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Extracting Required

Information from Radio

or Television Drama
Like any other story, a radio
drama or television drama has its
elements that make up a story.
Knowing these story elements is
important to understanding what
is going on a radio or television
To understand well a radio drama or
a television play, do the following:
1. Take note of the characters
and their dialogues and
2. Recognize the setting.
3. Identify the Conflict.
4. Follow through the
beginning, middle, and
5. Be cognizant of the theme
and moral.
6. Identify the resolution
Activity 1

Direction: Recall a radio play

you tune in or a favorite
television drama series you
watched, and write a synopsis
of it
Reading a Humorous Essay
Art Buchwald (1925-2007)
Specialized in political and
social satire. Collections of his
writings have been published
in several books. In 1982, he
won the Pulitzer Price for
outstanding commentary.
His column in The Washington Post was
syndicated throughout the United States.
Art had Washington, D.C and its
political scene as folder for his
journalistic cannon. With a keen eye, he
poked fun at the high and mighty in
American government. While funny, his
words rang true.
“Fresh Air Will Kill You”
by Art Buchwald
After Reading
Direction: After reading the
ESSAY, answer the following
questions briefly.
1. What is SMOG? What
does the essay say about the
smog in Los Angeles and all
over the United States? (5pts.)
2. What can you do to
help minimize smog in
your community?
3. Do you think the
discussion about the smog
and fresh air is serious? Cite
the details to support your
answer. (5pts.)
Reading a Humorous Essay
Is a literary selection that expresses the
writer’s view and feelings. It may contain
narration, description, exposition, or
A Humorous Essay (Satire) is a literary
selection which states the opposite of
what the writer means ridicule a
situation or a person. Many examples
of classical literature are humorous
essays. For many readers, the
humorous essay is more interesting and
easier to study.
Humorous Essay
make use of figures of speech like
Hyperbole which is an outrageous
overstatement or exaggeration and
understatement. At times, comic writers
resort to using diction or word choice
which includes funny names, slang, or
other examples of verbal humor.
Overall, Humorous Essays are
written for entertainment purposes.
Reading them should give readers
long-lasting laugh that allows them
to wear a broad smile and have
them in surprisingly cheerful

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