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Methods of Translation

Ilham Nurcholis
Algi Pulmansah

The method of translation is introduced by

Newmark (1998:45). Newmark states, “The
important of source language system and culture
on the other polar is focusing the importance of
target language system and culture”
Method in Translation
The V diagram by Newmark (1988:45)

SL Emphasis TL Emphasis
Word-for-word Trans Adaptation
Literal Translation Free Translation
Faithful Translation Idiomatic Translation
Semantic Translation Communcative Translation
1. Word-for-word translation

In which the SL word order is preserved and the words translated

singly by their most common meanings, out of context.
1. Tsu : Look, little guy, you-all shouldn’t be doing that.
Tsa : *Lihat, kecil anak, kamu semua harus tidak melakukan ini.
2. Tsu : I like that clever student.
Tsa : *Saya menyukai itu pintar anak.
3. Tsu : I will go to New York tomorrow.
Tsa : Saya akan pergi ke New York besok.
4. Tsu : Joanne gave me two tickects yesterday.
Tsa : Joanne memberi saya dua tiket kemarin.
2. Literal Translation

In which the SL grammatical construction are converted to their nearest TL

equivalents, but the lexical words are agin translated singly, out of context.


1. Tsu : Look, little guy, you-all shouldn’t be doing that.

Tsa : Lihat, anak kecil, kamu semua seharusnya tidak berbuat seperti itu.

2. Tsu : It’s raining cats and dogs.

Tsa : Hujan kucing dan anjing.

3. Tsu : His hearth is in the right place.

Tsa : Hatinya berada di tempat yang benar

4. Tsu : The Sooner or the later the weather will change.

Tsa : Lebih cepat atau lebih lambat cuaca akan berubah.

3. Faithful Translation

It interprets the exact contextual meaning of the original within

the constrains of the TL grammatical structures.

1. Tsu : Ben is too well aware that he is naughty.

Tsa : Ben menyadari terlalu baik bahwa ia nakal.

2. Tsu : I have quite a few friends.

Tsa : Saya mempunyai samasekali tidak banyak teman.

4. Semantic Translation
 Which differs from ‘ faithful translation’ only in as far
as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of
the SL text.

 Example:

1. Tsu : He is a book-worm.
Tsa : *Dia (laki-laki) adalah seorang yang suka sekali
5. Adaption
 Which is the freest form of translation, and is used mainly
for plays (comedies) and poetry; the themes, characters,
plots are usually preserved, the SL culture is converted to
the TL culture and the text is rewritten.

 Example:

1. SL :hey, Jude don’t make it bad Take a sad song and make
it better Remember to let her into your heart Then you
can start to make it better. (Hey Jude-The Beatles, 196)
TL :kasih, dimanakah mengapa kau tinggalkan aku Ingat-
ingatlah kau padaku Janji setiamu tak kan lupa.
6. Free translation
 It produces the target language text without the style,
form, or content of the original.

1. SL: The flowers in the garden.
TL: Bunga-bunga yang tumbuh di kebun.
7. Idiomatic translation
 Itreproduces the 'message' of the original but tends to
distort nuances of meaning by preferring
colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in
the original.

1. I don't have my eye on you = I don’t remember you
2. I don't have my eye on you = I’m already to go
8. Communicative translation
 This method displays the exact contextual meaning of
the original text in a manner where both content and
language are easily acceptable and comprehensible to
the readers.

 Example:
1. Tsu : Beware of the dog.
Tsa : Awas anjing galak.

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