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Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre) 30th April 2021


TAS 2021

• Activities pertaining to TAS targets are under progress

• Management approved the report regarding the “Setting up quality control lab of KHEL” on 9.04.2021.
• Submitted three applied research proposals to the management.
• An implementation report on resolving HRDC office earthing issue is submitted on 27.04.2021 for endorsement.

• Continue to work on applied research work on proposed topics.

• Report preparation in the process for sediment management/analysis for DGPC plants.
• Carrying out Task 2 for ‘Capacity Development for Monitoring of Hydropower Plant Safety’ at DHPC .
• Carry out assessment, review & implement Transformer and Lubrication oils storage in the Power Plants and develop plant specific guidelines.
• Condition assessment of E&M equipment of THP.
• Criticality assessment of Hydro-mechanical equipment for all the Power Plants.
• Continue to work on Accreditation of the Laboratory Testing Equipment and services of HRDC


• Director CPD/PD visited HRDC facility and met with its officials on 5.04.2021
• Mr. Rinchen Wangdi from CoEACaP attended a review meeting on Suitable Design and Engineering of a municipal Solid Waste Incinerator at
RSSTEM office at Thimphu on 6.04.2021
• Officials identified for the TAS target 2021 on Exploratory Study for conversion of electricity to hydrogen fuel attended a meeting with CAD, CO and
University of Graz, Austria to discuss on way forward on 15.04.2021.
• The Austrian Resident Coordinator (Head of Office, Austrian Coordination Office, Thimphu) visited HRDC facility on 15.04.2021
• HRDC officials participated in the cleaning of designated areas on 2 nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.
• The work “Repair of cracks in Powerhouse and Dam of KHP “ is in progress.
• The work “ Modification & Extension of HRDC block at THP” is in progress.
• Microseismic monitoring is being carried out on daily basis in parallel to National Institute of Rock Mechanics to build in-house capacity.
• Technical scouting and design of a Incinerator for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is going on.
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


• Mr. Chhimi , AE (Civil), Ms. Chhimi Tshewang, AE (Civil) & Mrs. Rinchen Lhamo, EE (Civil) attended online training on “Stability Analysis of
Underground THP Powerhouse using Microseismic Monitoring “ from 19 th to 24th of April, 2021.
• Head, CoECBM Division imparted training on “Supervision & Maintenance of Insulating Oils in Power Transformers” on 23 rd & 24th April 2021 to the
participants from THP & CHP.


• All the Purchase Requisition (PR) pertaining to items provisioned by HRDC scheduled for April cycle have been completed.
• Clarifications & Specifications for the PR items requisitioned by HRDC in the earlier months, being furnished, as and when enquired by MMD
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


• Conducted insulation diagnostic test of 9 nos. of HV bushing of 25MVA power transformer for M/S GE at Dochula, Thimphu on 02.04.2021.
• Conducted earth impedance test of CO building at CO, DGPC, Thimphu on 03.04.2021.
• Conducted and completed the following tests at BHP from 05.04.2021 to 06.04.2021.
 Earth resistance test of lower stage switchyard( towards BHP main office & towards upper stage)
 Earth resistance test of upper stage switchyard
 Instrument calibration of 7 Nos. of digital multimeters and 3Nos. clamp meters.
• Conducted and completed Insulation diagnostic test of unit 4 generator tests at CHP from 05.04.2021 & 06.04.2021:
• Conducted primary injection and insulation diagnostic test on UAT5(Unit 5), UAT(Unit 4) , and excitation transformers(unit 4&5) at THP on
07.04.2021 & 08.04.2021.
• Protection relay testing of unit 3 & 4, Feeders 2 & 4 and bus reactors were carried out at MHPA from 08.04.2021 to 14.04.2021.
• Carried out primary injection and insulation diagnostic test on excitation transformer no. 3 of THP on 10.04.2021.
• Primary injection and insulation diagnostic tests were carried out at CHP of the following from 12.04.2021 to 16.04.2021:
 Generator 4,
 66kV CTs(4nos.) and 3nos. Of 66kV CTs(new) after installation
 220kV CTs for feeder 2 and 66kV spare CTs(5 nos.)
 6 nos. of CTs.
• Conducted Partial discharge test on GTs( unit 4) of THP on 15.04.2021.
• HVDC test of generator stator & top bars of unit 2(3 phases) and unit 1 was conducted at THyE, Trongsa on 18.04.2021 & 20.04.2021.
• Conducted and completed the following tests at Dam, THP, Wangkha on 19.04.2021 & 21.04.2021:
 Primary injection, insulation diagnostic, IR and capacitance tests on 250kVA ,315kVA and 360kVA transformers.
 Protection relay testing of 39nos. of EM relays.
 Battery capacity and impedance test of 220V DC, 65AH Amaraja battery at HT/LT room and desilting chamber control room

• Monthly analysis and report generation of Geotechnical Instrumentation & Monitoring of PHPA-II.
• Provided 3D monitoring services to BHP from 6 th to 11th and for DHPC from 12th to 14th April 2021.
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


• Ultrasonic Testing on brazed joints of stator end windings of Unit - 1, PHPA-II.

• Vibration Measurement of Unit – 2 of MHPA after annual Maintenance
• Ultrasonic Testing on brazed joints of stator end windings of Unit - 2, THyE.
• Ground Vibration assessment report of THyE for the month of February and March 2021.
• Ultrasonic Testing on journal bearings (UGB, LGB & Thrust pads) of Unit - 4, CHP.
• Vibration measurement of generating Unit - 3 of THP before Annual maintenance 2020-2021
• Vibration measurement of generating Unit - 5 of THP after Annual maintenance 2020-2021
• Ultrasonic Testing on Weld joints of Pressure Shaft (steel liners) of THyE.
• Magnetic Particle Testing on runner buckets of Unit - 3, THP.
• Vibration measurement of generating Unit - 4 of CHP after Annual Maintenance 2020-2021.
• Physical inspection of the data center server room using thermal imaging camera at Thimphu.
• Ground Vibration data analysis for PHPA-II for the month of April 2021.

• DGA for SST - 7, SST- 8 & SST - 9 of Wangkha Dam, THP.

• Oil condition assessment for SST - 7, SST - 8, SST - 9 & SST - 10 of Wangkha Dam, THP.
• Lubricating oil condition assessment for Unit - 1 (UGB) and Unit - 4 (OPU &TRGB) of CHP.
• Lubricating oil condition assessment for Unit - 3 (LGB, UGB & OPU) and Unit - 2 (OPU) of THP.
• Mineral Content and Particle Size Distribution Analysis for deposited samples collected from CHP dam during Reservoir Scouring on 8.04.2021.
• Suspended Sediment Concentration Analysis for Intake, TRT and Lubichhu of CHP for the month of March 2021.
• Suspended Sediment Concentration Analysis for Intake Dam THP for the month of March 2021
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


Revenue generated in the month of April 2021:

• CoEACaP- Nu. 0.854 M

• CoECGE - Nu. 0.189 M
• CoECBM- Nu. 0.726 M (CBMA – 0.490 M & CTA – Nu 0.236 M)

Total Revenue Generated from all the CoEs - Nu. 1.769 Million.
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)

• Continue with TAS 2021 related tasks.
• Other related routine tasks pertaining to HRDC.


• Continue working on the proposed applied research topics.

• Conduct relay testing of unit I at MHPA, Trongsa.
• Continue with partial discharge tests on remaining GTs in THP, as a part of one of the TAS 2021.
• Attend a Webex conference meeting (5.05.2021) with CAD, CO & CEO HyCentA, Austria to understand and discuss the activities and outcome of the
first evaluation on Hydrogen fuel-TAS target 2021.
• Raise Purchase Requisition scheduled for the month of May.
• Execute Task 2 for “Capacity Development for Monitoring of Hydropower Plant Safety” at DHPC.
• Prepare the sediment management/analysis report.
• Conduct pre monsoon bathymetric survey at BHP pondage, CHP, KHP & THP Dam.
• Establish 3D monitoring system at CHP Powerhouse.
• Carry out 3D monitoring at Kuenga Rabten, MHPA.
• Continue with the work ‘Repair of cracks in Powerhouse and Dam of KHP’.
• Continue with the work ‘Modification & Extension of HRDC Block at THP’.
• Continue with the condition assessment of THP EM Equipment.
• Ground vibration data collections and submission of analysis report for THyE and PHPA-II.
• Thermography inspection during Core flux test of Stator winding of Unit-2, PHPA-II and Unit-3, MHPA.
• Emission Testing of Diesel Generator set at all the power plants.
• To attend any ad-hoc/emergency testing services.
• Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) analysis for BHP, CHP, THP & THyE.
• Dissolved gas analysis and oil condition a assessment of BHP transformers.
• Lubricating oil condition assessment of CHP and THP.
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


Deadline/ Weightage
ISO SN Description Status
Target (%)

Set up of KHEL Quality Lab • Report approved by the management and shared the
3.2.1 Review the quality control lab of other projects Mar 3 report with KHEL as per the directives from the
and set up the quality control lab of KHEL management.

JV in HM
As Per • Discussion on TAA and Preparation of Business Plan
Q 3.2.2 Establish and Train Team for Implementation of 5
Schedule proposal are under progress.
HM Services

Provide Solutions for Earthing Issues • The final analyses & implementation report submitted
O 3.2.3 Apr 2
Implement solutions to management on 27.04.2021 for endorsement.

Assessment, Review and Implement of

Transformer and Lubrication Oil Storage in
the Power Plants and Develop Plant Specific
Z 3.2.4 Guidelines May 5 • Guidelines report will be submitted in the second
week of May.
Formulate and implement plant specific
guidelines on the storage of the transformer
and lubrication oil
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


Deadline/ Weightage
ISO SN Description Status
Target (%)

Instrumentation at Puna I • Submitted the draft MoU, identified manpower list

QO 3.2.5 May 5 and worked out monthly charge out rates to the
Signing of contract and provide services

Provide Services to MHP Unit-III Addressing • Rendered & completed the relay testing services for
the entire protection relays in U-3.
QO 3.2.6 To provide technical support and services to Jun 3
MHPA for Unit No. III along with the detailed • Remaining work in progress.
assessment report.

Review the Financials and Strategies of HRDC

to Address the Losses and Implement
Q 3.2.7 • The work is under progress.
Submit review report to Management Jun
Implement Recommendations Sep

Review/Update Dam Civil Structures and HM

Components of all Plants
QO 3.2.8 Sep 3 • Under Progress.
To submit the assessment report on dam civil
structures and HM components of all plants
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


Deadline/ Weightage
ISO SN Description Status
Target (%)

Provide HRDC Services Outside of Bhutan • Tan-Delta testing service for power transformer bushing
Q 3.2.9 Initiate at least one service outside of Sep 7 was rendered to GE, T&D on behalf of BPC at their
Bhutan upcoming substation in Dochula.

Exploratory Study for Conversion of

Electricity to Hydrogen Fuel & Green • A meeting with CAD and University of Graz, Austria was
E 3.2.10 Ammonia and to Other Energy Storage Oct 5 conducted on 15.04.2021 to discuss the way forward.
Submit the study report to DHI

Condition Assessment of E&M Equipment

of THP
QO 3.2.11 • Assessment tests pertaining to HRDC are in progress.
Submit first draft to management Mar 1
Submit final draft to management Sep 3
Obtain approval of management Nov 1

Intellectual Property Management

Q 3.2.12 Identify and compile relevant intellectual Nov 3 • Under Progress.
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


Deadline/ Weightage
ISO SN Description Status
Target (%)

Conduct Criticality Assessment of Hydro-

Mechanical Equipment for all the Power
Plants • Focal persons have been nominated for the task.
QO 3.2.13 Nov 7
To submit the criticality assessment report
on hydro mechanical equipment for all the
power plants

Applied Research Works on Relevant Field

• Three research proposals were submitted to the
Management for approval.
Q 3.2.14 Submission of research proposal to the
Apr 2.5
Submission of final research report to the
Dec 2.5
management for endorsement

Obtain Accreditation of the Laboratory

Testing Equipment and Services of HRDC
Q 3.2.15 • Works under progress.
Submit the feasibility study to
Jun 3
Obtain accreditation Dec 2

Submit Sediment Management/Analysis

Z 3.2.16 Report for DGPC Plants Jun-Dec 5 • Report preparation is under the progress.
Submit half yearly report to Management
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


Deadline/ Weightage
ISO SN Description Status
Target (%)

Guideline for Maintenance and

Overhauling of Transformers as Part of
Competency Building within HRDC • Literature Survey initiated & is in Progress.
QO 3.2.17 Nov 5
resolve issues with all GT in the country in
terms of undertaking high end
maintenance works

Conduct Partial Discharge (PD)

Measurement and Analysis of all the GTs
and Major Power Transformers across • Completed for one sets of GT at THP power house.
Remaining units for THP to be taken up in the month of
QO 3.2.18 DGPC Plants Nov 5
Conduct PD measurement and compile the
test records and findings for future

JV/Partnership with International

Q 3.2.19 Nov 3 . Under exploration
To explore the JV/Partnership with the
international companies

Capacity Building with ADA

To build the competency in geotechnical • Conducted video conference on 28.04.2021 with
Q 3.2.20 Nov 5 consultant and CDTA members for execution of Task 2 at
instrumentation as per the activities
outline in CDTA – phase II program
Monthly Operating Dashboard

(Hydropower Research & Development Centre)


Deadline/ Weightage
ISO SN Description Status
Target (%)

Expansion Program for HRDC

Q 3.2.21 To submit the detail assessment report for Dec 5 • Under progress
the expansion of HRDC services

Being Green Initiative

E To submit the quarterly report on the Jan-Dec 1 • HRDC officials adhering to the relevant requirements
3.2.22 of the Target.
disposal of chemical and lubrication waste

Compliance to ISO-IMS and AMS

Z 3.2.23 Quarterly report submission as per Zero NC 1 • All ISO-IMS and AMS requirement are being complied.
compliance checklist and ensure zero NC

Implementation of safety culture

O 3.2.24 Quarterly report submission as per Safety Jan-Dec 1 • All safety requirements are being adhered to.

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