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The Federal System

Describe the main features, principal bodies, and
activities of government and the judiciary within
the UAE.
Authorities in a federal government have three different responsibilities. The
constitution structures these responsibilities into branches: The legislative, the
executive and the judiciary.

The legislative is made up of a group of people who have the power to make new
laws or alter existing ones , including the constitution itself. They write laws and
issue regulation according to needs.

The executive has the responsibility to apply the rules which the legislative
defines. They implement, support and enforce the rules made by the legislative

The judiciary executes justice in the state, and makes sure that all the laws are
obeyed by the citizens. It is the legal branch of the government that hears cases of
dispute and crime and gives verdicts.
The Constitution outlines the federal authorities that run the country. Each of them has its
responsibilities in governance. In Article 45, the authorities consist of the following:
1. The Federal Supreme Council: It draws up general policies and approves various federal
legislations. It consists of the rulers of the seven emirates.

2. The UAE President: The president is the head of the state, the supreme commander of
the armed forces and the chairman of the supreme council and the supreme petroleum

3. The Federal Council of Ministers: It executes all internal and external affairs of the
federation as written in the UAE Constitution and the federal laws.

4. The Federal National Council: It is the consultative council, the parliamentary body of
the UAE. Its main function is passing, amending or rejecting federal draft laws.

5. The Federal Judiciary: In cases of conflict, it determines which laws and policies are
constitutional, or allowable,

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