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Many international students report that one of the most difficult aspects of taking part in
discussion with native speakers is getting the chance to say what they want to.
In many English-speaking countries, academic discussion does not usually involve students
politely taking turns to make their point, then quietly waiting for the next person to speak
Useful language: Interrupting

If you need to interrupt a lively discussion to get your chance to speak, it’s good idea to signal
that you intend to interrupt before you make your point, for the practical reason that people
may not hear you, or realize you are speaking, if you simply start to state your idea. The
phrases people normally use to do this are quite simple.
 Can I / Could I just say/ask…..
 If I could just say/ask…..
 I just wanted to say/ask…..
 Sorry, but I wanted to say/ask…..
Useful language: Delaying an Interruption

If someone tries to interrupt you before you have finished making your point, you can try to
make them wait
 Sorry, but if I could just finish what I was trying to say….
 Could I just finish?
Useful language: Re-taking your “turn”

If your “turn” is interrupted, you may want to go back to what you were saying before
 Yes, but what I wanted to say was….
 What I was going to/about to say was….
 Going back to what I was saying about….
 As I was saying….
Read and Understand the text!
Individual Task!

 Make a list of environmental problems facing the world. Include those mentioned in the
text, and any others you know of. Which ones affect your own country ?

 Type your answer on Ms. Word and submitted to your PJMK before Thursday, 21 st March

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