Comprehensive SynchroPro 4D Hands-On Training Manual - Part-2

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Comprehensive Synchro Pro 4D Hands-On Training Manual

Shahabaz Bim coordinator
Slide 3.Resource selection
Slide 4.Resource selection
Slide 5. Two different context (right-click) menus in the 3D window
Slide 6.Filters
Slide 7.3D Filters
Slide 8.Creating new Task
Slide 9. Custom Appearance Profiles
Slide 10. Growth Simulation
Slide 11. Resource Groups
Slide 12. Importing Equipment Models
Slide 13. Editing 3D Objects (Transform Resource)
Slide 14. Copy/Paste 3D ,Align
Slide 15. Create 3D
Slide 16. 3D Paths
Slide 17. Modify 3D Path
Slide 18. Synchronising 3D Models
Slide 19. Synchronisation Options
Slide 20. Baselines & Scenarios
Slide 21. Compare Baselines using 3D Views
Slide 22.3D Subdivision
Slide 22. Editing the Animation
Resource Selection
When a 3D Resource selected ,it will be highlighted purple in the 3D window (or selection colour
as defined in Options → 3D View → Colours → Selection Highlighting).

• Left Click -Single left click an object in the 3D window to select & twice click to deselected.
If a single left click does not select an object, press Esc in the 3D window to unselect all objects,
then right click in the 3D window and enable Selection Tool → Select on Click.

• Shift Select - When Select on Click is disabled, holding down the Shift button on the keyboard
and single left clicking with the mouse will select objects in the 3D View. You can continue to
select objects while holding Shift. Objects that you select twice will not be deselected.

• Ctrl Select - When Select on Click is disabled, holding down Ctrl on the keyboard will work like
using the Shift selection, except that any selected object that is clicked will be deselected.

• Navigator / Window tabs - You can highlight the name of the 3D Object or Resource in the 3D
Objects window, Resources window, or 3D Filters window.

• Window Box - By default, Window Box will be selected in 3D → Selection Tool.

• Cancelling Selection - If you left click anywhere within the 3D Window then press Esc on
your keyboard, the selection will be cancelled.
Window Selection works when you hold down both the SHIFT button and the LEFT MOUSE button, then dragging the mouse
drawing a selection box. Selection can be further controlled by dragging:
· Top Left to Bottom Right - Selects all elements within the selection box and all that it touches that are visible.

· Bottom Right to Top Left - Selects all elements completely within the selection box that are visible.

· Top Right to Bottom Left - Selects all elements within the selection box and all that it touches that are visible or invisible

When using CTRL - Inverts selection state for each object. Unselected objects will be selected. Objects that were previously selected before inclusion in window
selection will be de-selected

When using SHIFT - objects are only added to the selection. Objects that were previously selected before inclusion in window selection will not be de-selected.
There are two different context (right-click) menus in the 3D window depending on whether any 3D objects are selected:
When one or more objects are selected, the context menu contains commands related When no objects are selected, the context menu contains commands
to working with the selected objects related to the 3D View properties, navigation, and creating new items
The Quick Filters commands allow the user to quickly edit, create, and activate certain
Task Filters from the Assign Resources ribbon or 3D window right click menu.

Isolate Selected Activates the "3D by Selection " 3D Filter and hides all other 3D elements, showing
only the selected elements in the 3D Window

Hide Selected Activates the "3D by Selection " 3D Filter and hides all elements selected by the filter;
showing all other 3D elements. Objects are thenautomatically selected are being hidden. Using the Hide
Selected command again will additively hide the selected objects by adding the them to the "3D by
Selection " 3D Filter
Show All deactivates the currently selected 3D Filter and shows all 3D elements, including any
which may have been Hidden or Isolated
Critical Path Filter will show objects that are assigned to Critical Path task activities as a different
colour/transparency to objects that are not assigned to Critical Path tasks. For more information see 3D
Filters>Critical Path Filter

The Create Filter from Selected option creates a new 3D Filter using the currently selected 3D
Objects, prompting for the new filter name

Create Selectable Set from Selected creates a new 3D Set that allows you to only select the objects
that are marked in the 3D Filter. This works in conjunction with the Select Only Filtered Selection
Tool. For more information see 3D Filters>Create Selectable Set

Add Selected to Filter adds the currently selected 3D element to the currently selected 3D Filter;

Remove Selected from Filter, removes the currently selected 3D elements from the currently selected
3D Filters
A 3D Filter is used to hide/show elements in the 3D Window based
on user-defined criteria or selection
· 3D by Selection [User] - There is a copy of this filter for each User
in the Project. The copy for the current user updates automatically and
becomes the Active Filter when the 3D>Filters>Isolate Selected or
Navigator ribbon → 4D Visualization panel open the 3D Filters window
Hide Selected commands are applied

· Same as Task Filter - This built-in filter shows only Resources that are assigned to Tasks visible in the Gantt Chart
according to the currently selected Task Filters and Column Filters.
· For example, if a plan contains Tasks whose status is Finished, then when the Finished Tasks Task Filter is applied
and the Same as Task Filter is applied, then the 3D Window will display only those 3D Resources assigned to
Tasks that are finished.

· 3D Object Filter - This is a 3D Filter by 3D. Initially this filter does not contain any objects. Scroll down and open
the 3D tab and check the boxes next to objects to display them in the 3D window
Creating New Tasks
A. Typing directly in the Task List
Enter a description into a Task list Name cell - a new Task
will be created with a default 1 day duration, and will be set
to start at the data date.
B. Drawing in the Gantt Chart
Click the left mouse button in an empty row (after the last
task in the list) and drag the mouse to draw a bar. A tooltip
will appear listing the duration and finish time. Release the
mouse to creates a regular task.
C. Create Tasks from the Model
Tasks can be created automatically from selected Resources. Select one or more Resources from the Resource list or from the 3D window
You can create a Task and automatically associate it with the current selected 3D Resource using the Create Task(s) menu in the Assign Resources ribbons or the 3D Window right
click context menu

At root level creates Tasks from the selected 3D elements at the root level

Under selected Tasks creates Tasks from the selected 3D elements as a sub-Tasks of the selected Task

Below selected Task creates Tasks below the currently selected Task

Create/Insert New Task

To insert a new Task between two existing Tasks, select Plan Ribbon->Create (or right click in the Task List and select Insert New Task) and then select Above: ,
Below; or As Child:

If you select multiple Tasks a new task will be created above/below/as child for each

The As Child option is unselectable when in List or Activity Code Gantt Mode, or the current Task has Risk assigned to it. Risk can not be assigned to a parent/summary Task, and
therefore the Risk would first have to be unassigned from the current Task.
Custom Appearance Profiles
The Resource Appearance Profile panel provides the following context menu
In Navigator → Appearance Profiles window, create a new user defined Profile by right clicking in the list panel then selecting Add.
Add Creates a new Resource Appearance Profile. Right click on an existing User Profile to create a new sub-profile as a child under the selected Profile to create a tree
structure. The new Profile will have the same properties as the parent until edited. This method can be used to create categories of Profiles for ease of locating
Right clicking on an existing System Profile will create a new User Profile with the same settings as the selected System Profile
Rename Enable editing of the Profile name
Remove Delete the selected Profile (and all sub-profiles)
Copy Copy the selected Profile
Paste Paste the copied Profile as a sub-profile of the selected User Profile. If no Profile is selected, the copied Profile will be pasted at the root level
Collapse > Collapse the selected branch or all branches of the tree
Expand > Expand the selected branch or all branches of the tree
The properties panel below allows you to manage display options relating to the selected Resource Appearance Profile.

· The Action field determines the type of Resource Appearance Profile - based upon the default System Profiles
· The Start Appearance controls the default appearance for the 3D Resources before it is utilised:
 Select Original Colour to use the object colour, when imported as its Start Appearance Colour, alternatively, select
 Colour to define your own Start Appearance Colour.
 Select Original Transparency to use the object transparency when imported as its Start Appearance Transparency, or select
 Transparency to define your own Start Appearance Transparency
· The Active Appearance controls how Resources are displayed when they are in use, i.e when their assigned to Tasks intersect with the Focus Time:
 Select the Original Colour to use the object colour, when imported as its Activate Appearance Colour, alternatively, select
 Colour to define your own Active Appearance Colour.
 Start Transparency determines the initial object transparency when Active, or its initial transparency when Transparency Interpolation is enabled
 Transparency Interpolation can be used to visually fade-in or out the 3D object.
enabled, the object's transparency will automatically adjust from the Start Transparency to the Finish Transparency during the 3D object's Active
 Finish Transparency. The final object transparency when Transparency Interpolation is enabled
 Growth Simulation can be used to visually grow or shrink the 3D object
· The End Appearance controls how Resources are displayed post Task completion, i.e when their 'assigned to' Tasks do not intersect with the Focus
 Select Original Colour to use the object colour, when imported as its End Appearance Colour, alternatively, select
 Colour to define your own End Appearance Colour.
 Select Original Transparency to use the object transparency when imported as its End Appearance Transparency, or select
 Transparency to define your own End Appearance Transparency
· The Company is the name of the User's company, and
· The Created By is the name of the User who created the Resource Appearance Profile.

Growth Simulation
The Growth Direction can also be selected or modified from the options available in the drop-down list. The Custom Growth Direction is defined by adding a Cutting Plane perpendicular to
the desired Growth Direction, then selecting the Use as growth direction button in the 3D Properties->Cutting Planes panel. Alternatively, type in a Direction as an (X, Y, Z) value or copy and
paste from another Resource Appearance Profile Direction
Simulate as Remove can be used with Temporary or Maintain type profiles. When enabled, the Growth Simulation will appear as if the object is being removed (shrinking over time). When disabled, the
object will appear as if it is being installed (growing over time)
When Adjust for Task Percent Complete is enabled and a Growth Simulation is applied, the appearance of objects assigned to tasks that are in progress is affected by the Task's % Complete (in Task
Properties>Monitoring. This affects only objects assigned to tasks that have Started status. Appearance also depends on Dates to Use settings.
When Pause During Non-working Time is enabled, objects with Growth Simulation applied will not continue to grow during non-working time
Resource Groups
Resource Groups allows you to combine multiple 3D Resources for the purpose of growth simulation and movement along 3D Paths. If separate resources are
assigned to a task with the same growth simulation Appearance Profile, each object will grow separately, but if those resources are assigned to a Resource Group
and the Resource Group is assigned to the task with the growth simulation Appearance Profile, the objects will grow as if they were one resource. A single
Resource can be assigned to multiple Resource Groups
Creating and Editing Groups
1. Create an empty Group by pressing the Insert key in the Resource Groups window to Add a new Group, then rename the Group. Select the new Group and in Resource Group
Properties>Resources, check the boxes to add the desired Resources
2. Resource Groups can also be created and edited using commands in the 3D window and Resources window right-click menu:

Create Resource Group from Selected - To create a new Resource Group from Resources selected in the 3D window:

1. Select the desired Resources in the 3D window or Resources list

2. Right click in the 3D window or Resources list and choose Groups>Create Group from Selected from the context menu

3. Name the new Resource Group

4. The new Group is added to the Resource Groups list panel and can be further edited if needed
Add Selected to Resource Group(s) - Additional selected Resources are assigned to the selected Resource Group(s)
Remove Selected from Resource Group(s) - The selected Resources are unassigned from the selected Resource Group(s)
Importing Equipment Models

SYNCHRO has a library of equipment model files that you

can download for free by clicking the Equipment Library
icon on the Support screen. desired The equipment models
can be imported apart from Synchro Equipment library.

1. Select File tab → Import → 3D.

2. Browse to locate the models. File location:
By holding down the Ctrl key you can select multiple files for import.
For Example can Select the following files:
• Detailed Crawler Crane.dwf
• Excavator.dwf
3. Select Open, then Import.
4. Activate Assign to a new Resource, then Next.
5. Change the name to Equipment.
6. Set the Resource Type to Equipment then Next.
7. Activate Add Resources underneath, don’t build tree and select Finish.
The equipment models will be imported to (0,0,0) and will need to be moved to the
correct locations.
Manipulator with Snapping

allows translating with snapping

(point to point, edge to edge)

Edit As Assigned
3D WINDOW>Right Click

Editing 3D Objects (Transform Resource)

The Transform resource tool allows for editing the location, rotation, or scale of an object.
1. Select the 3D object to be transformed
2. 2. Either select Transform from the 3D ribbon, or right click in the 3D window and choose
Edit>Transform Resource
3. The Transform manipulator will be shown - there are 3 manipulator types:
Simple Manipulator

The Edit manipulator must be applied to an object before it has been assigned to any
allows translation and rotation along X, Y, and Z axes tasks. After an object has been assigned to a task, it can be moved using the Edit as
Assigned manipulator. The Edit as Assigned manipulator allows you to vary the location,
rotation, or scale of an object separately for each of the tasks it is assigned to
Advanced Transform Manipulator
· Unassign the resource from the task
· Focus Time on Assignment to move the Focus Time to the Selected Task
allows planar translation, translation and rotation along X, Y, and
Z axes, and scaling · Transform Resource to display a 3D manipulator in the 3D Window to allow the
current 3D transformation associated with this Task/Resource assignment to be

Copy/Paste 3D

The Align tab allows aligning of selected 3D

To align 3D elements:
1. Select the elements from the 3D Objects list.
The elements will be aligned to the LAST
element selected 3D->Edit->Copy (also accessible from the 3D Window context menu) copies the
currently selected 3D object to the clipboard
2. In the Align tab, specify the Axis to Align the Boxes (alignment is based upon the bounding Copying a 3D object can also copy any child objects (as displayed in the 3D Object
box of the selected elements) Window tree view) - see Options->3D View->Copy/Paste 3D.
3. Specify whether near side (Min) of the box or far side (Max) of the bounding box
should be aligned. Pastes a previously copied 3D object from the clipboard into the current 3D window.
4. Select the Align button to align selection Pasting a 3D object will paste any child objects (as displayed in the 3D Objects Window tree
can align multiple-objects at once, simply by selecting the objects in the 3D Window. Alignment If a child node is copied, then a new tree structure is created for the child such that its relative
will be based upon the last object selected. position in the tree is preserved.
Note: The newly created 3D object will be created in the same position as the originally copied
Create 3D
To create a 3D representation (typically of a Resource) in the current 3D View, select 3D Ribbon->Create, or right click in
the 3D Window to access the 3D Context menu, and select a 3D element type icon.

· To create a Sphere, left-click to define the centre point, and then left-click to define the extent (radius).

· To create a Cylinder, left-click to define the centre point, left-click to define the radius, move
the mouse cursor up or down and then Left-click to define the extent (height).

· To create a Box, left-click to define the first corner-point, left-click to define the opposite
corner-point, move the cursor up or down and then left-click to define the extent (height).

· To create an Extrusion, Left-click to define multiple profile points, left-click to select thefirst
profile point to close the profile, move the mouse cursor up or down and then left-click to define
the extent (height).

· To create Text in the 3D model, see Create Text

· To create a Textured Plane, see Create Textured Plane

3D Paths
Path represents a route through the 3D scene that may be taken by a 3D element which is
utilised on a Task and is an effective mechanism for modelling motion related activities
when compared with Task Resource Transformations 3D Paths can be created to show the
planned movement of a piece of equipment or other object...

Create Path
To create a 3D path, select 3D Ribbon, or right click in the 3D Window to access the 3D Context
menu,and select Create->3D Path
Visibility of 3D Paths will be turned on automatically when creating a new path. 3D Paths can be
hidden later using 3D View Properties>General>Indicators or Path Filters
Once enabled:
· Each Double-Click of the LEFT mouse button will create a Path section aligned to 3D object
below the mouse
· Press the RIGHT mouse button to end the Path, which will display the Path Details
· Press the ESCAPE key to abandon the path creation process.

The path may be modified via the 3D->Edit->Modify 3D Path menu option, or its colour changed
using the 3D->Edit->Colour
Assign 3D Path to a Resource
Changing the keyframe will automatically move the assigned 3D object to the associated
1. Select the Task to which the 3D Object is assigned
2. In the Task Properties->Resources panel, select the 3D object from the Resource list
3. With the resource selected, choose the 3D path to use from the 3D Path drop-down list To move the keyframe to a specific point using snapping, first ensure that Snapping is
enabled. In the Snapping toolbar, select the items you wish you snap to.Then click and
drag on the small sphere at the origin of the manipulator. When the manipulator is
dragged close to an element for which snapping is enabled, the manipulator will snap to
that vertex/line/axis etc. Release the mouse to choose the new location for the keyframe

Modify 3D Path

To modify a 3D Path, select it either in the 3D Window or Navigator->3D Paths

panel, and select the .Modify 3D Path option from the 3D Window Context Menu
or 3D Ribbon->Edit

The Modify 3D Path option displays a manipulator on one Path junction that may be used to
manipulate that element of the path. To choose which path junction is being edited, open 3D
Path Properties->Keyframes, to toggle between keyframes, or select the keyframes directly in
3D View
Synchronising 3D Models Synchronising 3D Models
Optimizing 3D Synchronisation
In order to retain the previously established links between the current model and the project schedule inside of
SYNCHRO upon synchronizing the updated model file with the current SYNCHRO Project, the updated
model needs to be
prepared to accommodate the design revisions. For optimal results, follow these four guidelines.
1. Export – All the objects that were originally imported into SYNCHRO will need to be exported from the
CAD system
again. Any objects that are deleted in the updated CAD file will be deleted in SYNCHRO upon
2. Import – All new objects will import into SYNCHRO when you synchronise, but they will need to be
assigned to tasks.
3. GUIDs – All modified 3D data needs to have the same name and Global Unique ID (GUID) number so
recognizes it as the same item and will retain its assignment. GUIDs are created automatically by the CAD
system (or SYNCHRO plugins).
NOTE: You can change the geometry of an object as long as you don’t delete it and then recreate it, which
assign a new unique ID, making it impossible to synchronise with the original object using GUIDs. Splitting an
into parts in the CAD system creates separate objects with new ID numbers, which will need to be assigned
after 1. Right-click on a 3D file in the Navigator->External Data or 3D Objects panel list
synchronisation. An alternate user-defined unique identifier (e.g. unique part number User Field assigned in
CAD 2. Select the Synchronise from option via the context menu
authoring tool) can be used to synchronise instead of GUID if desired – this may be useful if the 4D model is
3. Press Browse to select the revised version of the 3D file
advancing from early concept stages to later detailed stages and much of the geometry is being recreated or
split – 4. (optionally) Select Next to view and/or modify the available 3D Synchronisation options:
see the Help in SYNCHRO Pro for more information.
4. File Name – You can export the updated files from the CAD program with any file name, the original and 5. (optionally) Select Next to view and/or modify the available 3D transformation options and
revised which parameters to use to match 3D objects to Resources when synchronising
models do not need to have the same file names for synchronisation.
TIP: If an object has been subdivided in SYNCHRO, those subdivisions will remain as long as the object ID in 6. Select Synchronise. A progress bar will appear
the CAD
7. A Sychronisation report is displayed detailing the results of the synchronisation analysis
file is unchanged.
Synchronisation Options Synchronising Schedules (Programmes)
To begin Synchronisation, select the Navigator tab → Project Data
Skip The associated attributes (Calendars, Costs etc) will NOT be modified or updated. panel →External Data.

Synchronise The associated attributes will be synchronised according to the following rules:- Right click on Project Schedule. and select Synchronise From
1. Attributes ADDED in the Source project will be ADDED to the Target project
2. Attributes DELETED in the Source project will be DELETED in the Target project
3. Attributes MODIFIED in the Source project will be MODIFIED in the Target project
4. Attributes ADDED in the Target project will be ADDED to the Source project
5. Attributes DELETED in the Target project will be DELETED in the Source project
6. Attributes MODIFIED in the Target project will be MODIFIED in the Source project
This option should NOT be used when you have added project attributes (e.g Tasks or
Calendars) in SYNCHRO or imported several Projects into a single SYNCHRO project. In
this cases data loss CAN occur...

Consolidate Similar to Synchronise, the Consolidate option ensures that attributes within the projects
are NOT deleted:-
1. Attributes ADDED in the Source project will be ADDED to the Target project
2. Attributes DELETED in the Source project will be UNCHANGED in the Target project
3. Attributes MODIFIED in the Source project will be MODIFIED in the Target project
4. Attributes ADDED in the Target project will be ADDED to the Source project
5. Attributes DELETED in the Target project will be UNCHANGED in the Source project
6. Attributes MODIFIED in the Target project will be MODIFIED in the Source project
Identical to Synchronise, the Integrate option ensures that the associated attributes will be
Integrate synchronised according to the following rules:-
1. Attributes ADDED in the Source project will be ADDED to the Target project
2. Attributes DELETED in the Source project will be DELETED in the Target project
3. Attributes MODIFIED in the Source project will be MODIFIED in the Target project
4. Attributes ADDED in the Target Schedule will be ADDED to the Source Schedule
5. Attributes DELETED in the Target Schedule will be DELETED in the Source Schedule
6. Attributes MODIFIED in the Target Schedule will be MODIFIED in the Source Schedule
Compared with "Synchronize" the changes are targeted only for the data belonging to the
SELECTED Target project. Data added to the Target project from other Source projects is left
This option is recommended if you import several Source projects into a single Target project
· Once applied Baselines and Scenarios are displayed in the Gantt chart with
Baselines & Scenarios links where link from/to Tasks have been Baselined and as additional bars on
A baseline can be used to compare planned against actual in SYNCHRO. The the same row as the Task they represent.
Baseline saves the dates and durations for all selected tasks. After creating a
Baseline, it can be displayed in the Gantt Chart in a separate colour. Additionally,
the Baseline Start and Baseline Finish dates can be viewed in the Task List.
Baselines are a means of taking a snapshot in time of Task properties

Create Baseline
•Select all Tasks (Ctrl+a)
•Right click > Baseline selected Tasks · Critical and Non-Critical tasks are differentiated in the baseline as below:
You can find your saved baselines in Navigator ribbon > Baseline and
· Baselines can be created by Task->Edit->Baseline Selected Tasks:
which automatically creates and applies a Baseline, or via the Baselines Context
Menu, which provides the options required to create and apply a Baseline.

· Colour - choose the colour to display the Baseline bars in the Gantt Chart
· Type - the Baseline Type code that can be assigned to the created Baseline
· Created - the System Date when the Baseline was created
· Created by - the User who create the Baseline
· Last modified - the System Date when the Baseline was last saved
· Last modified by - the User who last saved the Baseline
· Company - the Company of the user that created the Baseline
Compare Baselines using 3D Views

To use a 4D animation to visually compare a planned vs baseline schedule, need to create a baseline of the schedule before synchronizing from the
updated schedule (or entering the update directly in Synchro). You can then open 2 side by side 3D windows and set Dates to Use to Baseline in
one of the windows. As the focus time plays the 2 windows will show the differing dates for the planned and baseline schedule.
From the Windows ribbon→ Common panel select 3D to create another 3D View
Right click one of the 3D views and select Camera → Link All so that the camera angle in both windows is the same
Left-click in the first 3D View to select it.

Then in 3D View Properties → General→Dates & Colours, set Dates to Use to Baseline. From the Baseline field below,
select Original Schedule. This will display the geometry in the window according to the baseline dates.

The other window should be set to Dates to use → Best Dates by default which will show the current schedule.
Move the Focus Time through the Project to review how the new schedule (below right) compares to the baseline
(below left).

The Dates to Use setting for each window is displayed in the window title bar.

Creating an AVI of the comparison:

Select the Navigator->Animations->General then select Play Animations in all 3D Views
Focus Time
Editing the Animation Interpolation Camera Behaviour: Behaviour:
Type :
Curve Linear interpolation along a calculated curve
between the 2 points.
Linear interpolation
Linear interpolation along a calculated straight line between
Line between 2 focus time
the 2 points.

1.In the Animation Editor (not the Gantt Chart), move the red Focus Time line to the Camera Step No interpolation; Jump from 1st to 2nd position . No interpolation;
keyframe you want to edit Jump from 1st to 2nd
2.Right click on the blue marker in the camera channel and select Snap To Viewpoint. focus time
Modify the 3D window to get the desired camera angle. Right click on the blue marker in position
the camera channel and select Use Current Viewpoint. Camera rotation around the currently selected 3D
NOTE: Snap to Focus Time and Use Current Focus Time work similarly. object. When chosen, the Turntable Options dialog is N/A
You can also edit the animation by adding more points. displayed to configure the rotation.
3.Drag the Focus Time line in the Animation Editor to a point in time in the middle of two of the
camera nodes. Modify the 3D window accordingly. Camera follows the selected 3D Path using the
3D Path
4.Left click in the camera channel of the Animation Editor where the Focus Time Marker camera angle of the first Keyframe relative to the N/A
intersects the camera channel. path. When this Interpolation type is chosen a
Interpolation dialog is displayed to choose the path to follow.
The term interpolation is used to describe the transition
from one state to another, which for a camera could be
from one position to another, or for focus time one time
point to another.
The Interpolation Type dictates how the transition is
achieved and includes Curve, Line, Step, Turntable, and
3D Path options. By default, Interpolation Type is set to

NOTE: An animation must first exist and be

selected prior to viewing or editing an animation -
see Navigator->Animations for more details
Thank you

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