Lecture01 BasicPython

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Basic Python Syntax

Expressions & Values

What do programs do?

 Programs work by manipulating values

 Expressions in programs evaluate to values
 Expression: 'a' + 'hoy'
 Value: 'ahoy'
 The Python interpreter evaluates expressions and displays their values

 Programs manipulate values.

 Each value has a certain data type.
Data Type Example Values
Integers 2 44 -3
Floats 3.14 4.5 -2.0
Booleans True False
Strings '¡hola!' 'its python time!'

Try these in a Python interpreter. What gets displayed?

Expressions (with operators)

 An expression describes a computation and evaluates to a value.

 Some expressions use operators:
 18 + 69
 6/23
 2 * 100
 2 ** 100

Try these in a Python interpreter. What gets displayed?

Call Expressions

 Many expressions us function calls:

 pow(2,100)
 max(50, 300)
 min(-1, -300)
Expressions (both ways)

 Expressions with operators can also be expressed with function call

 2 ** 100
 pow(2, 100)
these both do the exact same thing

from operator import add

18 + 69
add(18, 69)

 The pow() function is a built-in; it's provided in every Python

environment. Other functions (add(), div(), etc.) must be imported
from the operator module in the Python standard library.
Anatomy of a Call Expression

add ( 18 , 69 )
Operator Operand Operand

How Python evaluates a call expression:

1. Evaluate the operator
2. Evaluate the operands
3. Apply the operator (a function) to the evaluated operands

Operators and operands are also expressions, so they must be evaluated

to discover their values.
Evaluating nested expressions
add(add(6, mul(4, 6)), mul(3, 5))

30 15
add add(6, mul(4, 6)) mul(3, 5)

add 6 mul(4, 6) mul 3 5

This is called an
expression tree.
mul 4 6

 A name can be bound to a value.

 One way to bind a name is with an assignment statement.

 The value can be any expression:

Using names

 A name can be referenced multiple times:

x = 10
y = 3

result1 = x * y
result2 = x + y

 A name that's bound to a data value is also known as a variable.

 Be aware that in Python, you can also bind names to existing
f = pow

f(10, 2) #=> 100

Name rebinding

 A name can only be bound to a single value

my_name = 'Pamela'

my_name = my_name + 'ella'

💬 Will that code cause an error? If not, what will my_name store?
 It will not error (similar code in other languages might, however). The
name my_name is now bound to the value 'Pamelaella'.
Defining functions

 The most common way to define functions is Python is the def

def <name>(<parameters>):
return <return expression>
 Example:
def add(num1, num2):
return num1 + num2
 Once defined, we can call it:
add(2, 2)
add(18, 69)
Anatomy of a function definition

 The first line is called the function signature, all lines after are
considered the function body.
def <name>(<parameters>): # Function signature
return <return expression> # Function body

def add(num1, num2): # Function signature

return num1 + num2 # Function body

 The function body can have multiple lines

def add(num1, num2): # Function signature
sum = num1 + num2 # Function body
return sum # Function body
Function arguments

 We can pass in any expressions as arguments

def add(num1, num2):
return num1 + num2

x = 1
y = 2
add(x, y)

x = 3
add(x * x, x + x)
Return values

 The return keyword returns a value to whoever calls the function

(and exits the function).
def add(num1, num2):
return num1 + num2

sum = add(2, 4)
 Reminder: You can use function calls in expressions:
big_sum = add(200, 412) + add (312, 256)
 ...and nest function calls inside function calls:
huge_sum = add(add(200, 412), add (312, 256))
Spot the bug #1

 What is wrong with this code?

def add(num1, num2):
return sum
sum = num1 + num2

sum = add(2, 4)

 The code after the return statement will not be executed, that line
belongs before the return.
Spot the bug #2

 What is wrong with this code?

def add():
return num1 + num2

sum = add(2, 4)

 The function body is referring to variables that don't seem to exist.

Most likely, they should be parameters in the function signature.
Spot the bug #3

 What is wrong with this code?

def add(num1, num2):
sum = num1 + num2

sum = add(2, 4)

 The function body does not return any value. However, the code that
calls it tries to use the result of the expression. It should have a
return statement that returns the sum.
The None value

 The special value None represents nothingness in Python.

 Any function that doesn't explicitly return a value will return None:
def square_it(x):
x * x
 When a function returns None, the console shows no output at all:
 Attempting to treat the None like a number will result in an error:
sixteen = square_it(4)
sum = sixteen + 4 # 🚫 TypeError!
Boolean Expressions

 A Boolean value is either True or False and is used frequently in

computer programs.
 Google Maps uses a boolean to decide whether to avoid highways in
driving directions:
avoid_highways = True

 Twitter uses a boolean to remember where the user allows

personalized ads:
personalized_ads = False
Boolean Expressions

 An expression can evaluate to a Boolean. Most Boolean expressions

use either comparison or logical operators.

 An expression with a comparison operator:

passed_class = grade > 65

 An expression with a logical operator:

wear_jacket = is_raining or is_windy
Comparison Operators

Operator Meaning True expressions

== Equality (is equal to) 32 == 32
!= Inequality (is not equal to) 30 != 32
> Greater than 60 > 32
>= Greater than or equal 60 >= 32, 32 >= 32
< Less than 20 < 32
<= Less than or equal 20 < 32, 32 <= 32

Common mistake: Do not confuse = (the assignment operator) with ==

(the equality operator).
Logical Operators

Operator True Expressions Meaning

Evaluates to True if both
and 4 > 0 and -2 < 0 conditions are true. If one is
False evaluates to False.
Evaluates to True if either
or 4 > 2 or -2 < 0 condition is true. Evaluates to
False only if both are false.
Evaluates to True if condition
not not (5 == 0) is false; evaluates to False if
condition is true.
Compound Booleans

 When combining multiple operators in a single expression, use

parentheses to group:
may_have_mobility_issues = (age >= 0 and age < 2) or age > 90
 There is an order of operations to the evaluation of the Boolean
operators, but it is always safer to include the parentheses.
Boolean expressions in functions

 A function can use a Boolean expression to return a result based on

the values of the parameters.
def passed_class(grade):
return grade > 65

def should_wear_jacket(is_rainy, is_windy):

return is_rainy or is_windy

 A statement is executed by the interpreter to perform an action.

 So far we've seen a few...
Statement type Example

name = 'sosuke'
Assignment statement greeting = 'ahoy, ' + name

def greet(name):
Def statement return 'ahoy, ' + name

Return statement return 'ahoy, ' + name

Compound statements

 A compound statement contains groups of other statements.

<statement> # SUITE

<separating header>: # CLAUSE


 The first header determines a statement's type, and the header of

each clause controls the suite that follows.
Execution of suites

 A suite is a sequence of statements.

<statement> # SUITE

<separating header>:
<statement> # SUITE
 Execution rule for a sequence of statements:
 Execute the first statement
 Unless directed otherwise, execute the rest
Conditional Statements

 A conditional statement gives your code a way to execute a different

suite of code statements based on whether certain conditions are
true or false.
if <condition>:

 A simple conditional:
clothing = "shirt"

if temperature < 32:

clothing = "jacket"
Compound conditionals

 A conditional can include any number of elif statements to check

other conditions.
if <condition>:
elif <condition>:
elif <condition>:

clothing = "shirt"

if temperature < 0:
clothing = "snowsuit"
elif temperature < 32:
clothing = "jacket"
The else statement

 A conditional can include an else clause to specify code to execute if

no previous conditions are true.
if <condition>:
elif <condition>:

if temperature < 0:
clothing = "snowsuit"
elif temperature < 32:
clothing = "jacket"
clothing = "shirt"
Conditional statements summary

if num < 0:
sign = "negative"
elif num > 0:
sign = "positive"
sign = "neutral"

 Syntax tips:
 Always start with if clause.
 Zero or more elif clauses.
 Zero or one else clause, always at the end.
Execution of conditional statements

 Each clause is considered in order.

 Evaluate the header's expression.
 If it's true, execute the suite of statements underneath and skip the
remaining clauses.
 Otherwise, continue to the next clause.

num = 5

if num < 0:
sign = "negative"
elif num > 0:
sign = "positive"
sign = "neutral"
Conditionals in functions

 It's common for a conditional to be based on the value of the

parameters to a function.
def get_number_sign(num):
if num < 0:
sign = "negative"
elif num > 0:
sign = "positive"
sign = "neutral"
return sign

get_number_sign(50) # "positive"
get_number_sign(-1) # "negative"
get_number_sign(0) # "neutral"
Returns inside conditionals

 A branch of a conditional can end in a return, which exits the function

def get_number_sign(num):
if num < 0:
return "negative"
elif num > 0:
return "positive"
return "neutral"

get_number_sign(50) # "positive"
get_number_sign(-1) # "negative"
get_number_sign(0) # "neutral"
While loops
While loops

 The while loop syntax:

while <condition>:
 As long as the condition is true, the statements below it are
multiplier = 1
while multiplier <= 5:
print(9 * multiplier)
multiplier += 1

 The code is significantly shorter than writing all print statements, and
it can easily be extended to loop for more or less iterations.
Using a counter variable

 t's common to use a counter variable whose job is keeping track of

the number of iterations.
total = 0
counter = 0
while counter < 5:
total += pow(2, 1)
counter += 1

 The counter variable may also be involved in the loop computation:

total = 0
counter = 0
while counter < 5:
total += pow(2, counter)
counter += 1
Beware infinite loops

 Uh oh …
counter = 1
while counter < 5:
total += pow(2, counter)
 What one line of code would fix this?
counter += 1

counter = 6
while counter > 5:
total += pow(2, counter)
counter += 1
 How do we save this code?
 Intentions are unclear! Change the initial value and condition?
Execution of loops

1. Evaluate the header’s Boolean expression.

2. If it is a true value, execute the suite of statements, then return to
step 1.
Loops in functions

 A loop in a function will commonly use a parameter to determine

some aspect of its repetition.
def sum_up_squares(start, end):
counter = start
total = 0
while counter <= end:
total += pow(counter, 2)
counter += 1
return total

sum_up_squares(1, 5)
The break statement

 To prematurely exit a loop, use the break statement:

counter = 100
while counter < 200:
if counter % 7 == 0:
first_multiple = counter
counter += 1

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