Presentasi Sri Nurhayati

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Sri Nurhayati
NIM : 1902025081
The current digital era of Internet and social media applications is
very influential in everyday life, especially students, one of the
Latar applications that is widely used by students, namely YouTube
premium, in addition to supporting academic needs, is also used for
Belakang entertainment. Youtube premium is a paid application from the
Google company, Youtube is one of the most widely used video
applications for the public in general, including students. In retaining
customers to keep using Youtube premium, the company applies a
method so that this paid application is still used and in demand by its

The commitment that consumers have is also very important to create
customer retention. The trust built in a customer towards a product or
service is not easily built and this is very positive value still the
sustainability of a company (Indah Yani & Sugiyanto, 2022). Trust in
Latar products or services offered by consumers can have a good impact,

Belakang because if a product or service produced by a company is no longer

trusted, then the company will experience a loss of revenue (Kusuma,
2023). Trust built in consumers will make the emergence of loyalty in a
customer (Ettah & Pondaag, 2019). A person's trust in using a product or
service will make an individual not reluctant to recommend what they
consume to friends or relatives (Kurniawati, 2019). This trust can also
arise as a result of good interaction between employees and consumers,
which is felt well by these consumers (Winarni & Nur Rohmah, 2022)

Customer Retention Customer Trust Loyalty
Customer retention is a Loyalty is an attitude of an
Consumer trust is individual by using a product
loyalty carried out by
something that arises continuously (Sumadi et al.,
consumers by being
from within customers 2021). It can also be interpreted
shown by the high level of as a commitment in making
towards a product or
consumers towards a purchases for a long time, to
service they use (Ettah recommend used products to
product or service
& Pondaag, 2019) friends (Triandewo & Yustine,
continuously (Ibrahim, 2020)

This research was conducted using descriptive
quantitative methods. Where in this study researchers
Methodology collected research data through online questionnaires,
which were then described based on the findings
obtained. The population of all students who use the
Youtube Premium application and live in DKI
Jakarta. Furthermore, the collected data is analyzed
using SPSS software.

The conclusions that can be obtained from research that researchers
have conducted on students who use YouTube Premium in the DKI
Jakarta Province area are as follows: :

Conclusion 1. Customer trust is proven to have a positive and significant effect

on customer retention. With this result, companies must be able to pay
attention to the trust that already exists in consumers.
2. Customer loyalty is proven to have a positive and significant
influence on customer retention. Similar to trust, loyalty built in
consumers is something that needs to be maintained by the company,
because it is a long-term value that can encourage the continuity of
the company.
Taken together, the independent variables taken in this study have a
determination influence of 0.275 or 27.5 percent on the dependent
variables studied. While the remaining 82.5 percent may be
influenced by other factors that were not studied in this study

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