Audio 1 Nata

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My name is Yeinfer Torres, student of technology

in comprehensive transportation management.

activity to do is an audio to let me know a little
I'm going to tell you what my attitudes are like in my
work context.
I am very passive, attentive, and very little about
participating in any work-related issue that does not have
to do with the role that I am not playing.
In the work and academic context, there are several
attitudes, beliefs and obligations that are necessary to be
successful. Below, I will mention some of them:

Positive attitude: Maintaining a positive attitude in the face of challenges

and difficulties can help you overcome obstacles and maintain motivation.
Proactivity: Being proactive means taking the initiative and looking for
solutions before problems arise.
Responsibility: Being responsible means fulfilling your tasks and
commitments in a punctual and efficient manner.
Teamwork: Knowing how to work as a team and collaborate with others is
essential to achieve common goals and achieve success.

Self-confidence: Believing in your abilities and capabilities will help you face
challenges and overcome obstacles.
Persistence: Believing in the importance of persevering and not giving up easily will
allow you to overcome difficulties and achieve your goals.
Continuous learning: Believing in the importance of continuing to learn and update will
allow you to stay up to date in your work or academic field.

Meet deadlines: It is important to meet the deadlines established for assigned tasks and
Respect the norms and rules: Complying with the norms and rules established in the
work or academic environment is essential to maintain an environment of respect and
Be ethical: Acting ethically and professionally is essential in any work or academic
These are just some of the attitudes, beliefs and obligations necessary in the work and
academic context. It is important to remember that each environment may have its own
particularities, so it is necessary to adapt and meet the specific expectations of each

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