Lecture 4 Hypothesis Testing Final

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Lecture 4

Hypothesis Testing
Charles Kaondera
Stewart Muchuchuti
Botswana Accountancy College
Lecture 4
Hypothesis Testing
 Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses
 Type I and Type II Errors
 Population Mean: s Known
 Population Mean: s Unknown
 Population Proportion
 Hypothesis Testing and Decision Making
Hypothesis Testing

 Hypothesis testing can be used to determine whether

a statement about the value of a population parameter
should or should not be rejected.
 The null hypothesis, denoted by H0 , is a tentative
assumption about a population parameter.
 The alternative hypothesis, denoted by Ha, is the
opposite of what is stated in the null hypothesis.
 The hypothesis testing procedure uses data from a
sample to test the two competing statements
indicated by H0 and Ha.
Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses

• It is not always obvious how the null and alternative

hypotheses should be formulated.
• Care must be taken to structure the hypotheses
appropriately so that the test conclusion provides
the information the researcher wants.
• The context of the situation is very important in
determining how the hypotheses should be stated.
• In some cases it is easier to identify the alternative
hypothesis first. In other cases the null is easier.
• Correct hypothesis formulation will take practice.
Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses

 Alternative Hypothesis as a Research Hypothesis

• Many applications of hypothesis testing involve
an attempt to gather evidence in support of a
research hypothesis.
• In such cases, it is often best to begin with the
alternative hypothesis and make it the conclusion
that the researcher hopes to support.
• The conclusion that the research hypothesis is true
is made if the sample data provide sufficient
evidence to show that the null hypothesis can be
Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses

 Alternative Hypothesis as a Research Hypothesis

• Example:
A new teaching method is developed that is
believed to be better than the current method.
• Alternative Hypothesis:
The new teaching method is better.
• Null Hypothesis:
The new method is no better than the old method.
Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses

 Alternative Hypothesis as a Research Hypothesis

• Example:
A new sales force bonus plan is developed in an
attempt to increase sales.
• Alternative Hypothesis:
The new bonus plan increase sales.
• Null Hypothesis:
The new bonus plan does not increase sales.
Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses

 Alternative Hypothesis as a Research Hypothesis

• Example:
A new drug is developed with the goal of lowering
blood pressure more than the existing drug.
• Alternative Hypothesis:
The new drug lowers blood pressure more than
the existing drug.
• Null Hypothesis:
The new drug does not lower blood pressure more
than the existing drug.
Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses

 Null Hypothesis as an Assumption to be Challenged

• We might begin with a belief or assumption that
a statement about the value of a population
parameter is true.
• We then using a hypothesis test to challenge the
assumption and determine if there is statistical
evidence to conclude that the assumption is
• In these situations, it is helpful to develop the null
hypothesis first.
Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses

 Null Hypothesis as an Assumption to be Challenged

• Example:
The label on a soft drink bottle states that it
contains at least 67.6 fluid ounces.
• Null Hypothesis:
The label is correct. m > 67.6 ounces.
• Alternative Hypothesis:
The label is incorrect. m < 67.6 ounces.
Summary of Forms for Null and Alternative
Hypotheses about a Population Mean

The null hypothesis must always represent the

statement that contains the equality sign
 In general, a hypothesis test about the value of a
population mean  must take one of the following
three forms (where 0 is the hypothesized value of
the population mean).

H 0 :   0 H 0 :   0 H 0 :   0
H a :   0 H a :   0 H a :   0

One-tailed One-tailed Two-tailed

(lower-tail) (upper-tail)
Null and Alternative Hypotheses

 Example: Metro EMS

A major west coast city provides one of the most
comprehensive emergency medical services in the
world. Operating in a multiple hospital system
with approximately 20 mobile medical units, the
service goal is to respond to medical emergencies
with a mean time of 12 minutes or less.
The director of medical services wants to
formulate a hypothesis test that could use a sample
of emergency response times to determine whether
or not the service goal of 12 minutes or less is being
Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The emergency service is meeting

H0: 
the response goal; no follow-up
action is necessary.

The emergency service is not

meeting the response goal;
appropriate follow-up action is

where:  = mean response time for the population

of medical emergency requests
Type I Error

 Because hypothesis tests are based on sample data,

we must allow for the possibility of errors.
 A Type I error is rejecting H0 when it is true.
 The probability of making a Type I error when the
null hypothesis is true as an equality is called the
level of significance.
 Applications of hypothesis testing that only control
the Type I error are often called significance tests.
Type II Error

 A Type II error is accepting H0 when it is false.

 It is difficult to control for the probability of making
a Type II error.
 Statisticians avoid the risk of making a Type II
error by using “do not reject H0” and not “accept H0”.
Type I and Type II Errors

Population Condition

H0 True H0 False
Conclusion (m < 12) (m > 12)

Accept H0 Correct
Type II Error
(Conclude m < 12) Decision

Reject H0 Correct
Type I Error Decision
(Conclude m > 12)
p-Value Approach to
One-Tailed Hypothesis Testing
 The p-value is the probability, computed using the
test statistic, that measures the support (or lack of
support) provided by the sample for the null
 If the p-value is less than or equal to the level of
significance , the value of the test statistic is in the
rejection region.
 Reject H0 if the p-value <  .
Suggested Guidelines for Interpreting p-Values

 Less than .01

Overwhelming evidence to conclude Ha is true.
 Between .01 and .05
Strong evidence to conclude Ha is true.
 Between .05 and .10
Weak evidence to conclude Ha is true.
 Greater than .10
Insufficient evidence to conclude Ha is true.
Lower-Tailed Test About a Population Mean:
s Known
 p-Value Approach p-Value < a ,
so reject H0.

a = .10 Sampling
x  0
of z 
/ n

z = -za = 0
-1.46 -1.28
Upper-Tailed Test About a Population Mean:
s Known
 p-Value Approach p-Value < a ,
so reject H0.
distribution a = .04
x  0
of z 
/ n


0 za = z=
1.75 2.29
Critical Value Approach to
One-Tailed Hypothesis Testing
 The test statistic z has a standard normal probability
 We can use the standard normal probability
distribution table to find the z-value with an area
of a in the lower (or upper) tail of the distribution.
 The value of the test statistic that established the
boundary of the rejection region is called the
critical value for the test.
 The rejection rule is:
• Lower tail: Reject H0 if z < -z
• Upper tail: Reject H0 if z > z
Lower-Tailed Test About a Population Mean:
s Known
 Critical Value Approach

x  0
of z 
Reject H0 / n

a 1
Do Not Reject H0

-za = -1.28 0
Upper-Tailed Test About a Population Mean:
s Known
 Critical Value Approach

x  0
of z 
/ n Reject H0

Do Not Reject H0

0 za = 1.645

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