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OF FUNNY Round 2

$100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Jeopardy

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500

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Elder D. Todd Christofferson taught, “Being
_______ in the testimony of Jesus means
encouraging others, by word and example, to
likewise be _______, especially those of our
own families.”
Fill in the blanks (same word)
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Elder Paul D. Pieper of the Seventy taught, ​

“______ is the foundation of all relationships…
A relationship forms only when people are
to place ______ in each other.”
Fill in the blanks (same word for both).
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Elder Steven R. Bangerter of the Seventy

taught, “Our Heavenly Father desires to reveal
to you your personal ______________, and
He will do so as you seek to learn and follow
His will.” Fill in the blank.
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Elder Jack N. Gerard of the Seventy taught

that Christian kindness is not a substitute
for what?
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Elder Ulisses Soares taught, “If there is one

thing we could possess — and one thing we
could pass on to our children and
grandchildren that would help each in
the tests and trials ahead — it would
be __________ in the covenants made through
Jesus Christ.”
Fill in the blank.
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Elder Dale G. Renlund taught, “Comparing

ourselves to others can lead us to make
pernicious errors, especially if we conclude
that we are more __________ than those
who are struggling.” Fill in the blank.
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Sunday School General President Mark

L. Pace taught, “As we study the Book of
Mormon and follow the living prophet,
there will be no personal _________ in
our lives.”
Fill in the blank.
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Elder Jose L. Alonso of the Seventy
taught, "Adopting this Christ-centric
perspective empowers us with the
fortitude and insight to turn our trials into
_________, reminding us that with the
Savior, what seems like a major problem
can become a pathway to greater spiritual
Fill in the blank.
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Teaching that the foundation of our lives

must be connected to the rock of Christ, Elder
David A. Bednar said these two things can be
compared to the anchor pins and steel rods
used to connect a building to bedrock.
Name one of them.
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President Jeffrey R. Holland taught, “It's for
reasons known only to God why prayers are
answered differently than we hope, but I
promise you they are _____, and they are
________ according to His unfailing love and
cosmic timetable.”
Fill in the blanks.
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Heard, Answered
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Elder Taylor G. Godoy of the Seventy told of a

wedding gift he and his wife received from a
police officer as they were trying to get the
proper documents to get married. What was the
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A puppy
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Newly called apostle, Elder Patrick
Kearon, made the joke that behind
every new apostle stands what?
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An astonished mother-in-law
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What did someone tell Elder Dieter F.

Uchtdorf after his last General
Conference talk?
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“I listened carefully to your talk.

I didn’t hear anything about aviation!”
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When he asked his wife why they’ve

never had major trials in their life, how did
the wife of Elder Massimo De Feo of the
Seventy reply?
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You have a short memory!

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Elder Ulisses Soares spoke of a bishop who
called the oldest class in Primary a “temple
preparation class.” The class was prepared
throughout the year by meeting with the bishop
and being taught by their teachers. They were so
prepared and excited to go to the temple that
they wanted their temple recommends printed
and signed when?
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On New Year’s Day at 12:01am

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Elder Neil L. Andersen shared the story of a

woman who told her daughter she wanted to go
to the temple with her. The woman’s daughter
told her she needed to be baptized first. The
woman did get baptized and was able to go to
the temple with her daughter, first to do
baptisms, then later to receive her endowments.
How old was the woman?
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Elder Dale G. Renlund told this story to
illustrate that building spiritual momentum
as we live the gospel of Jesus Christ helps
individuals avoid falling when adversarial
waves hit. What was the story about?
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Elder Renlund and his family were kayaking

to an island in Hawaii. He was far ahead of
his wife and daughter so he stopped to wait
for them. While he was stopped a wave
flipped his kayak over. Twice! Their guide
had to come and help him right his kayak
and tow him to get him started again .
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Elder Shayne M. Bowen shared the story of his family

traveling back from a ward activity. A car came into
their lane and he swerved their van to avoid a collision.
It caused the van to roll with his family inside. He and
his wife got their children out through his door which
was now the ceiling of the van. Then they realized their
10 year old daughter, Emily, was missing. Tell the rest
of the story.
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Other ward members stopped to help. Everyone was
yelling for Emily trying to find her in the dark.
Elder Bowen got back in the van with his flashlight
to look and realized Emily was under the van. He
and several others were able to get the van off of
Emily but she was blue from not breathing. Elder
Bowen gave her a priesthood blessing and she took
a shuttering breath. She was in a coma for a couple
of days but, miraculously, received a full recovery.
She is now married with six daughters.
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Brother Michael T. Nelson of the Young Men

general presidency shared how this story from
the Book of Mormon teaches leaders and
parents today how to strengthen the youth of
the Church.
What story did he share?
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Helaman and the Stripling Warriors

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President Henry B. Eyring shared how he and
his wife attended a sealing for friends in the
Idaho Falls temple. They left their four children
with a babysitter 30 minutes away in Rexburg,
Idaho. What happened while they were in the
sealing that caused them not to be able to go
back home to their children until the next day?
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The Teton Dam collapsed which

cause severe flooding.
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A new presidency was sustained for this

auxiliary organization.
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General Sunday School Presidency

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The conference messages of these

two members of the First
Presidency were pre-recorded.
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President Henry B. Eyring

President Russell M. Nelson
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What famous aviation pioneers did Elder

Dieter F. Uchtdorf talk about?
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The Wright Brothers,

Orville and Wilbur
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Elder Matthew L. Carpenter of the Seventy

spoke of the eternal marriage covenant. It
includes two types of bonds. Name one.
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A lateral bond between husband and wife, and a

vertical bond with God
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Usually members of the First Presidency

conduct sessions of General Conference.
This time apostles were asked to conduct
some of the sessions. Name one of the
apostles who conducted.
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Gary E. Stevenson
Dale G. Renlund
Quentin L. Cook
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$200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Jeopardy

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President Henry B. Eyring taught, “Qualifying to
make sacred covenants is not a one-time effort
but a lifetime _______. The Lord has said it will
take our full heart, might, mind and strength.”
Fill in the blank.
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President Dallin H. Oaks taught, ​“Persons who

wear their garments faithfully and keep their
temple covenants continually affirm their role
as __________ of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Fill
in the blank.
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President Russell M. Nelson asked
“Consider how your life would be different
if __________ ____ had not been restored to
the earth.” Fill in the blanks.
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Priesthood Keys
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President Russell M. Nelson named three

priesthood keys that were restored to the earth
in the Kirtland Temple.
Name one of them.
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Keys to the:
Gathering of Israel,
Gospel of Abraham,
Sealing Power
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President Russell M. Nelson taught,

“Nothing will help you more to hold fast to
the iron rod than ____________ in the
temple as regularly as your circumstances
permit.” Fill in the blank.
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What word did Elder Neil L. Andersen use

to describe the youth of the church?
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He said, “The youth of this Church are incredible.

In a difficult world, they take upon themselves
the name of Christ.”
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Speaking about the interdependency

between the two great commandments to
“love the Lord” and “love your
Elder Gary E. Stevenson used
this as an analogy.
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The two towers of a suspension bridge .

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Elder Patrick Kearon said, “God is in

__________ ________ of you. He wants all
of His children to choose to return to Him,
and He employs every possible measure to
bring you back.”
Fill in the blanks.
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Relentless pursuit
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Elder Quentin L. Cook taught, “To receive the blessings

of the Savior’s Atonement, we must affirmatively
exercise our moral ______ to choose Christ and obey His
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Elder Ulisses Soares taught, “If we change

our __________ to enter the temple, we will
change our experience in the temple, which
will transform our lives outside of the
Fill in the blank.
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Primary general president Susan H. Porter

taught, “Sometimes you may want to know why
something hard is happening in your life or why
you didn’t receive a blessing you prayed for.
Often the best question to ask Heavenly Father
is not ‘why’ but ‘____?’ ”
Fill in the blank.
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In speaking to the children of the church

President Susan H. Porter, the Primary general
president, named three gifts they could pray for.
Name one of them.
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1, pray to know;
2, pray to grow;
3, pray to show.
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Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus of the Young

Women general presidency spoke about six
strengths to develop as a faithful disciple of
Jesus Christ.
Name two of those strengths.
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1. Love for God,
2. Faith in our Savior Jesus Christ,
3. Knowledge of true identity,
4. Daily repentance,
5. Access to God’s power,
6. Personal testimony.
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Sister J. Anette Dennis of the Relief

Society general presidency invited us to
choose a deeper relationship with God by
doing what?
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Making covenants with Him in the house

of the Lord
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Sister J. Anette Dennis of the Relief

Society general presidency taught,
“Through a covenant relationship with God,
our own lives can become a living ______
of our commitment and deep love for our
Father in Heaven.”
Fill in the blank.
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President Jeffrey R. Holland said, “If there be

any time we feel not to pray, we can be sure that
hesitancy does not come from God, who yearns
to communicate with His children at any and all
times.” Be the first to find the doctrinal mastery
verse that talks about who teaches us to pray,
and who teaches us not to pray.
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2 Nephi 32:8-9
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Elder Alexander Dushku of the Seventy

taught, “Rather than sending us a pillar of
light, the Lord sends us a ray of light, and
then another, and another.” He then quoted
this doctrinal mastery about the Lord giving
us line upon line. Be the first to find the
doctrinal mastery verse!
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2 Nephi 28:30
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Elder Brent H. Nielson of the Presidency of the

Seventy spoke of meeting with faithful members
of the church all over the world. He then quoted,
“I would desire that you should consider on the
blessed and happy state of those who keep the
commandments of God.” Be the first to find this
doctrinal mastery verse!
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Mosiah 2:41
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Elder Mathias Held of the Seventy said, “We

can choose to build our foundation on the
rock that is Jesus Christ, so that when the
whirlwind comes ‘it shall have no power over
[us].’” Be the first to find the doctrinal
mastery verse
he paraphrased!
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Helaman 5:12
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In his talk about the power of words and that

words matter, Elder Ronald A. Rasband
encouraged us to “speak with the tongue of
angels by the power of the Holy Ghost.” Be the
first to find the doctrinal mastery verse he was
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2 Nephi 32:3
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In his talk to “call, not fall” Elder Taylor

G. Godoy of the Seventy quoted this
hymn, “Ere you left your room this
morning, ___ ___ _____ __ ____?”
Fill in the blanks to name the hymn.
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Did You Think to Pray

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In his talk about finding joy in Christ

while facing life’s trials Elder Brian K.
Taylor of the Seventy quoted this
hymn, “In the quiet heart is hidden,
sorrow that the eye can’t see.” Name
the hymn.
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Lord, I Would Follow Thee

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Elder Ronald A. Rasband quoted this hymn

when he said, “More blessed and holy, more
Savior like thee.” Name the hymn.
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More Holiness Give Me

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In his talk about how the nature of God is “to

bring all things together for our good,” Elder
Gerrit W. Gong quoted two
hymns that remind us of this truth.
Name one of the hymns.
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Be Still My Soul

Come, Come Ye Saints

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Elder Jack N. Gerard of the Seventy taught living
a life of integrity means being true to God, to
each other and to our divine identity. Integrity
means not lowering standards
or behavior to impress or be
accepted by others. He then said,
“It means we __ ___ __ _____ and let the
consequence follow.”
Name the hymn he quoted by
filling in the blanks.
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Do What is Right
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President Nelson announced

the locations for 15 new
temples to be built around the
world. Name two of those
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• Uturoa, French Polynesia

• Chihuahua, Mexico
• Florianópolis, Brazil
• Rosario, Argentina
• Edinburgh, Scotland
• Brisbane, Australia, South Area
• Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
• Yuma, Arizona
• Houston, Texas, South Area
• Des Moines, Iowa
• Cincinnati, Ohio
• Honolulu, Hawaii
• West Jordan, Utah
• Lehi, Utah
• Maracaibo, Venezuela

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