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Effects of television on adults & children

Presented by Daffodils
Sama Mahmoud
Alaa Yasser
Jana Mostafa
Introduction to the Effects of Television
Television has become a prevalent part in modern society. Understanding the
serious effects that television can have on both adults and children is crucial in
navigating its influence. Our presentation will explore the multifaceted effects of
television consumption.
Impacts of Television on Adults

Passive Attention Sleep Emotional

Engagement Span Disruption Impact

Excessive TV The constant The blue light Exposure to

viewing can lead stimuli and rapid emitted by certain TV
to an unhealthy scene changes in television screens content, such as
lifestyle, reducing television can disturb the news or drama,
physical activity, programming can body's natural can trigger
leading to shorten attention sleep-wake cycle, emotional
overweight and spans and make leading to responses like
other health it difficult for insomnia and stress, anxiety,
issues. adults to focus on poor sleep quality. and depression in
tasks. adults.
Impact of television on children
1. Increased sedentary behavior and obesity due
to excessive screen time and reduction of
physical activity.
2. Exposure to inappropriate content, including
violence, and harmful stereotypes, which can
negatively impact cognitive development and
emotional well-being.

3. Disruption of sleep patterns and circadian

rhythm due to late-night viewing and exposure
to blue light from screens
Mental Effects of Television

1 Attention Span
Prolonged TV watching can reduce attention span and
make it more difficult to focus on tasks that require
sustained concentration.

2 Cognitive Development
Excessive TV exposure, especially for young children,
can negatively impact cognitive development and
learning abilities.

3 Mental Health
According to some studies, heavy TV viewing linked
with increased risk of depression, anxiety, and other
mental health issues, particularly in vulnerable
Social effects of television

1 Isolation
Excessive TV viewing can lead to decreased social interaction and engagement.

2 Family dynamics
TV can interfere with quality family time and communication.

TV programming can shape societal

3 Cultural influence
norms and values, for better or worse.

Television has a significant impact on social dynamics and interactions. Excessive TV

viewing can lead to feelings of isolation and decreased engagement with the real world.
It can also disrupt family dynamics by interfering with quality time and communication.
Furthermore, the cultural influence of TV programming can shape societal norms and
values, which can have profound effects on individuals and communities.
Physical Effects of Television

Eye Strain and Musculoskeletal Sleep Weight

Headaches Issues Disruption Gain
Prolonged TV Unhealthy TV The blue light Sedentary TV
watching can watching habits emitted by TV viewing coupled
cause eye strain, can lead to poor screens can with mindless
dry eyes, and posture, neck suppress eating of unhealthy
headaches due to strain, and back melatonin snacks can
the bright light and pain from production, making contribute to weight
close-up viewing remaining in a it harder to fall gain and obesity
distance. static position for asleep and leading over time.
long periods. to poor sleep
Emotional effects of television
Watching excessive television can have significant emotional impacts. Prolonged screen
time can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and even addictive behavior. Exposure
to violent or disturbing content can also trigger emotional distress, especially in children.
Maintaining a healthy balance and setting boundaries around TV consumption is crucial
for emotional well-being.
Strategies for Healthy Television Consumption

1 Establish Viewing Limits 2 Engage in Active Viewing

Set adequate time limits for television Encourage critical thinking and
watching, both for adults and discussion while watching television,
children, to prevent excessive screen rather than passive viewing. Analyze
time and ensure a balanced lifestyle. the content and its potential impacts.

3 Prioritize Quality Content 4 Foster Shared Experiences

Seek out educational, informative, Make television viewing a shared
and enriching television programs activity, where families can bond,
that align with personal and family discuss, and engage with the content
values, rather than mindless or together, rather than isolating
harmful content. individuals.
Christakis, D. A. (2009). The effects of infant media usage: what do we know and what
should we learn?. Acta Paediatrica, 98(1), 8-16.

Sigman, A. (2012). Time for a view on screen time. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(11), 935-942.

Anderson, D. R., & Pempek, T. A. (2005). Television and very young children. American
Behavioral Scientist, 48(5), 505-522.

Bushman, B. J., & Huesmann, L. R. (2006). Short-term and long-term effects of violent
media on aggression in children and adults. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent
Medicine, 160(4), 348-352.

Khouja, J. N., Munafò, M. R., Tilling, K., Wiles, N. J., & Taylor, A. E. (2019). Is screen
time associated with anxiety or depression in young people? Results from a UK birth
cohort. BMC public health, 19(1), 1-12.

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