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William Pfaeffle

Student Name
This Digital Interactive Notebook is designed to help you
better understand Europe’s Middle Ages and the Medieval
period for World History. It includes pages on vocabulary
terms, people, and key events of these periods.

On each page you will see blue text boxes where you can
type responses. Simply click in the box and begin typing to
provide your response. You can also add your own text
boxes by clicking on the text box icon ( ). You also will
need to add images to various pages. You can do this by
clicking on the “Image” icon ( ) or by going to “Insert >
Image” in the menu.

Each text box can also be resized using the borders

so that each fits on your pages.
Middle Ages Illustrated Vocabulary
Directions: Research each vocabulary term below and type your own definition in the 2nd
column. Then look for an image that best symbolizes it and insert it in the 3rd column.

Vocabulary Definition Image

THe feudal system is where the
king gave land to nobles who in
return promised armies, the
Feudal System noble would offer to protect th
people who live on his in return
for their harvest.

Serfs are people bound to land

they were forced to do labor,
pay rent, and under the control
of the lord who owned that land.

It was a code of ethics for


Were the laws in England

Common Law during the middle ages mostly
judge made.

Czar The russian word for ruler

The Black Death was the most

common form of the bubonic
plague that was carried by rats
Black Death with fleas that carried the
disease its said to have killed
around 30-50% of Europe’s

Crusades were battles for land

Crusades considered sacred by both
muslims and christian.
The Roman Catholic Church in Medieval Society
Directions: The Roman Catholic Church grew in importance during the Middle Ages and
became a unifying force in Europe. Search for a paste in a picture of a Medieval cathedral
below then complete the table on the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages below.

Serving as Local Preserving Greco-

Missionary Work Local Parish Priests
Authority Roman Culture

The church could The Medieval Missionary work Priests would rule
manipulate Church was was basically just over a Parish,
everyone to fight preserving roman the church trying Village, or Town
for them even the culture after the to get more Church. They
most rich and fall of Rome by control over were highly
wealthy by saying keeping their England by respected as Holy
that they give ideals making people Men but were
them eternal convert but those often very corrupt
salvation if they who refused were and only held
fought for them or treated very their position not
eternal damnation harshly as the for being holy but
if they didn’t church had because of family
follow them control over much influence and
of ENgland favor.
The Manor System in Feudal Society
Directions: A feudal system developed in Europe during the Middle Ages based around the
medieval manor. After learning about this social and economic system, use the Insert >
Shapes tools to create a map of a medieval manor below. Then use the text boxes to describe
the key features and people of a manor. Ths is the
wood lot
This is the
could take as
meadow of
much wood
hay from
as they
where a
needed for
could take a
or fuel
helping build
amount from
a self
but it help
making it a
self sufficient

This is the
where he
These are the leads and his
peasants houses cut of land
that he’s

This is the barn

where the life stock is
kept Cows,
Thai empty space is
Swine,and Geese
the common
Knights and Chivalry
Directions: Some of the more iconic images of the Middle Ages are the knights who live by a
code of chivalry. After learning about them, define each of the roles below. Then, create your
own coat of arms by adding images and text to the shield below. Finally, define chivalry and
give a modern example of chivalry.

Pages were children who wished
to be knights and at seven years
old went to go live in a knights
household to be their maids and
in return receive training and
manners on how to be a knight
using fake weapons.


Squires were pages who at 15

years old became Squires and
had a whole new set of tasks
instead of serving meals,
cleaning cloth…etc, They
would accomap the knight into
battle and practice jousting.

You could only become a Knight in two
ways both were difficult and only those Chivalry
wealthy enough to pay for the armor
and gear could become knights the first The code of ethics that Knights are
way to become a knight was to be given expected to uphold like the protection of
knighthood by a king,lord, or another
Knight for outstanding work as a
the poor, women and children, defend the
solider. The other way was to become a church..etc but this code didn’t stop them
Knight’s apprentice. slaughtering and looting at an opportunity
Lord Modern Example of Chivalry
The lord was the man who was
incharge of the land and under control
of more powerful lords while they
struck a deal with the peasants he Holding onto your ideals, opening doors for
offered to let them live on the land and other people.
give protection from bandits if they
gave him some of the food they would
Charlemagne & the Holy Roman Empire
Directions: The alliance between Frankish kings and the church reestablished Roman
culture in Western Europe. After learning about Charlemagne, find and paste in a picture
of him in the center of your page then take notes on him and his reign in the text boxes.

Family and Becoming King Expansion of the Franks’ KIngdom

He was the oldes child in his family. They had secured most of western
He became King by following his europe by the early 9th century end
father’s footsteps of 8th. At this point it was dubbed the
Carolingian Empire.

Crowned Holy Roman Emperor Government & Reforms

He was crowned holy roman He expanded program church and

emperor after the fall of western the power/structure with the church
Rome on december 25, 800. HE improving faith. He also
was crowned by Pope Leo the third encouraged learning and reading
at the altar of the church. causing an age of enlightenment
for them and a spike in interest of
latin culture.
Barbarian Invasions
Directions: Invasions by Saxons, Magyars, and Vikings disrupted the social,
economic, and political order of Europe. After reading about these Barbarian groups,
drag and drop the characteristics below to the correct group. Then, explain the overall
effect of these migrations and invasions.

Saxons Magyars Vikings

Germanic tribe from Seafaring invaders

the North Sea coast. Were excellent nomadic from Scandinavia.
Their language horsemen, skilled with
combined with that of the the bow & arrow. Leif Eriksson made it
Angles to create English. all the way to North
Attacked Western
Name comes from seax, Europe from the East Used wooden
a knife used by the tribe. through Russia. longships for hit and
run raids on European
Defeated at the Battle villages.
of Augsburg in 955 by
King Otto I.
Settled and controlled They founded Dublin
southeast Britain by Originally from western
and other trading
the 5th century. Siberia.
towns in Ireland.

What was the effect of these migrations and invasions on Europe?

Trade Routes of the Middle Ages
Directions: During the Medieval Period, several major trading routes developed in Europe
that connected its major cities. Use the “Scribble” tool to draw in these trade routes on the
map below and identify the major cities/trade centers below. Then, identify other trade routes
that connected Africa and Asia, the goods traded along these routes, and their effects.

Goods Traded Other Trade Routes in Effect of Trade

the Middle Ages ● Cities grew in
both size and
● Spices population
● Leathers ● Mediterranean sea ● New cities rose
● Jewlery trade route form the boom in
● Gold ● Silk Road tradeing
● Silk ● Trans-Saharan ● New ideas and
● Textile Route cultures were
● Animal skins introduced into
European Nation-States
Directions: European monarchies consolidated power and began forming nation-states in
the late medieval period. After learning about the early periods of England, France, Spain,
and Russia, drag and drop the events to the correct places on each timeline.

the King John England Common
Conqueror signed the Law
leads the Magna Carta, develops
Norman limiting the under King
Conquest. King’s power. Henry II.

Clovis united France

the Franks Hugh Capet
under his rule established
by killing off rule from
his Paris.

The Moors Ferdinand and

settled here Isabella unified
after defeat the country and
by Charles expelled Muslim
the Hammer. Moors.

Power Russia The

Ivan the was
Great threw centralized
off the rule of in the
the Mongols. hands of
the tsar.
The Crusades
Directions: The Crusades were carried out by Christian political and religious leaders to take
control of the Holy Land from the Muslims. After learning about all the Crusades, complete the
table below.
Years Reason Key Events Result

1096- The reason for the The Crusade helps Crusader victory

1099 first crusade was the recapturing Nicaea,
rise of the Muslim restoring much of
Seljuks, a Turkish western Anatolia to
tribe of the steppe. the Byzantine Empire
The Crusaders
successfully capture
Jerusalem and
establish the
Levantine Crusader

2nd 1145-
Muslims began
recapturing land in
A military mission
launched by
European nobles and
Show Anatolia
Show Levant
Show Iberia
the Pope to retake the
city of Edessa in
mesopotamia that
had fallen earlier in
1144CE to the Muslim
Sejuk Turks

1189- In 1187, Saladin The Crusade captures Crusader military

3rd 1192 began a major

campaign against
the crusader
Cyprus and the
kingdom of Cyprus is

Kingdom or Jerusalem


The Black Death
Directions: In the 14th century, the Black Death (bubonic plague) decimated the populations
of much of Asia and Europe. After reading about the plague, find a picture to represent it and
paste that in the box below, then complete the other boxes with the required info.

What was the Black Death?

The black death was a form of

the bubonic plague that was
said to have killed about one
third of europe's population

How did it get to Europe?

The Plague got to Europe

when 12 ships from the Black
Sea docked at the Sicilian port
of Messin and all the crew
members had the disease or
were dead.

How did doctors attempt to treat patients who caught the Plague?

They would attempt to cure this with potions, religious practices, social
distancing, and quarantining.

What effect did the Plague have on Europe?

There once booming trade had suffered a lot and the Feudal system fell.
Education in the Middle Ages
Directions: Education was largely confined to the clergy in monasteries during the
Middle Ages. After reading about learning during the Medieval period, complete the
Venn diagram comparing education then to education today.

Medieval Education
● Only boys could go to school
● Universities choose what you studied
● All schools were small no schools with alot of
● Students were punished
● No Laptops or technology


● In both there are universities

● There are male students in both
● Have teachers

● Both boys and girls can attend

● There are now laptops and technology
● We choose our own studies
● There are no longer HArsh punishments like back
● We learn more and just overall know more today

Education Today
Timeline of the Middle Ages in Europe
Directions: After learning about the important events in Europe during the Middle Ages,
complete the timeline below by dragging and dropping the listed events into the correct
order along the timeline. Add the estimated year in the blue box next to each event.


476 The fall of the Roman Empire.

Clovis, who would unite most of the Frankish

tribes in Gaul, becomes King of the Franks.

800 Charlemagne is crowned the Holy Roman

Emperor on Christmas Day by Pope Leo III.

1066 William of Normandy is victorious in the

Battle of Hastings and conquers England.

Pope Urban II calls for a crusade to help the

Byzantines and to free the city of Jerusalem.

English king Richard the Lionheart leads the 3rd “Kings” Crusade to
1187 conquer the Holy Land from Sultan Saladin of the Ayyubid dynasty.

King John of England signs the Magna Carta, officially

limiting the king’s power and giving more rights to the people.

The Black Plague arrived in Europe which

would go on to kill half of Europe’s population.

The French heroine Joan of Arc is captured by England

during the Hundred Years’ War and executed.

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