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States, Nations

and Globalization
6th Discussion Class in Philippine Politics and Governance
April 29, 2021 Thursday
Facilitated by: Ms. Esther Q. De Felipe
Review of Previous Lessons
Question 1: What
Ideology is presented
in this situation?
The Grade 11 Amethyst do not
want to vote for classroom
officers because they believe that
they can still work together and
cooperate as a group without
recourse to force or compulsion.
• Anarchism
• Fascism
• Liberalism
• Conservatism
Question 2: What Ideology is
presented in this situation?
Filip is a Catholic. He believes in
traditional marriage consisting of two
individuals with different gender.
• Anarchism
• Fascism
• Liberalism
• Conservatism
Question 3:
Dimensions of
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC
The following choices
power except:
• As decision-making
• As agenda-setting
• As though control
• As government
Question 4:
Types of Power
Which type of power is employed
when the target person complies
because he or she believes that the
agent has special knowledge about
the best way to do something.
• A. Coercive
• B. Legitimate
• C. Expert
• D. Referent
Awesome Work.
Today’s Objectives
• Analyze the relationship among nations and
states in the context of globalization. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

• 1. Define nation and state;
• 2. Differentiate nation from state;
• 3. Explain how nation-state is created; and,
• 4. Evaluate influences of globalization to the
Nation vs State
Definition and Comparison
• a large group or collective of
people with common
characteristics attributed to
them - including language,
traditions, mores (customs),
habitus (habits), and ethnicity.
• a stable community of people
formed in the basis of a
common language, territory,
economic life, ethnicity and/or
psychological make-up
manifested in a common
Divided Nation
Nations but
not States This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

• “A state is a community of persons
more or less numerous,
permanently occupying a definite
portion of territory, independent
of external control and possessing
an organized government to which
the great body of inhabitants
render habitual obedience.”
• A type of polity that is an organized
political community living under a
single system of government and
may or may not be sovereign.
• A state is more than a government. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Which element of
the state is this?
• It refers to the material
inclusions and boundary of
the state including Land,
mountains, rivers and lakes
within its frontiers, water,
extending six miles into the
sea from the coast, Air,
Which element of
the state is this?
• This is the power of the state
to command and enforce
obedience of its will from
people. It means power over
people of an area
unrestrained by laws
originating outside the area
or independence completely
devoid of direct external
Which element of the state is this?
• It refers to
those whom the
state is obliged
to protect and
provide services
to; the human
institution of
the State
Which element of
the state is this?
It is the formal institutions
through which people are ruled.
The Unofficial Fifth Element
International Recognition: UN
Non-member Observer Status: This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

• Palestine
• Holy See (Vatican City)
Without UN Non-member Observer Status
•Western Sahara
•South Ossetia
•Northern Cyprus
Nation vs State
Nation State
More cultural Political entity
and identity- which is
based bounded by a
territory and
headed by a
• A nation and a state can
exist independently of one
• A nation can exist without
a state and a state can
exist without a nation
• When the two combines,
nation-state is formed
which embodies both of
its characteristics.
Decolonization and
the Rise of Nation-
• From USA : Philippines (1946), Palau
• From Britain: India
• From Union of Soviet Socialist Republic:
Russia, Ukrain, Kazakhstan, etc.
• From Indonesia: Timor Leste (2002)
• Former Yugoslavia: Montenegro and
Serbia (2006)
• From Serbia: Kosovo (2008)
• From Sudan, Africa: South Sudan (2011)
Nations, States and Globalization
Globalization Economic

• defined as the expanding scale,

growing magnitude, speeding up and
deepening impact of interregional Environmental Political

flows and patterns of social

interaction. FACETS OF
• refers to a shift or transformation in
the scale of human social organization
that links distant communities and
expands the reach of power relations
across the world’s major regions and Technological Cultural

continents (Held and McGrew, 2003:

• a process of interaction and
integration of every landscape in
the planet (Levin Institute 2015).
• a process that is slowly changing
things into one complex scheme
that transcends cultural,
political, technological and social
boundaries-a system devoid of
spatial restraints that ultimately
challenges the very existence of
Push and Pull

Environmental Political


Technological Cultural

What are the effects of Globalization?

Positive and Negative
The Challenge
How can sovereign nations balance the
impact of Globalization?

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