Istraživački Rad (Akademsko Pisanje) )

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Tipologija i praksa
• Istraživački rad
• Akademsko pisanje
• Prezentacija i objavljivanje rada
Principi dobrog istraživanja
• Pouzdanost
• Sistematičnost
• Proverljivost
• Transparentnost
• Kritičnost
• Zapišite
• Razlozi izbora
• Dobra tema je:

• Relevantna
• Prilagođena tipu posla
• Ni preširoka ni preuska
• Originalni pristup
• Podesna za istraživanje
Istraživačko pitanje?
• Zapišite
• Koja su dodatna pitanja u vezi sa glavnim pitanjem?

• Dobro istraživačko pitanje je:

• Precizno
• Podesno za istraživanje
• Relevantno
• Originalno
• Zapišite pretpostavku u vezi sa pitanjem koje ste postavili
• Prethodno istraživanje
• teorije
Teorijski pristup
• Šta čini relevantan teorijski okvir?
• Koji ćete odabrati?
• Original Article
• Article in a special issue/section
• Book chapter
• Single authored book
• Edited book
• Book review
• Review essay
• Conference presentation
• Textbook
• Commentary
• Title
• Abstract and Key Words
• Intro
• Lit review
• Theoretical/methodological framework
• Scientific Methods
• Results /Empirical findings
• Conclusion (Discussion)
• References
• Sažima ceo istraživački rad. Obično sadrži oko 150 reči.
Daje informacije o predmetu i cilju istraživanja, o
(tekstualnom) korpusu, kao i kratko objašnjenje o
istraživačkom postupku i najvažnijim uvidima.
• Napišite apstrakt:

• tema istraživanja
• istraživačka pitanja
• teorijski okvir
• korpus
• metodološki pristup
• rezultati
• zaključak
• Background
• Prethodna istraživanja i njihova veza sa vašim istraživanjem.
• Namera
• Koji je cilj autora.
• Osnovni cilj ovog rada je...
• Hipoteza
• Bibliografija (filmografija....)

• Why is this research important? What other studies have

there been in this area? How will this research add to
knowledge in this area? What do you want to find out?
What is the main question you wish to answer? What are
the specific questions you will ask to address the
• main question?
Naučne metode
• Dovoljno podrobno i transparentno tako da omogući čitaocu da
ponovi istraživanje.

• Subjekti – izvori podataka za istraživanje

• Kriterijum izbora

• Izveštaj o ishodu (eksperimentalnom, teorijskom)

Zaključak (diskusija)
• Slobodnija interpretacija rezultata istraživanja
• Komentar o ishodu istraživanja
• Navođenje budućih ciljeva na osnovu sprovedenih analiza
(otvaranje novih pitanja)
• Isticanje važnosti sprovedenog istraživanja (koje je
praznine popunila)
• Ukazati na ograničenja istraživanja
References and notes
• References:
• References only mentioned in the text!
• Notes:
• authors sometimes present one or more notes to thank
others who helped them with their study,
• to clarify something that was discussed earlier in the
journal article,
• or to indicate how an interested reader can contact
them to discuss this particular study.
• Language
• Academic style
• Paragraph
• House Style: read the guidelines!!
Clarity and conciseness

• The formality of academic writing and the complexity of its

subject matter all too often lead to a style that is needlessly

• Yet, elegant academic writing should be clear and concise.

This applies at all levels of the text.

• At the text and paragraph level, ideas should be carefully

structured to avoid needless repetition and elaboration.

• At the sentence level, a number of strategies can be

applied to make your writing both clearer and more precise.
Clarity and conciseness
• Avoid unnecessary nominalization and the use of weak
• Ecosystem destabilization can be the consequence of
• Avoid ‘there is’ and ‘it is’
• Avoid passive voice
• Cut redundancies, wordiness and repetitions
• Reduce clauses to phrases and phrases to single words
• Avoid pretentiousness (it often sounds learned and
official, but it obscures meaning)
• "hey, listen to this. it's post-hardcore emomathglitch rock. The
lyrics really reveal the prerequisite existentialism of the singers
inner hades!"
Clarity and conciseness - TASKS

• As discussed, the second reaction is really the end result of a very large
number of reactions. It is also worth emphasizing that the reactions do
not represent a closed system, as r appears to be produced out of thin air.
In reality, it is created from other chemical species within the cell, but we
have chosen here not to model at such a fine level of detail. One detail not
included here that may be worth considering is the reversible nature of
the binding of RNAP to the promoter region. It is also worth noting that
these two reactions form a simple linear chain, whereby the product of the
first reaction is the reactant for the second.

• As discussed, the second reaction is really the result of many reactions.

The reactions do not represent a closed system, as r appears to be
produced out of thin air. In reality, it is created from other chemical species
within the cell, but we have chosen not to model at such a fine level of
detail. One detail not included is the reversibility of the binding of RNAP to
the promoter. These two reactions form a simple linear chain, whereby the
product of the first reaction is the reactant for the second.
Clarity and conciseness - TASKS

• Invasion can destabilize ecosystems.

• We investigated the cytochrome P450-dependent drug
metabolism in a microsomal preparation.

• Differences in DNA methylation could explain 12-18% of
differences in gene expression.
Coherence and cohesion

• Texts need to be

Coherent – underlying logical relations which make the text a unified

depends on readers' familiarity with texts/discourse patterns (e.g. problem
/ solution; cause / result)

Cohesive – grammatical and lexical features that create ties between

lexical repetition, use of substituting pronouns (it / these) and linking
Coherence and cohesion

• 1- Make sure there is a logical structure in your text:

Old or known information comes at the beginning of the sentence or

New and more important idea(s) goes to the end of the sentence or
paragraph, because it/they willbe expanded on in the next

• 2-Use enumerative ‘catch-all’ nouns (general words with

broad and vague meanings referring back to the idea in
the previous sentence) – thus creating a cohesive chain:
Coherence and cohesion
For a long time, philosophers have been discussing the
factors that create a happy marriage. We find
characteristics of happy marriages in the work of
Aquinas, Singer, andsociologist Wallerstein, who argue
about the aspects of marriage to show which ones are
happy and which ones are not and why.

The author mentions pollution, water shortage, and loss of

soil issues concerning the threat of overpopulation. In his
article, he mostly talks about the environment but does
not mention the health and nutrition problems. The health
challenges are created when there are too many people
in the world.
Coherence and cohesion
• Paraphrasing: writing the same idea, but in
different words, mainly by using synomyms or

• More people bought video recorders that

year compared to the previous year, when only 500
purchased a recorder
Coherence and cohesion
• 4-Pronoun substitution: writing a pronoun
instead of a full name or phrase
I spoke to John and he said that you would tell him.
The incidence of illiteracy among women in Africa was
significantly lower than that of their European

• 5-Connectors: linking words (and, but, so,

moreover, thereafter, because, since, although,
while, in addition, nevertheless, besides,...)
Coherence and cohesion
• Any paragraph consists of:

• Topic sentence.

• Treatment of the issue in a series of linked

sentences termed the elaboration.

• The high point of any paragraph comes at the end,

in the thesis statement - the conclusion of the
preceding elaboration.

In recent years there has been slowly but constantly growing

opposition to the way in which the British electorate is
represented in Parliament. Under the present system the
winner in any one constituency in effect takes all the votes,
which many people find unfair. Most of the protests come from
political parties that are the victims of this system, especially the
Liberal-Social Democratic Party, whose views are relatively
under-represented in British public life.
The discussion about whether to change over to proportional
representation recently received a new impulse when France
changed its system, which was more similar to the British one,
to a more direct type of representation. It seems both
interesting and necessary to investigate whether the time has
come for Britain to have her MPS represent the people on a
proportional basis.

Length and complexity alone don't make a sentence difficult

to understand: some long sentences are perfectly
understandable, and specialized terms may be necessary to
explain complex problems. Sometimes short sentences with
simple words are more difficult to follow because of the way
they are written. It follows that structure of the sentence may be
more important than length or complexity.
However, scientific writers sometimes needlessly inflate their
writing in length and complexity in an effort to "sound scientific"
or convey intelligence. In truth, it takes a deeper understanding
to explain a complex topic simply and succinctly. It was best put
by Shakespeare: "Brevity is the soul of wit." The best scientists
can communicate complicated results to intelligent readers
outside their field. Long, complex writing doesn't imply good
The title

• Titles perform two functions:

• they create the context within which the proper

text will be relevant

• they announce the topic

• Make a title for neighbour’s topic!
proces pisanja
• Read and take notes
• Write down the structure of the paper
• Plan your time - section by section, deadlines,
• Send your paper to your colleagues
• Leave enough time for revision
• “Perfection is the enemy of the good”
Reference styles

• Within the social sciences, some of the most common

reference styles are the APA style (American
Psychological Association), the MLA style (Modern
Language Association) and the Chicago Style

Referencing software

• Commercial software:

• Endnote:

• Reference Manager:

• Non-commercial software!

• Mendeley:
• Zotero????

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