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Αν α θ ε τ ι κ ή σ ύ ν τ α ξ η

What is causative?

Causative (αναθετική σύνταξη) χρησιμοποιείται για να πούμε ότι

κάποιος έχει κάνει κάτι για μας. Σχηματίζεται με το ρήμα have
ή get.

Jack is washing his car. Jack is having his car washed by a professional.
Causative Form

H AV E / G E T + O B J E C T + PA S T PA R T I C I P L E + BY + PERSON
(αντικείμενο) (ρήμα: –ed ή 3η στήλη)

Mum organizes the party for Mary.

Μετατροπή σε
αναθετική σύνταξη
Mary has the party organized by mum.
Causative Form
(αντικείμενο) (ρήμα: –ed ή 3η στήλη)

Mum organizes the party for Mary.

Step 1 Tο πρόσωπο που αναθέτει τη πράξη  Mary

Step 2 Εντοπίζω το χρόνο και κλίνω το have (organizes – Present Simple  have/has

Step 3 Εντοπίζω το αντικείμενο  the party

Step 4 Αλλάζω το ρήμα σε past participle (βάζω κατάληξη –ed): organizes  organized

Step 5 Εντοπίζω το πρόσωπο που κάνει την πράξη και προσθέτω το by  by mum

Step 5 Mary has the party organized by mum.


Tenses The verb ‘have’

Present Simple have/has
Present Continuous am/is/are having
Past Simple had
Past Continuous was/were having
Future Simple will have
Future Continuous will be having
Present Perfect Simple has/have had
Present Perfect Continuous have/has been having
Past Perfect Simple had had
Past Perfect Continuous had been having
Modals can/should/must/may/ought to/would have
Be going to am/is/are going to have
Caustive types

Have/get + object + Have/get + πρόσωπο Get + πρόσωπο + to

ρήμα σε 3η στήλη ή -ed + άκλιτο ρήμα + άκλιτο ρήμα

όταν κανονίζουμε να όταν κανονίζουμε να κάνει όταν κανονίζουμε ή πείθουμε

κάνει κάποιος άλλος κάποιος άλλος κάτι για εμάς κάποιον άλλον να κάνει κάτι για
κάτι για εμάς και τονίζουμε το πρόσωπο μας και τονίζουμε το πρόσωπο

 They had their car  I will have George help

 Jane got Sam to paint her
repaired last week. me with my project.
 Mum is having her dress  Our teacher had us write
 I get my teacher to explain the
designed by her friend. an essay in class on
exercises again.
Causative exercise

1. Someone will send me new books this term.

I will have new books sent this term.
2. Cleaners are ironing Tania’s new suit at the moment.
Tania is having her new suit ironed by the
3. My mother usually bakes bread for her daughter in the morning.
The daughter usually has the bread baked by her mother in the morning.
4. A plumber replaced the sink in Jessica’s bathroom.
Jessica had the sink replaced in the bathroom by the plumber.
5. A technician has installed a new app on Tom’s laptop.
Tom has had a new app installed on his laptop by the technician.
6. The nail artist was painting the woman’s nails in the salon.
The woman was having her nails painted in the salon by the nail artist.

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