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Overview of Agricultural Extension

Concepts and Nature of

Agricultural Extension
Defining Extension

Extension has been defined in different

as technical assistance
a “bridge” that connects farmers to
agricultural research
technology transfer or delivery
non-formal education – one that happens
outside the formal school system
Defining Extension
A system of rural education which endeavors to
make available to rural people who cannot attend
school, a type of service to improve the living
conditions of the farmers, home-makers, and rural
people by teaching them to adopt better and
improved methods in their farming pursuits
(Saguiguit, 1976).

Extension is a kind of education which is stretched

out to the people far and wide beyond the four
walls of the classroom (Singh, 1999).
Defining Extension
Extension is a process of effecting positive change in
the lives of people particularly those in the

Extension means to extend, to spread or to disseminate

useful information and ideas to rural people outside the
regularly organized schools and classrooms

It is a type of intervention focused on education and

training and related services designed towards helping
people to help themselves
Defining Extension

A service or system which assists farm people,

through educational procedures, in improving
farming methods and techniques, increasing
production, efficiency and income, bettering their
levels of living, and lifting social and educational
standards of rural people (Maunder, 1973, 1994).
Scope of Extension

A. Agricultural production
Majority of the Filipino population are living in
the rural areas and are engaged in agriculture.
Agricultural production contributes to economic
productivity only is farming can be made
efficient. Efficiency means using land, labor,
capital and managerial ability in the best
possible combination to produce marketable
products with the least expenditure of
productive resources and human effort
(Maunder, 1972).
Scope of Extension
B. Marketing and processing of farm products

C. Environmental protection and natural resources


D. Farm and Home Managment

E. Family Living

F. Youth development
Scope of Extension
G. Leadership development

H. Community improvement and resource

There are three kinds of resources existing in the
community, which the extension worker has to reckon
with. These are:
1. human resources
2. natural resources
3. institutional or organizational resources

I. Public affairs
Nature/Dimensions of Extension

1. Altruistic Dimension. Extension is aimed at helping

farmers – a basic premise of extension that must be
observed by practitioners

2. Educational Dimension. Extension is a non-formal method

of adult education, thus extension professionals must be
imbued with knowledge on how adults learn.

3. Communication Dimension. Extension is a

communication intervention. Knowledge of basic
communication and its dynamics must be adequately
understood by the extension professional.
Nature/Dimensions of Extension
4. Behavioral Dimension. Extension is aimed at inducing
behavioral changes among farmers (this makes behavioral change
the end goal of extension). If farmer has not changed his behavior
(for his betterment) NO EXTENSION has been done.

5. Technology Dimension. Extension should be able to identify

technologies appropriate to clientele. The need for alternative
approaches and methods for diagnosing technical problems
should be recognized.

6. Research Dimension. Extension aims at linking research with

farmers. Ways to foster closer links between the farmers and the
researchers need further understanding
Nature/Dimensions of Extension
7. Input Dimension. Provision of technical inputs plays an
important linking function in the transfer of technology. The
extension professional must be knowledgeable of these
technical inputs.

8. Income Dimension. Extension is aimed at increased

income for the farmer through increased production and

9. Management Dimension. Extension aims to function

according to sound management principles. Hence, the
extension professional must be a Good Manager.
Extension Education Process
 This concept of the extension educational process is intended
only to clarify the steps necessary in carrying out a planned
educational effort.

 It does not imply that these steps are definitely separate from
each other.

 Experience shows that planning, teaching and evaluation take

place continuously, in varying degrees, throughout all phases
of extension activities
Extension Education Process
First step:
Consists of collection of facts and analysis of the
 Facts about:
 the people and their enterprises;
 the economic, social, cultural, physical and technological
environment in which they live and work.
Extension Education Process
Extension Education Process
Second step:
Deciding on realistic objectives which may be
accomplished by the community.

A limited number of objectives should be

selected by involving the local people.
The objectives should be specific and clearly
stated, and on completion should bring
satisfaction to the community.
Objectives should state the behavioral changes in
people as well as economic and social outcomes
Extension Education Process
Third step:
Teaching, which involves choosing what should
be taught (the content) and how the people
should be taught the methods and aids to be

It requires selecting research findings of

economic and practical importance relevant to
the community, and selection and combination
of appropriate teaching methods and aids.
Extension Education Process
Fourth step:
Evaluating the teaching i.e, determining the extent
to which the objectives have been reached.
To evaluate the results of an educational
programme objectively, it is desirable to conduct
a re-survey.

The evidence of changed behavior should be

collected, which shall not only provide a
measure of success, but shall also indicate the
deficiencies, if any.
Extension Education Process
Fifth step:
Re-consideration of the entire extension educational
programme on the light of the results of evaluation.

The problems identified in the process of evaluation

may become the starting point for the next phase of the
extension educational programme, unless new problems
have developed or new situations have arisen.

After re-consideration of the results of evaluation with

the people, the following teaching objectives were
again set-up.

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