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e still a c hild , do yo u
When you'r it h
ctin g li k e a tea c he r w
remember a ith
w h en yo u're p la yin g w
your friends
y ou feel w he n yo u w ere
What did re a
teac her wh en yo u we
acting like a
ever dreamed of being a
Have you
Other examples:

specialized application of any type of work that needs
special training or a
knowledge, skills and attributes
particular skill, often one
designed to provide unique service
that is respected because it
to meet the educational needs of
involves a high level of
the individual and of society
Commitment to Student and Student’s

Teachers are dedicated in their care and commitment to students.

They treat students equitably and with respect and are sensitive
to factors that influence individual student learning. They
facilitate the development of students as contributing citizens of
the society.
Professional Knowledge

Teachers strive to be current in their professional

knowledge and recognize its relationship to
practice. They understand and reflect on student
development, learning theory, pedagogy,
curriculum, ethics, and educational research and
related policies and legislation to inform
professional judgment in practice.
Leadership in learning

•Teachers promote and participate in the creation of

collaborative, safe and supportive learning
communities. They recognize their shared
responsibilities and leadership roles in facilitating
student success. They maintain and uphold the
principles of the ethical standards in these learning
Professional Practice

Teachers apply professional knowledge and

experience to promote student learning

Teachers use appropriate pedagogy, assessment and

evaluation, resources and technology in planning
for and responding to the needs of the individual
students and learning communities.
Outgoing Professional

Teachers recognize that commitment to ongoing

professional learning is integral to effective practice
and to student learning.

Professional practice and self directed learning are

informed experience, research, collaboration
The ethical standard of Care
includes compassion, acceptance,
interest and insight for
developing student's potential.
CARE Teachers express their
commitment to students' well-
being and learning through
positive influence, professional
judgment and empathy in
Intrinsic to the ethical standard of
Respect are trust and fair-
mindedness. They honor human
dignity, emotional wellness and
cognitive development. In their
professional practice, they model
respect for spiritual and cultural
values, social justice,
confidentiality, freedom,
democracy and environment
The ethical standard of trust is
embodies fairness, openness, and
honesty. Teachers’ relationship
with the students, parents,
colleague, guardians, and public
are based on Trust.
Honesty, reliability, and moral
action are embodied in the ethical
INTEGRITY standard of Integrity. Continual
reflection assists teachers in
exercising integrity in their
professional commitments and
Of all the teachers that you have encountered,
who is the m ost rem arka ble and inspiring teacher
you've had?

How did he or she inspire you?

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