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Device for exchange of energy between a fluid medium and a

mechanical system.
A. Based on hydraulic action

(i) Impulse (Pelton) (ii) Reaction (Francis, Kaplan, Bulb)

B. Based on direction of flow

Tangential Pelton
Axial Propeller and Kaplan
Radial inward or mixed Francis
Diagonal Deriaz

C. Based on specific speed & Head

Ns Head m
Pelton 15 – 65 > 300
Francis 60 – 400 30 – 400 Ns 
Kaplan 300 – 800 10 – 60 H5/ 4
Deriaz 200 – 400 50 – 150
Bulb 3 – 20
FRANCIS TURBINE: Sectional view
Pelton Turbine
Pelton Turbine
Wicket Gate Assembly
Site erection
of Kaplan
Theory of Turbomachinery

The fundamental relationship is based on the momentum principle and

was first expressed by Euler.

Consider inward-flow m/c as shown below:

U   U cos 
U r  U sin 
u = r

Continuity equation: Q  2r1 b1  U r1  2r2 b 2  U r 2

Moment of momentum equation:

Torque T  Q (r2 U  2  r1 U 1 )

Power P  T  Q (u 2 U  2  u1 U 1 )  gQH

H  (u 2 U  2  u 1 U 1 ) / g

Known as the Euler’s Principal energy equation for fluid m/c .

Runner blade

W2 2

U= whirl velocity ; U = absolute velocity; u = peripheral velocity/runner velocity

W = relative velocity; 1 = guide blade angle; 1 & 2 = vane angle at inlet and
outlet, respectively; 2 = angle at which water leave the runner.
Defining E => energy per unit mass flow rate E = gH

E  (u 2 U  2  u 1 U 1 )

From the velocity triangle

W 2  U 2 sin 2   (u  U cos ) 2

W 2  U 2  u 2  2uU cos   U  u 2  2u U 

uU   ( U 2  u 2  W 2 ) / 2
U2  u2  W2  U2  u2  W2 
H   
2g 2 2g 1

Euler’s Principal Equation

U 22  U 12 u 22  u 12 W12  W22
H  
2g 2g 2g

impulse effect centrifugal effect reaction effect

due to change of due to rotation due to acceleration
absolute kinetic of the fluid mass or declaration of fluid
energy in impeller
Impulse Turbine – Pelton Turbine

Theoretical jet velocity U1  2gH

Actual jet velocity U 1  C v 2gH

efficiency of nozzle

U 12 / 2g C 2v H
n    C 2v

V12  V12 
head lost in nozzle hn      H(1  C 2v )
2g  theoretical 2g  actual
Inlet velocity triangle: relative velocity W1 = U1 – u

u N = rev/min; D = wheel diameter

Assuming no friction loss along the surface of the vane.

W1  W2  U 1  u

U  2  u  W2 cos (180  )  u  W2 cos 

Force on the bucket vane

F   Q ( U  2  U 1 )  Q (u  W2 cos   U 1 )

F  Q ( U 1  u ) (1  cos )

Power P  Fu
Work done by water on the wheel, P  Qu ( U 1  u )(1  cos )

U 12
Power of issuing jet E  Q

Hydraulic efficiency of the wheel w 

u  u 
w  2 
 1  (1  cos )
U1  U1 

The hydraulic efficiency of the turbine inclusive of the nozzle and the wheel

u  u 
   n    2C

 1 (1  cos )
U1  U1 

For maximum efficiency 0
(1  cos ) 2
 max  Cv

For   180 o   C 2v

For  = 90o   0.5C v2

Let   speed factor, the power and efficiency of an impulse turbine are

P  AU13  (1  ) (1  cos )

  2C 2v  (1  ) (1  cos )

It is found that    (N s )

 varies 0.42 to 0.47 against ideal value 0.5

Pelton Wheel Parameters

B = 3 to 4 d

 9  12
W = 1.5 to 2 d

L1 = 0.3 to 0.5 d

L = 2 to 3 d

Depth = 0.8 to 1.2 d

 15
Number of bucket = 2d
Performance of Turbines : to study the performance of geometrically
similar turbines

P  f 1 (, Q, gH, D, ) gH = potential energy per unit mass

Choosing D, , and  as repeating variables

P  Q gH 
 f 2  , 2 2 
3 D 5   D 3
 D 

Similarly, efficiency 
 Q gH  (2)
  f3  , 2 
 D  D 
3 2

Eqs. (1) and (2) are used to study the performance of turbines.

For model study

 C1
D 3
gH C1, C2 and C3 are constant
 C2
2 D 2
 C3
3 D 5
Eliminating D form, the above last two equations yields:

N P/
Specific speed N  '
s N = rotation in rad/s
(Type number) (gH) 5 / 4

 P  g QH

N s' 
(gH) 3 / 4
Very often turbines are characterized by Ns (dimensional specific speed)

Ns 
H5/ 4 for turbines

Ns  3/ 4 for pumps
The concept of specific speed or type number is useful in referring to a family of
similar machines. The Ns is proportional to speed at which geometrically similar
machine would rotate when subjected to a unit head across it and when a unit
discharge or a unit power is being dealt with at the optimum operating
Unit Quantities
Unit discharge
Unit speed Q  D2 H
u H Q  Q1 D 2 H
u  DN  H Q
Q1 
D2 H
N  N1 Unit power
P  Q&H
N1 
H  D2 H3/ 2
For D = 1; and H = 1; P  P1 D 2 H 3 / 2
N1 = N P
P1  2 3 / 2
Turbine Characteristics

Under the normal operating conditions the head and speed usually remain
constant, the discharge being varied by the gate movements to conform
with the changing load. There is a large variation in the efficiency of a
turbine when the gate and speed are changed. Turbine models are
generally tested to determine the conditions of their maximum efficiency
and power for which it is often necessary to study the wheel performance
at various speeds for different gate openings. The curves are then plotted

a) between speed and efficiency and

b) between speed and power output

which are characteristic of the performance of the given machine.

It is seen that the best
efficiency is obtained in
the vicinity of about
80% gate opening.

of the
Selection of Turbines
The process of selection of turbines normally follows the following steps:

1. First broad indication for the type of turbine to be used is given by the head

2. Second most important criterion is the specific speed

Type of turbine Ns 
H 5/ 4 Head (m)

Pelton 4 – 70 300 – 2000 m

Francis 60 – 400 30 – 500 m
Kaplan 300 – 1100 2 – 70 m
Bulb 1000 – 1200 3 – 10 m

3. Efficiency of the unit

(a) Maximum efficiency
(b) Part load efficiency
(c) Efficiency under variable head

• Maximum efficiency: varies with the type of turbine and in a particular type it varies
with the specific speed..
(b) The graphs of efficiency versus percentage load for different types of
turbines is shown below.

 Kaplan turbines give high efficiency over a considerable range of load

 Francis gives lower part load efficiency as their Ns increases.
(c) The efficiencies of Kaplan and Francis under fluctuating head, i.e., under
varying speed ratio is

Kaplan is the obvious choice.


• Needed for Francis and Kaplan turbines

• Diverging passage connecting the runner to the tail race.
• Dynamic head is regained by a slow deceleration of flow by gradual increase
of flow section.

Bernoulli’s equation between end of runner and exit of draft tube yields

P2 V22 Vf2 Pa
  Hs    HL
 2g 2g 
V22 Vf2
  HL
2g 2g
represents the regained dynamic head while Hs is the static head, both of
these being regained in the draft tube by creation of the negative pressure
 V22 Vf2  V22
    H L  /
Efficiency of the draft-tube  2g 2g  2g generally 0.85 to 0.90

The best form of draft tube is a conical straight pipe extending from the bottom
of the runner to a level below the tail water. The dia. at exit end is fixed by the
consideration of obtaining a low velocity. The length of the pipe is 4 to 5 times
the inlet dia and the central angle is not taken above 8 degree. The conical pipe
draft tube is the most efficient draft tube, but it needs a very deep excavation
below the runner.
To reduce the depth of excavation an elbow type draft tube is provided, which
is consisted of (a) conical straight part (b) elbow and (c) sloping portion (x-
section changing from circular to rectangular). Elbow part has a tendency for
separation of flow at inner bend and the curvature has not to be very sharp.
The minimum radius of curvature has been found to be 0.6 D3.
Area of downsteam exit

Net exit area  3.15 D 2 US BR

 3.3 D 2 Doland

Exit velocity = 1.5 to 1.8 m/s Creager and Justin

= 1.2 to 1.5 m/s G. Brown

Length of the draft tube

 N 
5  s  D
 200 
= 2.8 D Doland
= 4.0 D Brown
= 3.5 to 3.5 D Creager and Justin

D = equivalent circular area at inlet.

Setting of Draft Tube (Cavitation)
By setting of turbines is meant the location of turbines with respect to the head
and tail water levels.

P2 V22 Pa Vf2
  Hs    HL
 2g  2g

Vf2 V22 [K = 1 – d ; d = efficiency of the draft tube]

Let HL  K
2g 2g

P2 Pa V22
  H s  (1  K )
  2g

H P 2  H a  H s  d

Let H P 2  H v K' H

Where, Hv = vapour pressure head; H = Head on the

 k 1H

H v  K' H  H a  H s  d k 1 H

(K '  d k 1 ) H  H a  H v  H s

Putting K '   d k 1   and H a  H v  H b

where Hb = barometric pressure

H  H b  H s

Hb  Hs

= Thoma’s cavitation coefficient

Pa = 101.3 kN/m2 (i.e. 10.326 m of H2O) at 20oC. Hv = 2.5 kN/m2 (0.25 m of

H2O) at 20oC
Safe values of Francis turbine
Ns 

50 0.01
100 0.03
200 0.13
300 0.29
400 0.50
Siervo and Leva formula

  7.54 10 5 N 1s.41

Having fixed the value of  and taking Hb = 10 m (usual) one can get

Hs = Hb – H

This gives the position of centre line of runner with respect to tail water
 1  Ns  

For Kaplan turbine  crit  1.1 0.28    

 660  100  
For Francis Turbine
N 
 crit  0.0318  s 
 100 

The turbines are kept 30 cm lower than the elevation at which cavitations damage.

Turbine runner elevation

* Should not be higher than an elevation that will maintain the recommended draft head.

* If possible, it should be sufficiently high to permit the runner to spin in air.


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