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Performance Management &

Appraisal, Part I
• The purposes and requirements of
an effective performance
management and appraisal system
• Legal and strategic issues in
performance appraisal
• Appraisal formats: Advantages and
Performance Management &
• Performance • Performance
management Appraisal
– Defines – Measures
performance performance
– Facilitates – Evaluates
Performance performance
– Encourages – Feeds back the
performance evaluation
Legal & Strategic Issues
• Legal issues
– Performance appraisal is open to
adverse impact
– Criteria must be applied equally
• Strategic issues
– Organizations get what they reward
– Need to align strategy with performance
management system
Using Performance
• Developmental
– Improving performance
– Career development
• Administrative
– Salary decisions
– Promotion
– Retention
Relative & Absolute
• Relative
– Ranking
– Forced distribution
• Absolute
– Graphic rating scales
– Behavioral checklists
– Critical incidents
Scale Formats
Graphic Rating Scale
Quality of Work

1 2 3 4 5
Poor Below Average Good Excellent
Graphic Rating Scale
clearer anchors Quality of Work

1 2 3 4 5
Frequent Passable Usually Errors Accurate
Errors accurate rare
Trait and Behavioral Data
• Traits
– Personality
– Individual traits
• Behavioral data
– BARS (create dimensions, write critical
incidents, rate critical incidents, form
scales with incidents as anchors
Scale Formats

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale For Supervision

5: Can train and develop


4: Exhibits respect towards


3: Critical of personnel in front of

2: Sets a poor example

1: Reneges on promises
Outcome Data
• Meeting goals
• Quantitative data
– sales
– scrappage
– productivity
Backwards & Forwards
• Summing up: We began with distinguishing
performance management from performance appraisal.
Legal and strategic issues were considered and the
balance of the session reviewed different rating formats,
their advantages and disadvantages.
• Looking ahead Next time we complete our discussion of
performance management by looking at challenges to
effective performance management, the appraisal
interview, motivation, and performance improvement.

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