 9: performance wise, I will always welcome and answer questions if needed.
 Reflection:
Acceptance  Looking at how important acceptance is to me, I can see why I’ve always

become a trainer at my jobs. I work hard to bring new hires in, incorporate
them into the team and be there for any questions. I use my communication,
transparency and empathetic skills to build trust.
 Theme Statement: Remaining transparent is extremely important. It
directly ties into communication, empathy, culture and job satisfaction.
Allowing your defenses to come down, and leveling with others can be a
great leadership trait when used correctly.
 Supporting Data:
 I work very hard to be transparent. My communication skills help with this,
allowing myself to communicate freely. (Kuder Skills Confidence)
Theme 10:  Working in an environment that has great communication and transparency
is important to me. I found this out after I had gone through a selection
Transparency process. (Career Anchors Assessment)
 In my leadership representative photo, I chose my planner to not only show
my organization, but to show that I am transparent with my daily outline. If a
team member wants to know, they could ask me for the schedule. (OGL 360
Leadership Representation Photo)
 When thinking about onboarding at my current job, I discovered that the
transparency that my then boss showed to me was inspiring. It made me
want to work there. (OGL 365 Onboarding Assessment)
 Contradictory Evidence:
 We once again revisit my introverted nature. I can sometimes keep to myself
when thinking. It could seem like I’m not being transparent if I don’t share my
“gameplan”. However, if someone asks me what it is, I will tell them. That’s
Theme 10: not being transparent in the moment though, which is what I strive for. (OGL
365 I/E/A Assignment)

Transparency  Reflection:
 While there are places where the leaders are not transparent (I’ve worked at
cont. many), when they are transparent, it brings the workers closer together. I
once heard someone refer to transparency as an open-door policy. I can see
that, because it makes you feel that you can go to them with any questions,
without hesitation.
“I will keep continuously working towards a happier future and a
stable career.”
My Personal
Vision Reflection: I wanted to incorporate both my want for a happy family
Statement life and a more fulfilling career. I know that realistically, there will
have to be sacrifices made somewhere. However, in the end, I am
looking towards finding that happy medium. I learned that while my
goals might seem unrealistic to some, that there can be ways to
achieve them through finding what works best for you.
“I will not be phased by slowdowns and roadblocks. I will be
My Personal patient and resilient, until I reach the next checkpoint.”

Reflection: Going through all the different material I used allowed
Statement me to see that I have a drive to achieve what I want. While my
natural introverted personality might find it hard to be loud and, in
the spotlight, I know that I will have to find that courage sometimes
to keep going.
This presentation shows many sides of myself and how I
see myself as a leader. It also displays how I gain
perspective on myself. It left me with strong vision and
mission statements that I can carry with me onto my
next adventure. Because of this presentation, I know
myself a little better and I feel better equipped to peruse
my dreams.

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