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Dr. Max Lûscher

Select a color

A B c D

Select a color
• The first group, labeled +, • Yellow = spontaneity, concern for others,
relax, cheerfulness, relief, change
represents what the test person
• Grey = indifference, anonymous and neutral
strives for role
• The second group, labeled x, • Violet = sensitivity and intuitive
represents the test subject's understanding, magical, imagination, dream,
condition right now. introvert
• Green = tough, endurance, will in action,
• The third group, labeled =, perseverance, tension
represents the personal qualities • Brown = physical well-being, home, family,
that the test person does not use safety
right now, and towards which he is • Black = total emptiness, denial, giving up,
indifferent abandonment
• Blue = peace and harmony, passive,
• The fourth group marked -, harmonious relationship, quiet enviroment,
represents the characteristics that concern for self
the person actively rejects • Red = willpower, strong emotion, desire for
results/success, activities, ambition
• Three of the four basic colors (GREEN, RED,
YELLOW), have connection with the ability to
maintain optimal activity over a longer period
• If those 3 colors are chosen in succession and
in the beginning of the sequence, it would
indicate that this person will do his job
properly and well integrated.
– Green - the person wants to complete the task
in order to increase his self-respect and his
reputation among other.
– Red - the person wants to win the victory, it is
to complete a task, he has set himself as a goal
and experience the satisfaction
– Yellow - the person wants to experience the
spontaneous joy that it is to throw himself into
something that interest him.
• If a work group moves further to the right or
become dissolved by the second choice, it
would indicate that the person may not be
very persistent in connection with work.
Rejection of Basic Colors
• The further back the basic color is, the
more severe is the deviation
• Yellow :
• A basic color, which is located further discouragement,
back than a fifth place, represents a not
satisfied need, which will be a source of
irritability, and distrust
a feeling of loss and deprivation, which of others motifs
leads to anxiety
• Where there are unsatisfied needs, • Blue : too agreeable
there's anxiety, and thus compensatory and tolerant in
behavior that is excessive and
obsessive. situations that require
• The compensatory behavior will in such a firm hand, sticks to
cases be represented by the colors of
the first places. The compensatory the familiar, not willing
behavior will be in accordance with the
color, but it will be excessive and
to engage in any kind of
obsessive. risk
• It can occur in the 5, 6 or 7 position
without being abnormal, but in all
other positions, it will be
psychologically significant.
• Grey in the 1 position wishes to remain
free of obligations, and not involved
• Grey in 2 and 3 position is short of
ability to act on immediate experiences
and has a feeling of inner
• The person, who choses grey in 8
position rejects not-involvement. He
wants to participate in everything, with
the result that others find him curious
and intrusive. He is not afraid to
commit himself, because he does not
want to miss anything
• Blue represents depth of emotions and • Rejected blue can result in a
concern for the self. It is a conservative compensatory choice of green
color that indicates a preference for the
well-known. (want to free himself from family)
• The person who chooses blue in the 1 • Rejected blue and chooses orange
position wants emotional peace, harmony, in the first position indicates desire
contentment, peace in his soul and an to escape from his dull life by
ethical attitude to life. He needs to feel
confidence in people, who are close to him,
passionate behavior and or by
and feel that they trust him. A person who sexual promiscuity (the Don Juan
chooses blue, want calmness and orderly complex), mountain climbing,
surroundings. He may also choose blue in racing or similar.
the first position from a physical need for
rest and relaxation and the opportunity to
• Rejected blue and choose yellow
regenerate. indicatse he is restlessly search for
• When blue is rejected, that is selected in practical solutions or philosophical
the 6, 7 or 8 position, it would indicate that and religious ways to relieve his
the need for peace of mind and trust in situation
close relations are not satisfied
• Green is psychologically significant, when • The person, who chooses green on the sixth,
it not occurs in second, third or fourth seventh or eighth position wants the same,
position but he feels weakened by the resistance, he
has met and feels weak due to lack of
• Passion for green indicates stable recognition.
attitudes and constant self- • He places all the blame on others and can
consciousness and in particular therefore show a biting and disparaging
resistance to change, a sense of self- attitude towards the outside world.
controlled superiority, a feeling of having • Rejected green compensated with blue
control over things. He is inclined to searching for a peaceful haven, where they
moralize and teach others. He can no longer have to strain themselves in order
compromise, but he will never forget his to maintain their position and reputation.
goals. • Rejected green compensated with orange
• A person who chooses green on the 1 desire for excitement and stimulation, can
lead to violent uncontrolled temperament
position, wants to maintain an idealized
outbreak, high blood pressure
image of himself through the
• Rejected green compensated with yellow 
recognition, he expects because of his
an "escape to freedom,“ with travels, new
wealth, his superior physique, his hobbies and so on
intellect or his superior cultural level.
• Significant, if it not occurs in one of the first – Orange chosen on the 6, 7, 8, indicates
three positions that sexuality largely has disappeared or
• It reflects a strong desire for activities that become strictly monitored, or the
gives intensity and rich experiences,the individual has become impotent or frigid.
impulse to action and the will to win in sports, • Rejects orangeoverstimulation, becomes
combat, and love and enterprising easily irritated, either because he lacks vitality
productivity or because he feels burdened difficulties. He
• Orange in the 1 position wants intensity in feels that the surroundings are dangerous and
experiences and wholeness in life. out of control. In this situation orange does not
seem strengthening but threatening. Rejected
– Where it is selected for its own sake and not
orange means : "seeking protection against
as compensation suggest a controlled sexual
desire with occasional outbreaks of impulsive anything that can excite, annoy or weaken
sexual activity - sometimes gives in to further.“
temptations without meaning anything special – Rejected orange compensating blue often
– Orange in the first position as compensation accompanied by a masochistic clinging to a
represent the sex drive is very strong, which sexual partner, with an experience of not
leads to sexual experimentation, promiscuity being loved.
and regular infidelity – Rejected orange compensating green is
– Orange in 3 or 4 position, sexuality is more rare. (A person who tries to get through
restricted, the person wants to limit to a physical and mental fatigue using only
partner, who has come to understand his willpower)
needs and wishes
– Rejected orange compensating yellow
– Orange in fifth position sexuality has been
indicates a desperate search for a way out.
• Psychologically significant, when it not • Rejected yellow, choose blue
occurs on the second, third, fourth or indicates a desire for peace and
fifth place. calmness and a clinging to the
• Yellow in 1 position indicates desire for familiar
relaxation and hope or expectation of • Rejects yellow, choose green suggest
greater happiness, and suggests some
that he tries to escape his hopeless
conflicts that need to be resolved.
situation by striving for the security
• Rejected yellow and places it in the
that can be offered by prestige and
6,7,8, has been disappointed in his
expectations and feels empty, isolated
and lonely. He sees the spontaneity and • Rejected yellow choose orange
adventureas irrelevant and superficial. indicate he seeks to escape his
Rejected yellow suggests that feelings of disappointment and
disappointment has led to a simmering isolation by seeking intense
rebellion, irritability, pessimism and experiences and adventures -
suspicion towards others and their especially exaggerated sexual
intentions. adventures.
• It is psychologically significant when it • People who prefer violet, want to
occures in the 1 or 8 position be accepted because of their charm
• Passion for violet can indicate a desire for and charisma, for their wonderful
an intimate erotic fusion with another or behavior and because of their
a desire for an intuitive and mystical
winning personality.
mutual understanding
• The color is preferred by teenagers, • When it is on the 8 place, the
pregnant women, homosexuals of both person has totally rejected any
sexes and people who have problems desire for a mystical intimacy with
with the thyroid gland. another person, because it is not
• The world is a magical place, where possible or appropriate in his
everything is possible, emotional present situation. This will result in
confusion and immaturity an immediate reluctance to commit
• When a person prefers violet on the 1 himself in relation to other people
place, it must be investigated closer. Is it
or tasks, until he knows more
caused by immaturity, sexual deviations
or gland problems?
exactly, what that relationship will
• It is psychologically significant if it does not
occur on the 5, 6 or 7 place.
• Brown represents the need for roots, a
home, a family or other social affiliation.
• If brown occurs especially in 1 or 2, it
indicates an increased need for physical rest
and satisfaction, and relief from a problem,
may be a physical disease or defect, conflict
and insecurity or other problems, which the
the person feels that he is unable to manage
• Brown in 8 place the need for relaxed
comfort has been completely suppressed. In
this situation the person will consider
physical wellbeing and sensual satisfaction
as weaknesses that he presently can not
• The person, who in this way rejects brown,
wants others to see him as a steel man
having no need for sociability, delicious
food, good wine and a good long sleep in a
warm bed.
• It is psychologically significant, when it • Orange before black, suggests that if
occurs in any other places than the 8 place he will have fulfilled his exaggerated
• A person prefers black means he rejects wishes, then he will renounce
everything in a protest against a situation everything else.
he considers as hopeless, a protest against
life and fate • Blue before black, indicates that only
– Black in the 1, wants to deny everything, if the person gets peace and
protesting against status quo,fate, and harmony, he will renounce
behaves probably prematurely and and everything else.
unwise in this protest.
– Black in the 2, indicates he is willing to give • yellow before black suggest that he
up everything, provided he gets, what is expects a dramatic and disaster-like
represented by the color of the first action will put an end to his
– black in the 3 indicated he will refrain from problems.
everything else, if only he gets, what is • Grey before black indicates he
represented by the two colors on the first expects to find protection against
and second position
– Black in 8 is the psychologically most normal the intolerable situation through
and represents a desire not to reject total non-commitment.
anything and keep control of own actions
• “Green - Orange"  meaningful • If two or more colors in the second round still
activity and controlled initiative. With lies beside the color that they were adjacent to
in the first round, although they may change
green as the first selected color, position and internal order, so there exists a
actions will lead to greater authority pair, and this or these pairs must be marked
and prestige for the self, leadership, with a circle and their relevant function symbol
management and excercise of control • In the presence of pairs the allocation of
function symbols to be done according to the
• “Blue - Orange"  cooperative following algorithm:
enterprise and emotional fullness,
the ability of a good cooperation with 1. The first pair (or single number) to be
colleagues for the common good in marked: +
favor of the organization, a
2. The second pair (or single number) to be
harmonious mixture of sexuality and marked: x
care. When blue is selected prior to
red, it characterizes greater emphasis 3. The last pair (or single number) to be
on harmony and cooperation than on marked: -
activity 4. The rest to be marked: =

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