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Transport layer


• Tcp is most widely used protocol that is used by web browser,
email programs, and file transfer.
• TCP is connection oriented and stateful protocol.
• TCP ensures reliable transmission of packets in order.
• TCP also provide error detection capability. flow control
• Congestion control capability helps in avoiding network
• UDP-connectionless protocol,does not require initial
setup procedure like TCP.
• Useful for Time sensitive application which requires very
small data units to exchange & do not require overhead
of connection setup.
• Transaction oriented and stateless protocol.
• Udp does not provide guaranteed delivery, ordering of
messages and duplicate elimination.
• It define how the applications interface with the lower layer
Application layer

protocols to send the data over the network.

• Application data in files is encoded by application layer and
encapsulates in transport layer protocol which provide
connection or transaction oriented communication over the
• HTTP:-
• Port no. are used for application addressing.( ex. port 80 for
HTTP).HTTP-forms foundation of world wide web.
• Include commands

• Stateless protocol and every HTTP request is independent of
other requests.
• HTTP client can be a browser or appl^n running on the client.
• This protocol uses Universal resource identifiers to identify
HTTP resource
• CoAP -constrained application protocol for M TO M appl^n,
• Constrained( environments , devices, networks).
• Like HTTP this is web transfer protocol and uses request
response model.
• IT runs on top of UDP instead of TCP.
• It uses Client server architecture where client communicate
with server using connectionless datagrams.
• Easily interface with HTTP. It supports GET,PUT,POST,DELETE.

• WEBSOCKET-allows full duplex communication over a single

socket connection for sending messages between client and
• It allows streams of messages to be sent back and forth
between the client and server while keeping TCP connection
• The client can be browser ,mobile appl^n or IOT device.
• MQTT-Message Queue Telemetry Transport is light weight
messaging protocol based on publish subscribe model.

• It uses client server architecture where the client (EX.IOT

device)connect to the server (called MQTT broker) and
publishes messages to topic on the server.
• This is suited for constrained environment where n/W
bandwidth low,device have limited processing & memory
• XMPP-Extensible Messaging and presence protocol(XMPP)is
protocol for real time communication &streaming XML data
between N/W entities.
• Application –Messaging, presence , data syndication ,gaming
multy party chat & voice video calls.
• It allows sending small chunks of XML datafrom one N/W
identity to another in near real time.
• IT is decentralize protocol and uses client server architecture.
• It support client server and server-server communication
path. XMPP allows real time communication between IOT
• DDS-data distribution service is data centric middle ware std
for device to device or machine to machine communication.
• It uses public subscribe model where publishers(device that
generate data)create topics to which subscribers(device that
want to consume data)can subscribe.
• Publisher is an object responsible for data distribution and
subscriber is responsible for receiving published data.IT
provide quality of service control and configurable reliability.
• AMQP-Advance message queuing protocolis an open
application layer protocol for business messaging.Amqp
supports both point to point publisher /subscriber
models,routing and queuing.
• AMQP broker receive message from publisher(device or
appl^n that generate data) and route them over connection
to consumers(appl^n that process data).
• publisher publish the message to exchanges which then
distribute message copies to queues message are either
delivered by the broker to the consumers which have
subscribed to the queues. Or the consumers can pull the
messages from the queues.

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