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What is interpretation ?
• A nutshell as conveying understanding
• The respect shown by interlocutor in the person’s own language is a successful negotiation
• By bridging the gap between languages
• the interpreter helps both speaker discharge their duty to make understand
• listeners to satisfy their need to understand for what is being said
A combination of essential ingredients
• What is your interpretive message ?
• Who are your audiences ?
• What environment are you in ?
• What technique will you use ?
• Consider who is the audience
• Create a story with a message
• Information is relevant to audience
• Story creates awareness
• Provokes thoughts, response, reaction & action
• Is an art and can be learned
• Spoken language interpreting
• Sign/visual language interpreting
• Direct interpreting
• Remote interpreting
• Whispered interpreting
• Booth interpreting
• Sight interpreting
• Business interpreting
• Diplomatic interpreting
• Public service interpreting
• Media interpreting
• Conference interpreting
• Monologue interpreting
• Dialogue interpreting
Interpreting skills
• Professionalism
• Teamwork
• Note-taking
• Flexibility
• Sense of initiative
Interpreting skills
• General knowledge
• Interest in current affairs
• Calm under pressure
• Stamina
• Analytical skills
Interpreting skills
• Good cultural awareness
• Picking up new ideas quickly
• Good public speaking
• Mastery of mother tongue
• Excellent knowledge of the foreign language
Interpreting skills
• Curiosity
• Tact & diplomacy
• Empathy
• Research skills
Analysis of processes
• Understanding
• Conversion
• Delivery
• Have good hearing
• Have through knowledge
• Know the culture of country of the speaker
• Know the subject matter of speech
• Preparation before the interpreting session
• Have good memorizing and note taking skills
• Be able to handle the various situations
• Attention towards factors affecting the conversion process
• Time factor
• Accuracy varies
• Obtain number of skills
• Use standard language
• Possess appropriate gesture and manners
• Know to maintain speech flow
• Try to make the interpretation
• Use direct speech form
Public speaking
• Speech structure : opening and closing speeches
• Eye contact
• Body language
• Posture
• Facial expression
Public speaking
• Appearance
• Ways to relax
• Voice
• A person who converts a thought or expression in a source language into target language
• Function is to convey every semantic element and every intention feeling of message
• Source language speaker is directing to target language recipients
• It is pivotal role in communicating with foreign speakers
Interpreter roles
• Interpretation service provider
• Expert interpreter
• A professional translator
• A specialist
• Intercultural mediator
• A strategic partner
• Analyze sentences spoken one language and explained to them
• Use headsets and microphones
• Comprehend the speakers words , specific expressions quickly
• Take notes
• Build banks of specialized vocabulary
• Conduct research over internet
• Organize work load with agencies ,employers or internal departments
• Prepare paperwork and review
• Respect professional code of ethics
• Cover impartiality and confidentiality
5 Qualities
• Amazing language skills
• Specialty knowledge
• Accreditation
• Soft skills
• Cultural competence
Interpreter’s ABC language
• Method
• Materials
• Analysis
Interpreter work environment
• Legal
• Business
• Community
• Government
• Healthcare
Interpreter ethics
• Should not allow his/her personal opinion
• Not responsible for content of the message being interpreted
• Must not take part in the conversation that is being facilitated
• Must not accept assignments connecting matters
• Must not volunteer in cultural information in the conversation
Training to become an interpreter
• Public speaking
• Anticipating the speaker
• Compression of sentences
• Proper word order translations
• Translatability
Interpreter in programming
• Bytecode interpreter
• Threaded code interpreter
• Abstract syntax tree interpreter
• Self interpreter
Types of interpretation
• Personal
• Non personal
Personal- techniques involving human
• Guided tour
• Point duty- guide remains at one place
• Roving-a guide moves around
• Presentations-lectures/talks
• Living history- drama/enactment
• Interactive
Personal- techniques involving human
• Print media
• Self guided programmes
• Signs & interpretive panels
• Audio visual devices
• Interactive media
• Person to person contact
• Language understood by audience
• Useful to visually impaired
• Easily changed
• Questions easily answered
• Suited to any environment
Non personal- strengths
• Translated into many languages
• Used at a persons own pace
• Used in many environment
• Wide distribution area
• Easily replicated
• A picture says a thousand words
• Informative
Non personals- weaknesses
• Expensive
• Inflexible and not easy to change
• Immediate feedback difficult
• Open to interpretation
• Requires technological expertise to set up
• Often missed if not positioned right
Consecutive interpretation
• Two way interpretation
• Processing
• Reformation
• Diction and tone
• Handling errors and mistakes
General interpretation
• Arrive early
• Come prepared – water, pen, pencil ,parallel texts and glossaries
• Introduce yourselves to speakers
• Do not interpret until you fully understand message
• Ask for repetition and clarification as many as needed
• Assume the event is being recorded
• Explanations
• Extraneous information
• Guidance
• Relevant factors
Five steps in human thinking process with
• Stimulation
• Organization
• Interpretation
• Memory and recall
• Results
Conferencing interpretation
• Conversion of language
• Conducts practices at international summits
• Works at meetings between CEO’s ,social and union representatives
• Excellent mastery of working languages
• Ability to put themselves in minds of people
Judicial interpreting
• Correcting legal documents as per a judge in a court of law
• Explains how judiciary should interpret the law, in particular to constitution
• Results in form of law making mode
• For judiciary in interpreting the law
Escorting interpreting
• A Small group of people who speak two different languages out of source
• Used in business meetings, negotiation, similar events
• Client provides instructions or extra information for interpreter to help them prepare
• Requires days or events
• Liaison interpreters can also make benefit out of it
Public sector interpreting
• Community interpreting-legal, health, and local government
• Factors determine and affect language and communication
• Sometimes even life of person depends upon the persons life
• It creates stress
• The power relationship and the interpreter’s degree of
Sign language interpreting
• Accurately convey messages between two different language
• Interpreter for both deaf and hearing individual
• An interpreter render’s meaning into sign language
• Skilled sign language interpreter’s are placed
• Most interpreters are trained in interpreter training program(ITP)
Medical interpreting
• It is subset of public services interpreting
• Communication between medical personnel and patient speaking different
language by an interpreter
• It is interpretation services
• He must have strong knowledge about medical
Simultaneous interpreting
• The interpreter must translate the sentence into target language
• It is both simultaneously listening and comprehending and strictly speaking
• It is stressful for the interpreters
• They have to keep their tone
• The choice of words of the speaker ,which even adds them stress
Booth interpreting
• The interpreter sits down inside the booth
• Via an audio connection the interpreter hears the discussions
• Then he translates from microphone to the listeners
• It is multilingual events
• Promotes the quality of the interpreting services
Sight interpretation
• A written text received by the translator usually without any time for preparation
• It is emphasized on delivery
• Speaking loudly, enunciate clearly with proper intonation and voice modulation
• The interpret merely reading document written in the target language
• It can even convert the bureaucratic language
Video remote interpretation
• Works best on one-on-one meetings or small groups
• Available for 24 hours
• Useful for last minute needs and emergencies
• Serve deaf customers, accessed immediately
• Easier for businesses
• To eliminate the language barriers
• Communication access
• A cultural bridge
• To determine intention of the legislature
• Guidance furnished by the accepted principles of the interpretation
• Basic skills of interpretation
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