Sociopolitical Life in 20-30s

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• The struggle of groups in the mid-20s.
• "Letter of the Thirty".
• Sovietization of nomadic villages
• The policy of "indigenization"

• In the second half of the 20s. the struggle for power between
two groups of Kyrgyz employees intensified:
• One of these groups included Abdykerim Sydykov, Ishenaaly
Arabaev, Zhusup Abdrakhmanov and others. Most of the
comrades-in-arms who made up this group represented the
advanced Kyrgyz intelligentsia.
• The other group included Rakhmankul Kudaykulov,
Duishenaaly Babakhanov, Ybray Toychinov and their
followers. Basically, these were people who rose to
high positions due to the principle of class selection of
personnel in the early years of Soviet power. Their
level of education was rather low.
• After M. Kamensky became the first secretary of
the regional party committee, discord between
the groups escalated. Zh. Abdrakhmanov called
such people as M. Kamensky "colonialists with a
party member card in his pocket." Pushing two
groups, M. Kamensky began to support one of
them. This further complicated the situation in
Kyrgyzstan. Using the subordinate apparatus and
the local potential of R. Kudaykulov, the first
secretary achieved the removal of A. Sydykov's
supporters from responsible positions ...

• This style of work of the first secretary of Kyrgyz regional party

committee became the reason for the emergence of opposition, and in
the summer of 1925 - the so-called "thirty". In her letter to the Center,
the “thirty” (named after the number of signatories) criticized the
actions of a number of senior officials and the policy of the Kyrgyz
regional party committee headed by M. Kamensky. The main
ideological inspirer of the "thirty", the compiler of their manifesto was
Abdykerim Sydykov.
• The "thirty" included figures, respected by the people, such as
I. Arabaev, A. Orozbekov. I. Aidarbekov, S. Muratalin.
Contrary to what they wished, the Central Asian Bureau of the
Central Committee of the Party reacted to the letter of the
"thirty", despite the constructive criticism contained in it, as a
"bay-manap trick aimed at splitting the party."
• A little earlier, on June 22, 1925, with the
direct intervention of M. Kamensky, the
main initiator of the letter of the “thirty” A.
Sydykov was expelled by the party “troika”
from the ranks of the party as an “active
group leader”. The Commission of the
Central Committee of the Central Committee
of the Party supported this decision. Another
one of the initiators and authors of the letter
of the "thirty" I. Arabaev was expelled from
the party by a resolution of the Sredazburo.
• After N. Uzyukov and V. Shubrikov came to the party leadership,
the struggle of groups in Kyrgyzstan began to wane. Their leaders
were relieved of their posts: D. Babakhanov - from the post of
second secretary of the regional party committee, R. Kudaykulov -
from the leadership of the "Koshchu" union, Y. Toychinov - from
the post of deputy chairman of the regional executive committee,
and he was removed from the bureau of the regional committee and
sent to study in Moscow, K. Aitbaev was removed from the regional
party control commission, and R. Kudaykulov and D. Babakhanov
were put on trial for criminal offenses.
• Mostly young
people, struggling
with patriarchal
and tribal
remnants, came to

• During the formation

of the Kyrgyz ASSR,
more than half of the
population of the
republic still led a
nomadic lifestyle.
• In order to increase party influence
on pastoral nomads and their
sovietization, jailoo councils were
organized. In the spring of 1927, the
Central Executive Committee of the
Kyrgyz ASSR adopted a resolution
on the organization of the
Provisional Council of Jailoo on the
Suusamyr high plateau. Later, such
Councils were established in all
jailoos of Kyrgyzstan.

• In 1926, i.e. 9 years after the establishment of Soviet power,

only 1,600 Kyrgyz worked in industry in Kyrgyzstan. Of the
510,000 Kyrgyz, only 19,000 (3.7%) were literate. Keeping
records in the language of the indigenous population was one of
the acute problems, because in the middle of 1925, it was used
only in half of the volost apparatuses, and even less in the
regional and district ones.
• Under these conditions, the party took a course towards a policy
of "indigenization". The purpose of this policy was, firstly, by
translating office work into the language of the indigenous
population, to bring the Soviet state apparatus closer to the
masses, and on the other hand, by eliminating the illiteracy of the
population and increasing its political activity, to bring the masses
closer to the Soviet state apparatus.

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