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Introduction To

s t e m
What is STEM?
Each letter stands for a school
subject. Can you guess what
they are?
S stands for

Science lets us be curious about the world around us.
We can explore our questions about how and why
things happen through science.
Let’s Think like A Scientist
Pretend you are at the beach. You collect some ocean water in your bucket
but then forget about it. When you are cleaning up all your beach stuff at
the end of the day, you see that your bucket has white crystals in the
bottom of it and no water.

What happened to the water?

What are the white crystals?

The heat of the sun helped the water evaporate.
Have you ever tasted ocean water? What did you


Ocean water contains salt. When the water

evaporated it left behind the salt. This is why our

bucket has white crystals at the bottom, but no
Science lets us:
• Ask a question
• Test our question by experimenting
• Write down what we find out
T stands for

Technology lets us use our knowledge to
discover new tools and devices.
Examples of technology

Ice Cream Machine Electric Scooter VR Headset

Let’s Think of some
futuristic technology
What are some inventions or tools you
think we will have in the future?

How will this new technology

help us?
technology lets us:
• Make complex tasks more simple
• Explore information
• Invent tools to improve our lives
E stands for

Engineers design and create everything from
buildings to computer apps. They want to know how
and why things work.
Let’s Think like An engineer
What materials would you use to build a bridge over this space?

What will the bridge look like?

Engineering lets us:
• Solve problems
• Innovate
• Find out how things work
M stands for

Math is the study of numbers, shapes, and logic. We
use it every day, in activities such as baking.
Let’s Think like A mathematician
What comes next in each pattern?

mathematics lets us:
• Understand patterns
• Examine data
• Think logically
All DonE!
Great job practicing
Resources used in this presentation

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